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About cpugsie

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    Advanced Member

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  • Interests
    Hunting and Mechanical Design

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  1. cpugsie

    Antler Staining

    Nice Job! I've used Minwax Jacobean Stain and put some Johnson’s paste wax on the tips of the antlers so the stain wouldn't stick to the tips. This has worked nicely for me in the past. Sometimes you need a couple coats of the stain.
  2. cpugsie

    2020 Archery OTC Coues

    That is a beautiful buck! Congratulations!!!
  3. cpugsie

    They are Hitting Cards

    My son and I both got tags.
  4. cpugsie

    Buddy’s buck

    That is a beautiful buck! Congratulations!!!
  5. cpugsie

    The First of Many

    Super nice buck! Congratulations.
  6. cpugsie

    First archery buck!

    Just an awesome buck!!! WOW!
  7. cpugsie

    Opening Day buck

    Super nice buck!
  8. cpugsie

    The drought is over

    Great looking buck!
  9. cpugsie

    Buck of a lifetime!!

  10. As soon as my hunts over that's exactly what I'm going to do.
  11. Thanks for the bump and for the nice words Coues and Sheep!