I found this post on line and joined Couse whitetail hoping to get some help from everyone. Jeff (Taxidermy AZ) Has my 307" Bison from may 2013 I received the same letter in november, and was able to get in contact with him early January, I was supposed to pick up my hide and horns and hold them myself until Jeffs brother Tom was ready to do the mount. Shortly after the new number I had was disconected and I have no infomration and starting all over. In the above post when you say you "Talked to Tom" is that by chance Tom Paulson? Did you get your deer back, or finsihed? Any help would be greatly appriciated. I am very much an opourtinst when it comes to hunting. This buffalo is the only Trophy animal I have ever harvested, and the only thing I have ever taken to a taxidemist. My email is brady@bjtrucking.com any infomration at all would be greatly appriciated.