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Everything posted by trophyseeker

  1. trophyseeker

    Thieves in Tucson

    My guess is someone thought you put them out for bulk trash pickup. So they did you a favor. πŸ™„
  2. trophyseeker

    Shipping ammo

    I know, and I was just attempting to clarify so no one thinks they can use the flat rate when no ammo shipping is actually available at the USPS . πŸ‘
  3. trophyseeker

    Shipping ammo

    Last I saw, it's illegal to ship ammo via the USPS. Only options are UPS or Fedex. Domestically Prohibited Items These items may not be sent in U.S. mail: Air Bags Ammunition Explosives Gasoline Marijuana (medical or otherwise)
  4. trophyseeker

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    Sorry, but I can't understand the logic is this last reply. If the other stations are sold out, where is everyone going to buy their gas & what will they pay for it??? Ans: From the guy who conserved his supply and is the only one that has gas for sale at the price HE dictates. As a result he makes an outlandish profit on every gallon he sells until he too runs out.
  5. trophyseeker

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    You just made my point. They can't pay higher prices for trucks if no one has them. And when someone does have a truck to sell, that seller get to dictate how much it will sell for. This guy is doing just that with the gas he ALREADY has in his underground tanks - that same gas that people can't buy elsewhere & wouldl like to have in their car's gas tank. BTW, you might have missed this in my last reply because I edited it while you were replying: I'm guessing the seller is also trying to conserve his supply by maintaining a higher than normal price. Gas has extremely low margins, so if he's making a real killing per gallon, he doesn't need to sell as many gals. to make the same profit as if his prices were in the mainstream.
  6. trophyseeker

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    Free market econimics work only when there is enough supply to meet the demand for a particular product. I'm guessing the seller is also trying to conserve his supply by maintaining a higher than normal price. Gas has extremely low margins, so if he's making a real killing per gallon, he doesn't need to sell as many gals. to make the same profit as if his prices were in the mainstream.
  7. trophyseeker

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    How do you know she is not American??
  8. trophyseeker

    Unit 27 outfitter

    Unless I'm missing something, it could be as short as one year, no?
  9. trophyseeker

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    My sincere condolences to you & your family. RIP Kristin.
  10. trophyseeker

    Fish ID

    Could be Pleasant, as well.
  11. trophyseeker

    Fish ID

    They're shad. Probably gizzard since they appear a bit too large for threadfin.
  12. trophyseeker

    Black River Small Mouth

    That's a nice bear. No fish pix???
  13. trophyseeker

    Free Turkey in Tucson

    Geeez, just cook it & eat what you can. Then strip all the rest of the meat off & freeze in meal-size packs for two people. If you put it in decent Zip-loc bags, just submersing in boiling water is enough to heat it. Or just defrost & eat it cold in a sandwich w/cranberrry sauce & mayo. Also, with the scraps, which you will have a lot of them, make a turkey salad for sandwiches. You can freeze it, too. Lots of future meals in that bird. πŸ˜‰
  14. trophyseeker

    Bison reduction project

    That movie was mentioned in both the articles from Bill & Tony in that thread I linked to.
  15. trophyseeker

    Bison reduction project

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems to be the major difference -- access, i.e. shooting within the park's boundaries.
  16. trophyseeker

    Bison reduction project

    This was a super thread on the history of AZ bison herds with insights from the old timers -- Bill Quimby & Tony Mandile. A Bit of History - Buffalo Hunting
  17. trophyseeker

    Pedestal Tree/Stump

    That's super looking for someone with a ceative touch.
  18. trophyseeker

    Flag fire up by kingman

  19. trophyseeker

    Best thermal image of 2021

    I get this same page in my browser.
  20. trophyseeker

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Of course. I would too.
  21. trophyseeker

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Okay, makes more sense now. Sounds like they won't fix it because it costs more than the truck is worth. So instead, they will give you $2000 under the comprehensive coverage, which covers vandalism, and take the totaled truck. Or you can pay for it yourself and keep the truck.
  22. trophyseeker

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Platinum, palladium and rhodium. A gram of platinum is worth about $40, BUT...a single troy ounce, which is slightly heavier than a regular ounce, of rhodium cost around $27,000 last week β€” more than a brand-new Toyota Prius. That’s up from $1,700 three years ago.
  23. trophyseeker

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    The cats have rare metals in them that can be salvaged.
  24. trophyseeker

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    I'm still a bit confused. Vandalism comes under comprehensive coverage, not liability. So it sounds like you might have the comprehensive coverage but the insurance company will pay you only $2000 and take the 'totaled' truck if you choose that route. Or you have only liability coverage, thus vandalism isn't covered & they won't pay you a thing. Which is correct?
  25. trophyseeker

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Gulp! 😲 Do you really have a $2000 deductible on comprehensive coverage?