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Everything posted by trophyseeker

  1. Perhaps you might have a few extra trail cams laying around to sell off. Donate the proceeds here: https://conserveandprotectaz.org/contribute/
  2. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    Are you aware of what HSUS was trying to do? Are you aware of what HSUS has done in the past, i.e. with bear hunting in CO, leg-hold traps here is AZ, etc. It takes MONEY to fight those political battles, and G&F funds cannot be legally used for such. The lack of such money is why HSUS was successful with the trap initiative. I'll also guess that if HSUS succeeds with the cat vote, it will then go after ALL bear hunting in AZ.
  3. Twigsnapper basically answered your question. By collecting signatures, HSUS was seeking to get a VOTER-decided initiative on the 2018 ballot to undermine the G&F management of the various feline critters. When the state's residents get to vote on an issue on the general ballot, it is POLITICAL in nature. And right or wrong, a STATE AGENCY by LAW cannot be involved in such, even if that agency favors the proposal. We lost the battle over leg-hold traps simply because no one had the needed funds to counter the ads the animal rights groups poured into the state. The same could happen to lion hunting if someone doesn't step up to plate when HSUS returns for a second at-bat.
  4. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    That is also enshrined in Title 17 and would take the legislature to change it. BUT... it would have to allocate proceeds to some other organization because G&F would still NOT BE ABLE TO GET INVOLVED IN POLITICAL ISSUES. How are the tags the are speaking of different than current super raffle and auction tags? Not stirring the pot, i honestly wouldn't know Likely because it will take NEW legislation to approve them and direct the proceeds to the other organization. In any case, G&F has to be removed from both the money collection aspect and isolated from any political actions that relate to the fund use. BUT...the legislature will also have to outline what actions the organization can spend the dollars, especially when it comes to paying "administers" and such.
  5. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    That is also enshrined in Title 17 and would take the legislature to change it. BUT... it would have to allocate proceeds to some other organization because G&F would still NOT BE ABLE TO GET INVOLVED IN POLITICAL ISSUES.
  6. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    Are you being intentionally dense or playing your usual games? Reread what I wrote -- slowly if that what it takes for you to understand it correctly.
  7. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    No it would be the biggest lawsuit ever filed so no money from app fees, tag fees, auction tags, raffle tags, fines? One more time... By STATE LAW, any funds AGFD directly collects cannot be spent on anything political in nature -- whether it is for TV, radio or newspaper ads or "educating the public" about the evils of HSUS. As a state agency, it cannot publically offer pro or con opinions on political issues. This prohibition goes for every other state agency as well. The money G&F collects, which is devoid of any state general funds, can be used only as outlined in Title 17. Those mandates basically outline the tasks of managing wildlife, habitat, hunters, fishermen, trappers and NON-GAME critters.
  8. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    What he said! I've known Pete since the 1970s. He's probably done more for conservation in this state than 99.9% of the members here. He's one of the reasons that more than twice as many hunters get to chase desert sheep now than in the 1970s. Best idea so far is a habitat stamp that's $10-$20 a year and that money goes to this fund. That money would go into the G&F coffers and could only be used for HABITAT -- not political activism, which is illegal anyway. Like many here, I'm not quick to jump to conclusions until I know ALL the facts. At this point, I do not. Now, I'm making an assumption here, because it's the only way to battle HSUS and future initiatives LEGALLY. The majority of funds from the tags will need to go direct to Pete's organization and be earmarked for specific purposes.
  9. trophyseeker

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    What he said! I've known Pete since the 1970s. He's probably done more for conservation in this state than 99.9% of the members here. He's one of the reasons that more than twice as many hunters get to chase desert sheep now than in the 1970s.
  10. I would say 0 since they couldnt even comment on the issue. They cant get into politics Bingo! G&F cannot spend any funds or get politically involved for or against any proposed bill or initiative. That can be changed but theyd rather spend the time and money to push for a tag grab. Yeah, if they can get the legislature to change the law against it for every state agency.
  11. I would say 0 since they couldnt even comment on the issue. They cant get into politics Bingo! G&F cannot spend any funds or get politically involved for or against any proposed bill or initiative.
  12. trophyseeker

    Dang i love Stripers!

    You need to either buy yourself a massage parlor or start acting like an adult.
  13. trophyseeker

    How many Decades ?

    First Coues buck in 1964 east of Elfrida in the Chiricahua foothills.
  14. Where did you find that statement?
  15. Basic cost for the hunting part??
  16. trophyseeker

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    This is just a FYI post to avoid what appears to be some confusion as to what "take" and "taking" means. This direct from the state's official TITLE 17 laws: 17-101. Definitions A. In this title, unless the context otherwise requires: 20. "Take" means pursuing, shooting, hunting, fishing, trapping, killing, capturing, snaring or netting wildlife or the placing or using of any net or other device or trap in a manner that may result in the capturing or killing of wildlife. 24. "Wildlife" means all wild mammals, wild birds and the nests or eggs thereof, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, crustaceans and fish, including their eggs or spawn. ********* 17-240. Disposition of wildlife; devices; unlawful devices; notice of intention to destroy; waiting period; destruction; jurisdiction of recovery actions; disposition of unclaimed property B. Devices, excepting firearms, which cannot be used lawfully for the taking of wildlife and being so used at the time seized may be destroyed. Notice of intention to destroy such devices as prescribed in this section must be sent by registered mail to the last known address of the person from whom seized if known and posted in three conspicuous places within the county wherein seized, two of said notices being posted in the customary place for posting public notices about the county courthouse of said county. Such device shall be held by the department for thirty days after such posting and mailing, and if no action is commenced to recover possession of such device within such time, the same shall be summarily destroyed by the department, or if such device shall be held by the court in any such action to have been used for the taking of wildlife, then such device shall be summarily destroyed by the department immediately after the decision of the court has become final. The justice court shall have jurisdiction of any such actions or proceedings commenced to recover the possession of such devices. C. Devices other than those referred to in subsection B, including firearms seized under this title shall, after final disposition of the case, be returned to the person from whom the device was seized. If the person from whom the device was seized cannot be located or ascertained, the device seized shall be retained by the department at least ninety days after final disposition of the case, and all devices so held by the department may be: 1. Sold annually. 2. Destroyed only if considered a prohibited or defaced weapon, as defined in section 13-3101, except that any seized firearm registered in the national firearms registry and transfer records of the United States treasury department or has been classified as a curio or relic by the United States treasury department shall not be destroyed. D. If no complaint is filed pursuant to this title, the device shall be returned to the person from whom seized within thirty days from the date seized. E. A complete report of all wildlife and devices seized by the department showing a description of the items, the person from whom it was seized, if known, and a record of the disposition shall be kept by the department. The money derived from the sale of any devices shall be deposited in the game and fish fund. ********************** This direct from the AGFD's 2017-2018 Regulations booklet: From pg. 109 20. Take means pursuing, shooting, hunting, fishing, trapping, killing, capturing, snaring or netting wildlife or the placing or using of any net or other device or trap in a manner that may result in the capturing or killing of wildlife. From pg. 105 Take/Hunt From A Vehicle (A.R.S. 17-301 B, R12-4-319) Pages 108 and 130 No person may take wildlife from a motor vehicle, watercraft or aircraft, except as permitted by Commission Order, and under the provisions of the Challenged Hunter Access Mobility Permit Commission Rule (R12-4217). Take, as defined by law, includes pursuing, shooting, hunting and killing wildlife. You are unlawfully using a vehicle to take wildlife if you intentionally drive around until you see the animal you wish to harvest and then make an attempt to take. Road hunting is illegal; so is pursuing wildlife with a vehicle, chasing or heading off moving wildlife with a vehicle, and driving off-road to get closer to wildlife. You do not have to shoot from the vehicle to be in violation.
  17. That shotgun has to be almost 60 years old or more. J.C. Higgins was the Sears' "store brand." The Model 20 was made by High Standard sometime before 1962 or so. A lot of different companies made firearms for them under the Higgins' label and later under the Ted Williams brand. J.C. Penny's store brand was Foremost and Monkey Wards used Western Field. If I recall, all three went completely out of the gun business in the 1980s
  18. trophyseeker

    One Caliber in Arizona

    If I had to choose a caliber it would be either .30 or 7mm. For a cartridge, I would likely pick a 300 Win mag or a 7mm Rem mag. But the ol' reliable 30-06 is perfectly fine, too.
  19. trophyseeker

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    Reread the statute again. There is nothing about a "particular successful hunter" mentioned. Pay specific attention to the words in RED and then refer to the game laws for the definitions of "taking" and "aiding." Also note that the wording says "wildlife," i.e. that's not just deer and elk. That can include quail, waterfowl or even predators. So a "tag" is not a prequisite for a citation. 5. A person shall not use any trail camera, or images from a trail camera, for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take of wildlife within one-fourth mile (440 yards) of the outer perimeter of a developed water source.
  20. trophyseeker

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    It doesn't ban killing a two-point off of water; it bans using a trail camera to that end.
  21. trophyseeker

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    At least they didn't ban your beloved massage parlors.
  22. trophyseeker

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Nah, your 'job' is to practice your religion as you deem necessary. Just don't knock on my door to preach to me how I should practice. Besides, I've already 'found' Jesus; he was hiding behind the couch of all places.
  23. trophyseeker


    Bingo! Neither the ocotillo or the various agave/century plants are true cacti. BUT...that doesn't mean they might not be protected because the statutes are so written to protect specific native PLANTS, not just cacti. Here's a good site to view which cactus species are native to AZ. http://www.americansouthwest.net/plants/cacti/arizona.html
  24. trophyseeker

    Which Knife Sharpener?

    A standard shop belt sander would certainly sharpen a blade. I have used one to reedge wood chisels. The difference between using it and the Worksharp is getting the PROPER angle to the edge. The WS has guides to do that. With chisels, there is only a one-sided angle to worry about. Mine is the standard one.
  25. trophyseeker

    Hunters education ???’s

    Not positive, but I believe that is correct.