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Everything posted by trophyseeker

  1. trophyseeker

    Lots of lessons in this article!

    Should make folks think twice before adhering to the "three S" method of "wildlife management.".
  2. trophyseeker

    Job Search For a Friend

    A son of good friend has been searching for a decent paying job in the greater Phoenix area for a while now without much luck. He's 55 and feels his age has been the main reason so few of his applications result in a contact. What they don't know is that he has the body and stamina of a 20 yr. old because he has worked out all his life, doesn't drink alcohol and has never delved into drugs. Plus, he's reliable to a fault. He's mainly searching for a driving position for any type truck but a semi. He has an up to date CDL license with HAZMAT qualifications. He also has several years experience as a banquet manager at large resorts here in the valley. Either of these jobs would be fine with him, and he might also consider any decent position that doesn't need any type of extensive experience. He a quick learner. That said, he's definitely not interested in construction or ditch-digging openings. Send me a PM if you know of anything. Thanks
  3. trophyseeker

    Job Search For a Friend

    Thank you to everyone who sent me PMs and made suggestions in this thread. If anyone else can come with more, please do.
  4. trophyseeker

    Job Search For a Friend

    Sadly, has none of that type of experience other than working on vehicles.
  5. trophyseeker

    Job Search For a Friend

  6. trophyseeker

    Job Search For a Friend

    And that would be out for him. He's always been a non-smoker and won't cope with it. He recently divorced and was about to move in with a guy until he found out he's a smoker. No go and now living with his sister on a temp basis. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  7. trophyseeker

    Job Search For a Friend

    And one sent back. Thanks
  8. trophyseeker

    Smoker recomendations

    Me too. I've had mine for about 10 years and it's still going strong.
  9. In reality, MM is actually a bit tamer now than what this site has become over the years with all the personal attacks. It takes only a couple idiots to ruin a site. And that's sadly unfortunate because quite a few members have either left entirely or quit posting as much.
  10. trophyseeker

    Ghetto birds are swarming

    Nonsense. Maryvale is basically 51th Ave. west to the 101 or so and from Thomas Rd north to Bethany Home. Some of the best neighborhoods in the valley are north of there and stretch all the way to Carefree Highway. It would all come under your "west of I-17" generality. Lastly 39th Ave. /Greenway is MILES from Maryvale.
  11. trophyseeker

    Guys heres is my bull..

    Well done! Congrats.
  12. trophyseeker

    Favorite Coues Taxidermist?

    Ssshhh. I wouldn't spread that around too much. 😉 His exit from the business wasn't pretty for a lot of guys.
  13. http://www.foxnews.com/auto/2018/09/18/4-bodies-recovered-from-atv-crash-that-sparked-arizona-wildfire.html https://www.abc15.com/news/state/4-missing-after-atv-crash-near-payson-sheriffs-officials-say https://www.12news.com/video/news/local/arizona/four-people-believed-dead-after-atv-crash-sparks-wildfire-near-payson/75-8253644
  14. trophyseeker

    Have you seen or know this guy?

    Aaah. That's clearer. 😲 At first I thought you meant to say a "bear sighting," thus couldn't understand how that came out of this incident.
  15. trophyseeker

    Have you seen or know this guy?

  16. trophyseeker

    Have you seen or know this guy?

    Guessing someone at the campground got his license # before he drove off. Wonder if we'll ever find out what set him off. That kind of attack with no obvious reason is pretty uncommon, too. 😡
  17. trophyseeker

    U of A / ASU Football

    I should have bet on SDSU. 🤑 Too much poor play from bad tackling to a not-so-hot offensive scheme.
  18. trophyseeker

    People and game cameras.

    If I recall, tags and licenses have the OGT phone # on them. Did you call??
  19. trophyseeker

    Have you seen or know this guy?

    He turned himself in. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2018/09/15/suspect-verde-river-campsite-beating-surrenders-authorities/1322538002/
  20. trophyseeker

    End of the Line Hazen you silly loser

    And that was another goofy decision by Lovullo. They did the same thing with Brandon Crawford a while back. If I recall that game, the Giants already had the winning run(s) on 2nd and maybe even 3rd with 1st base OPEN and Crawford coming up. He had been killing them. I don't recall how many outs there was, but regardless it should have been an automatic walk to set up forces on the bases and face a different hitter. Instead, he knocked in the winning run. STICK A FORK IN 'EM!!! 🤬
  21. trophyseeker

    Canine TV

    So yesterday I opened an email from COX, my cable provider, and found out for the low, low price of $4.99 per month I can now add Dog TV to my cable subscription. Cox describes the programing as ideal for dogs that are left alone in the house all day. Now I want to go adopt a pup just so I can see if it really works to keep them occupied. I'm only guessing of course, but I imagine the commercials are also geared to the canine set, and the dogs will bark when they see something they would like their owners to buy them, especially snacks for when they park themselves in front of the TV for the doggie movies such as 101 Dalmatians, Benji, The Stray, A Dog's Purpose, etc. For sports programing they get to watch the canine jumping contests and field trials.
  22. trophyseeker

    End of the Line Hazen you silly loser

    Yup. There were other nits, but to me that was terrible management on Lovullo's part.
  23. trophyseeker

    End of the Line Hazen you silly loser

    Last night, it was Lovullo's decision to allow Corbin to hit away with the bases loaded and one out. Corbin is not even an average hitter, much less a decent one like Grenke. The smart move would have been either A: bunt toward first base, perhaps a safety squeeze or B: take an intentional strike out. Both would have likely avoided the double play, which the odds favored. That would have brought Pollock to bat with a much better chance to get a run-scoring hit. Instead, Corbin ended the inning with a routine DP and one of the night's better scoring opportunities, which were kind of rare.
  24. trophyseeker

    Camofire trail cams

    Sure you can. Look in the lower left of the white bar below your already posted message right next to the Quote link. You'll find EDIT an OPTIONS (Delete).
  25. trophyseeker

    Mountain Goat!!!

    Well done. Congrats on a great looking billy.