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Everything posted by trophyseeker

  1. trophyseeker

    Deer pooping habits?

    Yes. Saw one poop once. I don't know where it was among the 13 times, however, and there was no number left near the pile.
  2. trophyseeker

    WTB Heated socks

    The Kenetrek with that triple lining are like the ones I own. I thought they were Bean's but I looked and they are from La Crosse. Except for the linings, I sure don't see much difference between the Grizzly and regular Bean boots of the same style either
  3. trophyseeker

    WTB Heated socks

    Yup. There's even a giant boot outside the Maine store. Some trivia: L.L.Bean was founded in 1912 by its namesake, hunter and fisherman Leon Leonwood Bean in Freeport, Maine. The company began as a one-room operation selling a single product, the Maine Hunting Shoe (also known as duck boots[). Bean had developed a waterproof boot, which is a combination of lightweight leather uppers and rubber bottoms, that he sold to hunters. He obtained a list of nonresident Maine hunting license holders, prepared a descriptive mail order circular, set up a shop in his brother's basement in Freeport and started a nationwide mail-order business. By 1912, he was selling the Bean Boot, or Maine Hunting Shoe, through a four-page mail-order catalog, and the boot remains a staple of the company's outdoor image. Defects in the initial design led to 90 percent of the original production run being returned: Bean honored his money-back guarantee, corrected the design, and continued selling them
  4. trophyseeker

    WTB Heated socks

    They may be ugly, but they sure work as advertised for cold and/or wet conditions. I would guess LL Bean has sold millions of pairs in this line over the years. Unless there's snow on the ground, I rarely wear mine AZ. I mostly bought them for hunts in Alaska and Canada, but have also worn them in snowy conditions in Colo. and Wyo. and in waterfowl blinds in the Midwest.
  5. trophyseeker

    WTB Heated socks

    Check out LL Bean's lineup. There are boots that are supposedly rated to -20-30 degs. They ain't cheap, however. https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/506698?page=mens-bean-boots&csp=f&bc=474-506697&gnrefine=1*WARMTH_RATING*Warmer^1*WARMTH_RATING*Warmest&sort_field=Relevance&start=1&viewCount=48&nav=C3vg44u506698-474 I have a pair of Bean's that have interchangeable linings for warm, cold and colder temps. The linings for real cold are Thinsulate with a silver covering like a space blanket. I wore them with temps in the teens and never had cold feet. They look like this pair but are sized to take the linings. It looks like they no longer sell the ones like mine, but they have the Maine Pac Boot with liners available.
  6. trophyseeker

    Merry Christmas

    Me too.
  7. trophyseeker

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    http://nicolesattic.com/ https://www.ebay.com/str/nicolesatticllc
  8. trophyseeker

    Rare buck mount for sale

    http://nicolesattic.com/ https://www.ebay.com/str/nicolesatticllc
  9. trophyseeker

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    Nah, I was merely joking. Some folks aren't smart enough to fool people.
  10. trophyseeker

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    Sure fooled me. Guess I missed the humor somewhere along the way.
  11. trophyseeker

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    Just drag and drop a photo into a message when composing it.
  12. trophyseeker

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    The subject is: "Help posting deer mule mount for sale." No need to be rude to a first-time poster.
  13. trophyseeker

    First timer

    Yeah, I understand that. Hopefully you won't have any issues with it. The PTB in Mexico are very concerned about having vehicles, etc. being brought into the country and being sold there. So they really keep track of everything. I've never done the Sonora Only permit, so don't know if it's the same as the country-wide one where they require a $400 deposit on a CC when you get the permit. It's quickly refunded within a couple days after you turn in the permit when leaving Mexico. Ernesto probably has the scoop on the Only Sonora permit.
  14. trophyseeker

    First timer

    I can't give you a definitive answer because I've never had such a situation. I will only guess and say it shouldn't be, only because the company name is as you say. I think you might also have to get a permit for the trailer, as well. I did when I pulled a bassboat down to one of the lakes in Sonora. Maybe the Ranger, too, if it has a plate on it. And the tolls will be slightly higher because of the trailer. Me? I would leave the Ranger at home and not ask for trouble. Also, don't forget to buy Mexican car insurance. U.S. insurance is worthless down there., and if you get in a wreck without Mex. insurance, you go spend time where El Chapo almost did. 😉 You can buy it online.
  15. trophyseeker

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you. And a neat photo.
  16. trophyseeker

    Merry Christmas

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours, Tony
  17. trophyseeker

    First timer

    No, the gun permit originates in Mexico and let's you bring your weapon into that country legally. In contrast, the 4457 is a U.S. form and is merely verified written proof that you had owned the items listed when you left the USA. You can fill out the form before going into any U.S. customs office, but you MUST present all the items you list for one of the inspectors to look at and verify. And yes, for guns or any other items that has one, put the SN# on the form. Also, for guns, list the scopes in the description. When you leave Mexico to reenter the U.S., they MIGHT ask you to show the 4457 form, but they sometimes don't even bother. I'm looking at one of mine right now from 2004 pinned to my bulletin board. It says: Winchester Model 70 cal. .270 sn ##### w/Leupold VXIII 3x10 scope sn ####. I have used this same 4457 for that rifle four times to reenter the U.S. It's also needed at the Canadian border. When I did mine at Sky Harbor, if I recall the custom's office was located over where FedEx, UPS etc. are based. Instead of proceeding to the terminals, there's a road that goes to the right into the area where all this is located. It's just a tiny office in one of the larger buildings. BEFORE I carried the guns inside even though they were in cases, I went in to tell them what I was doing so I didn't get shot. It took less than 10 min. for one of the officers to look at my listed items, sign and stamp the form.
  18. trophyseeker

    First timer

    A bit of general info on the border crossing from my past trips. I doubt much has changed, but if it has Ernesto probably knows the updates. We always cross through the commercial Mariposa station. Heading south on I-19, the exit for the Mariposa port of entry is #4. It's well signed. And if you need to get pesos for the tolls, gas, etc., you can exchange some dollars at the Performance Fuel place on the left side from where you exit I-19 onto Mariposa Rd. They do the exchange right at the cashier's counter, and it's usually a decent rate and better than the money exchange place at the permit station. It's also a good place to top off your tank; gas is cheaper there than in Mexico. Not all of them take plastic and if you use US dollars you will get hosed on the exchange rate they use. I noted the mileage from the turn off at exit #4 on I-19. All of the following figures are in miles from there to the point listed. When you reach the end of the exit, turn right at the light. Performance Fuel -- gray colored gas station on the left - 1.4 (good place to get some pesos for tolls and gas) U.S. Customs station -- 3.3 First toll booth -- 8.9 Mexican Custom station -- 9.5 Tourist Visa/Vehicle permit station -- 15.9 You will pass through a Mexican custom's station just south of the border, but unless they actually wave you over for an inspection, it's not necessary to stop. The inspection is usually a 1 in 4 thing, regulated by a green/red light. If it's green, just proceed without stopping. if it's red, someone will usually show you where to park for the inspection. I can't recall how many toll booths are between the border and Hermosillo, but there are several. My wife keeps a list of them along with the tool, but she's off shopping right now. Just a guess, but I seem to recall may four or five and they amount to about $25-40 total. It's ben a few years so your mileage might vary. A side note on the #4457 form. If you live near a US customs office such as the one at Sky Harbor, you can bring your guns there, fill in the forms and have them inspected and stamped right there. You should also list other valuables such as your expensive binocs, spotting scopes and Rolex watch. 😉 And be sure to keep them. They don't expire for the items/gun(s) on the list.
  19. trophyseeker

    First timer

    You're right, Ernesto. I was thinking about the country-wide vehicle permit and forgot the Only Sonora vehicle permit, although I didn't get one either on my deer or turkey hunt and got away with it. Have they changed the recommendation about freezing capes so no ticks will be brought into the US? We all had ours frozen, and the USWS guy just did a cursory glance into the cooler when we told them they were frozen.
  20. trophyseeker

    First timer

    Be sure you have a passport or passport card so you can get back into the USA. Since you will be in Sonora only, you shouldn't need a tourist form or vehicle permit. The rancher also should have all the proper paperwork to get your deer back into the USA. Best bet so you're not hassled by USFW at the border is to have the hide/cape frozen solid.
  21. trophyseeker

    What Church do you attend?

    Didn't you read the disclaimer? It's in small print at the end of the "word of God" of every religion and basically says, "Hey, we never said there's any guarantee. It ain't our fault if your prayers don't pan out or if life sucks. If you're still disgruntled, however, please feel free to contact our customer service department at 1-GODLOVESME to file a formal complaint. The recording will provide many options in several languages. Please have a credit card handy to supply a small donation to help us spread more of the 'word of God.' And remember, we have bingo every Sunday night."
  22. trophyseeker

    Texas whitetail meat hunts

    Basic costs of various options?
  23. trophyseeker


    Actually, it was a smart trade, and the D'backs at least got a couple decent players. There was little upside in keeping him since they have decided to rebuild and he would have become an UNRESTRICTED free agent after 2019. The latter means NOTHING in return; he just goes to the highest bidder, just like Corbin did this week with AZ getting zilch for him. So along with the four players they got, Goldy's salary is now gone to St. Louis with him, and the D'Backs can use it elsewhere.
  24. trophyseeker

    North Valley Pest Control Needed!

    Call Mike Dobson at Dobson Exterminating. He does good work with reasonable rates. He's been doing my place and my son's and daughter's for a couple years now.
  25. trophyseeker

    Lots of lessons in this article!

    Yeah, tough to fix stupid.