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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    caburated models are usually gravity fed, and don't require a fuel pump.if it is a carb problem, did you check the float needle for blockage and float level? check the overflow lines, and, or breather lines for blockage. they can sometimes cause a vacuum lock if plugged. check the throttle cable adjustments also. it could be an ignition issue ?
  2. Snapshot


    I just received a "Presidential Primary ballot' in the mail from the RNC. It is nothing more than a questionnaire, and solicitation for money. It stated that if I could not make a donation, could I please send $15 to cover the processing of the questionnaire. WTF?
  3. Snapshot


    Willie, as I said, the game is rigged. It takes big money and support to win a Presidential election. Who do you think has all that money and control.?
  4. Snapshot


    The game is rigged. The establishment RINO's in the GOP are the problem. Without unity in the party, and a strong candidate that the RNC can rally around, we will lose the election to Hillary. The RINO's hate Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul. Hillary is the only recognizable name on the left side of the fence. Eliziibeth Warren would be worse than Hillary, IMO. Right now the GOP is it's own worst enemy.
  5. Snapshot

    Best Mexican Food In Tucson

    Back in the late 1980's, I built all the booth seating, table tops, waitress stations, etc..,for both Mi Nidito, and El Minuto. In 1999, Bill Clinton was in town, and decided Mi Nidito would be his lunch stop. I happened to be doing some work across the street at the time. They had 3 or 4 blocks closed off with police, swat team, Secret Service, helicopters. We stood out on the sidewalk, and watched the media circus as D- Bag Bill talked to his south side constituents, and went into Mi Nidito with his entourage for lunch.
  6. Snapshot

    AZ drivers....

    I agree, driving the 101 into Scottsdale its like somebody hit the idiot switch. If you think AZ has bad drivers, you'd need to don diapers if you want to drive in the Philippines. And the traffic cops will pull you over and shake you down for driving while white. Everyone in the Phil's will try and part the white guy from his money. A foreigner is a walking ATM.
  7. Snapshot

    AZ drivers....

    I would love to see technology that deactivates cell phone texting and internet, while the phone is in a automobile. voice calls only.
  8. Snapshot

    AZ drivers....

    I feel you. I yelled at a woman yesterday that was weaving all over the road, and doing 25mph in a 45 zone. playing on her phone. She flipped me off, and I was ready to shed my human form, and go NASCAR on her sorry butt. Rubbing is racing.
  9. Snapshot

    state farm commercial

  10. Snapshot

    Best Mexican Food In Tucson

    Certainly not the best, but pretty good, Casa Molina and the killer Margarita's.
  11. Snapshot

    state farm commercial

    The Liberal media is just as mentally ill as Jenner.
  12. June 7, 2015 8:15 am Second Amendment (Washington Examiner) – Commonly used and unregulated internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a “gag order on firearm-related speech,” the National Rifle Association is warning. In updating regulations governing international arms sales, State is demanding that anyone who puts technical details about arms and ammo on the web first get the OK from the federal government — or face a fine of up to $1 million and 20 years in jail. According to the NRA, that would include blogs and web forums discussing technical details of common guns and ammunition, the type of info gun owners and ammo reloaders trade all the time. “Gunsmiths, manufacturers, reloaders, and do-it-yourselfers could all find themselves muzzled under the rule and unable to distribute or obtain the information they rely on to conduct these activities,” said the NRA in a blog posting. “This latest regulatory assault, published in the June 3 issue of the Federal Register, is as much an affront to the First Amendment as it is to the Second,” warned the NRA’s lobbying shop. “Your action is urgently needed to ensure that online blogs, videos, and web forums devoted to the technical aspects of firearms and ammunition do not become subject to prior review by State Department bureaucrats before they can be published,” it added. At issue is the internet. State is updating International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), which implement the federal Arms Export Control Act (AECA). The rules govern everything from guns to strategic bombers. The NRA said that the rules predate the internet, and now the federal government wants to regulate technical arms discussions on on the internationally available web. State’s proposal is highly technical. It took 14 pages in the Federal Register to explain. But the NRA boiled it down for gun owners with this warning: “In their current form, the ITAR do not (as a rule) regulate technical data that are in what the regulations call the ‘public domain.’ Essentially, this means data ‘which is published and which is generally accessible or available to the public’ through a variety of specified means. These include ‘at libraries open to the public or from which the public can obtain documents.’ Many have read this provision to include material that is posted on publicly available websites, since most public libraries these days make Internet access available to their patrons. “The ITAR, however, were originally promulgated in the days before the Internet. Some State Department officials now insist that anything published online in a generally-accessible location has essentially been ‘exported,’ as it would be accessible to foreign nationals both in the U.S. and overseas. “With the new proposal published on June 3, the State Department claims to be ‘clarifying’ the rules concerning ‘technical data’ posted online or otherwise ‘released’ into the ‘public domain.’ To the contrary, however, the proposal would institute a massive new prior restraint on free speech. This is because all such releases would require the ‘authorization’ of the government before they occurred. The cumbersome and time-consuming process of obtaining such authorizations, moreover, would make online communication about certain technical aspects of firearms and ammunition essentially impossible.” Below are the State changes drawing the NRA fire: Paragraph ( of the revised definition explicitly sets forth the Department’s requirement of authorization to release information into the ”public domain.” Prior to making available ”technical data” or software subject to the ITAR, the U.S. government must approve the release through one of the following: (1) The Department; (2) the Department of Defense’s Office of Security Review; (3) a relevant U.S. government contracting authority with authority to allow the ”technical data” or software to be made available to the public, if one exists; or (4) another U.S. government official with authority to allow the ”technical data” or software to be made available to the public. The requirements of paragraph ( are not new. Rather, they are a more explicit statement of the ITAR’s requirement that one must seek and receive a license or other authorization from the Department or other cognizant U.S. government authority to release ITAR controlled ”technical data,” as defined in § 120.10. A release of ”technical data” may occur by disseminating ”technical data” at a public conference or trade show, publishing ”technical data” in a book or journal article, or posting ”technical data” to the Internet. This proposed provision will enhance compliance with the ITAR by clarifying that ”technical data” may not be made available to the public without authorization. Persons who intend to discuss ”technical data” at a conference or trade show, or to publish it, must ensure that they obtain the appropriate authorization.
  13. Who need's Congress to make law, when Obama makes up his own without them.
  14. Email the following by August 3rd, to voice your opinion. Not that Obama cares about our opinion, but our voice can be heard by those who can stop this. Public comments on the proposed changes to ITAR will be accepted until August 3, 2015. You can submit those comments at regulations.gov or e-mail them to DDTCPublicComments@state.gov with the subject line indicating the comments concern the ‘‘ITAR Amendment—Revisions to Definitions; Data Transmission and Storage.”
  15. Snapshot

    Triple Crown?

    We have been in recession for the last 7 years. Don't believe the media, or the man behind the curtain. What's coming is much worse. I need to learn how to bet on horses
  16. Pretty much! The Left knows that they can't take away guns directly, so they do everything they can to chip away at the edges. We will see many bad executive orders, and regulations, over the next 18 months.
  17. Snapshot

    Triple Crown?

    That's what happens down on the rancheros. But seriously, it's tough watching any program with that 2nd amendment, panty wetter. Bob Costas. Bob sold his man-sack to the left
  18. Snapshot

    state farm commercial

    Only in Liberal Loonyland, would a Chick with a dick, be praised for courage by the President of the USA. We have come a, long sad way, since I saw an Olympic icon on the side of a Wheaties box turn itself into an abomination.
  19. Having a Momma bear with cubs cornered on a bridge .....not so smart. http://bit.ly/1KVeA22
  20. Snapshot

    Knuckleheads of Yellowstone Park

    2nd injury from Yellowstone bison in 3 weeks highlights safety challenges 11 Print Email RUFFIN PREVOST/Yellowstone Gate Visitors to Yellowstone National Park risk injury when allowing bison or other wildlife to approach within 25 yards, as photographers are seen doing in this file photo. June 02, 2015 4:25 pm • By RUFFIN PREVOST YellowstoneGate (7) Comments Related Video A 62-year-old Australian man sustained serious injuries Tuesday morning after an encounter with a bison near Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park. The man, whose name was not released by park authorities, is the second visitor in less than three weeks to suffer a serious injury after a close encounter with a bison near Old Faithful geyser. While it is not uncommon for park visitors to be injured by bison or other wildlife, officials from Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks have commented recently about what they say is a growing challenge in educating international visitors about the danger of wild animals. According to information released by the park’s public affairs office about Tuesday’s incident, witnesses reported that several people were crowding around a bison that was lying on the grass near a paved footpath. The man approached the bison while taking pictures with a tablet. When he had moved to within five feet, the animal charged, tossing the man into the air several times. When responding rangers arrived on scene, the bison was about 100 yards from the victim. The victim was transported by ambulance and then taken by helicopter for further medical treatment. Park authorities reported that the man’s injuries were not considered life-threatening, but additional details were not immediately available. Last month, a 16-year-old Taiwanese exchange student was injured by a bison while visiting the Upper Geyser Basin with her host family. While hiking near Old Faithful Geyser, the family joined a group of people watching a bison grazing adjacent to the trail. Witnesses to last month’s incident reported that the girl was within about five feet of the bison when she turned her back to the animal to have her picture taken. During a March interview conducted before either of the recent bison incidents, outgoing Yellowstone spokesman Al Nash discussed “the ongoing issue we have in helping visitors understand that (Yellowstone’s) wild animals are truly wild, and that they are visiting a wild environment.” “I frankly wonder if our challenges in that area aren’t getting greater over time now, simply because visitors today have less experience with wild, large animals than visitors may have had 30 years ago,” Nash said. Visitors to Yellowstone and Grand Teton are from increasingly urban and international population bases, making it more difficult — but even more important — for managers to convey critical safety information about wildlife and the hazards of a wild environment. During a May visit to Cody for National Parks Day, Grand Teton Superintendent David Vela said the National Park Service increasingly is looking for new ways to connect with international tourists and younger visitors. One option is a platform of smartphone apps that can convey information about any national park unit, while Grand Teton has created its own Chinese-language print magazine that offers key safety tips for first-time visitors, he said. But bison injuries are likely to remain among the most common sources of serious injuries in Yellowstone. Bison can sprint three times faster than humans can run, and are unpredictable and dangerous. And with 3.5 million annual visitors spreading out across Yellowstone’s 2.2. million acres to view and photograph up to 5,000 bison, the odds are high that more such incidents are likely — or even inevitable.
  21. Snapshot

    Anyone know what this might be ?

    Interesting!. I don't really know, but maybe some sort of re-vegetation study.
  22. The Dem's are re-introducing the "Smart gun" bill again also. It would require all gun makers to have electronic smart control on their guns within 5 years, and after that all guns would have to have a retrofit system installed. Anywhere, or anything, controlled by the left is a bad thing. Detroit has been under the control of Democrats for 50 plus years. Look where it has gotten them. I pity this nation, and the direction it is headed.
  23. Snapshot

    Dewalt's new Assault nail gun

    Dewalts answer to home protection that doesn't require a registration or license. This nail gun can shoot a 16-D nail through a 2x4 at 200 yards and in case of a home invasion well you can NAIL THEIR butt to the wall. Im not saying it wont kill the perp but they wont get away. You can also help build a friends fence 2 blocks away while sitting in your front lawn. This is truly how you adapt and overcome so Thanks Dewalt.
  24. Snapshot

    Dewalt's new Assault nail gun

    Yep. It sucks getting Senile . I just wanted to see if anyone thought it was real
  25. Snapshot

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    With that bad shoulder Bob I sure hope you don't have to sign that tag over to someone........ If he does have to, I'll start the bidding at a case of coronas, 2 limes, and I'll punch your choice of Miley cyrus, brantley gilbert, or all the members of nickelback right in the beanbag and yell 'YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WAS FOR!' right afterwards. Throw in a punch on Justin Beiber, and you have a deal