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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    The best joke ever told

    A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, “What are all those clocks?” St. Peter answered, “Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move.” “Oh,” said the man, “whose clock is that?” “That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.” “Incredible,” said the man. St. Pete continues, “That’s Abe Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that he only told two lies in his entire life.” The man asks, “Where’s Obama’s clock?” St. Pete replies, “Oh, they keep that one in Jesus’ office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan”
  2. Snapshot

    Hunting bucket list

    1.) Big 4 hunt in Tanzania 2.) Marco Polo Sheep 3.) Polar Bear
  3. Snapshot

    whats you longest bloodtrail to a kill?

    less then 100 yards
  4. Snapshot

    Just a reminder - watch out for spiders!

    Killed a big widow not far from my front door this weekend. Never been stung by one, but I have been nailed by a brown recluse. Those little suckers have flesh eating venom. Took a trip to the doctor, and prescribed a special medicated ointment for the wound to heal.
  5. Snapshot

    Underwater archery

    Maybe this will spawn a new style of bowfishing http://www.guns.com/2015/09/10/underwater-archery-were-not-kidding-video/
  6. Snapshot

    Tackle Boxes

    The age of technology is a double edged sword. Even 10 year olds have smartphones these day's. When I was that age our cell phone was 2 cans and a string. These x-box games promote a lot of violence, and turn people into couch potatoes
  7. Snapshot

    Shameless Outfitter

    A little weirdness makes life more dynamic
  8. Snapshot

    3c buck

    Very nice buck. Double drop tines are unique.
  9. Snapshot

    Kaibab Buck

    Handsome buck!
  10. The only kind of Wolf that concerns me these days, are the type that walk upright on two legs.
  11. Snapshot

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    All the fish condensed into an area 60% smaller, sounds like good fishing
  12. Snapshot

    Colt files Bankruptcy

    Breaking: Colt files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection 6/15/15| by Daniel Terrill Colt Defense LLC voluntarily filed petitions for Chapter 11 relief, a process the company says will accelerate the sale of its operations in U.S. and Canada. The Connecticut-based company filed the materials in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on Monday. “While entering Chapter 11 protection in the absence of a consensual agreement with our noteholders was not our preference and we do not take it lightly, we are confident it is the best path going forward and will enable us to continue to gain traction on a challenging but achievable turnaround in our business performance and competitive positioning in the international, U.S. government and consumer marketplaces,” said Keith Maib, Colt’s chief restructuring officer, in press materials. “Importantly, Colt remains open for business and our team will continue to be sharply focused on delivering for our customers and being a good commercial partner to our vendors and suppliers,” he said. Colt said it will continue normal business operations throughout the sale process and that it has asked the court to approve certain requests to protect trade creditors, vendors, and suppliers. If approved, Colt said the protections will allow for operations to continue uninterrupted during the Bankruptcy Court supervised sale process. Additionally, union-related agreements will also be unaffected and employees will be paid all wages, salaries and benefits on a timely basis. The company also said its lenders have agreed to provide $20 million to fund business operations, but the loan must be approved by the court. The entire process is expected to be complete within 60-90 days.
  13. Snapshot

    crappie light

    Nice! How long do the lights have to be on before you see some action?
  14. Snapshot

    AZ drivers....

    I am going to retire in the Philippines ........unless I win the lottery.
  15. Snapshot

    Colt files Bankruptcy

    Chapter 11 keep's the Wolves at bay, while they figure out what to do.
  16. Snapshot

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    No problem. I don't know anything about Arctic Cats, but all quads run on similar engineering.
  17. Snapshot

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    the info I looked up on your quad showed a vacuum pump for fuel, but looking further, that is only for a rear mounted fuel tank. yours is gravity feed.I just wonder why its not getting fuel?
  18. Snapshot


    I will stay home before I vote for Jeb Bush. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz would be great combo.
  19. Snapshot

    What type of brush is this?

    Never give a redneck a 12 pack and a flamethrower
  20. Snapshot

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    your arctic cat has a vacuum pump, and not a true fuel pump like an EFI uses. It helps pull fuel under vacuum,when the engine is running. Trace the fuel line from the petcock to the vacuum pump to find it. it could be plugged or bad. My Sportsman has a vacuum pump. looks like this
  21. Snapshot

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    some fuel filters are directional. see if the filter has an arrow, and is pointing towards the carb. If no fuel is filling the floatbowl, that means there is a blockage, or a float problem. Does your carb have a sight glass, or a screw on the side of the bowl where you can identify fuel level?
  22. Snapshot

    Guess the Species

    I think I will change my answer also. Since this is an Arizona waterhole, it must be a giant herd of "Trail cameras"
  23. Snapshot

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    The float needle seat or hole could have a small piece of debris in it? the carb would have to be pulled and the float bowl removed to check it.
  24. Snapshot

    Guess the Species
