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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Craigslist Scam ?

    Years ago, a couple yahoo's tried to pull that scam on me. Cash only, and I always check the watermarks on the bills. There have been CL buyers trying to pass fake money.
  2. Snapshot


    I just had a dry heave moment looking at that hand picture
  3. Snapshot

    Too good not to share :)

    Sad thing is, my neighbor is a blue collar guy too. I guess he doesn't mind busting his butt, so 50% of his pay can go to finance Bernie's radical socialism agenda. Its the blind hate they have for the rich that leads them there. This should be in the politics section. I cant seem to get a password. Does anyone have it? I have been trying to get a password, but Amanda's inbox is always full, and it won't accept any new messages..
  4. Snapshot

    My new RIDE.

  5. Snapshot

    Life Lessons

  6. Not long ago, I got into it with a pack of angry Liberals, after I made the statement..," The son of Satan, was living in the Whitehouse". They cyber descended on me like a pack of rabid wolves. It was pretty funny listening to their spew, and name calling.......up to the point where one guy accused me of probably having child pornography on my computer. I invited this guy to meet me face to face, with his hateful and degenerate accusations. He vanished from the debate without a word. Considering that facebook is owned by a biilionaire Liberal nutbag, they censor according to what side of the fence you are standing on.
  7. Snapshot

    Too good not to share :)

    Sad thing is, my neighbor is a blue collar guy too. I guess he doesn't mind busting his butt, so 50% of his pay can go to finance Bernie's radical socialism agenda.
  8. Snapshot

    Too good not to share :)

    My neighbor has a Bernie Sanders poster hanging in his window. I should go kick him in the sack, and take away his man card.
  9. Most anti's, and Liberal's, are keyboard cowards. They say many things, that would get them knocked on their butt in the real world. Nothing but cyber bullies.
  10. Snapshot

    Gun Control Stupidity

    The Democrats don't care who dies from gunshots. We could all gun each other down in the streets, and they could care less. The Democrat's love mass shootings. The Democrats know that gun control won't stop the bad guy's.They don't want the bad guy's guns, they want our guns. Gun control is just a stepping stone to gun confiscation. The Democrat's pathway to a totalitarian society, and the destruction of the constitution. A dictatorship, where the wolves have the guns, and the sheep can't fight back. How do those Jackboots feel on your neck America? A false Liberal utopia, coming soon to a theater near you!
  11. Snapshot

    Daughter's first deer.

    Very nice. I dig that pink rifle!
  12. you all might be drooling over a pink haired tranny
  13. Snapshot


    Yep.....But what self respecting Rattlesnake would want to bite a ,"salty ol' cuss", like you anyway.?
  14. Snapshot


    I've killed a bunch of those sinister things. I figure their kin want to get even with me one of these days.
  15. Snapshot


    Anti venom is pretty pricey
  16. Snapshot


    I wear snake boots that go all the way up to my chin. Almost 40 years of hunting in my unit, and I have never encountered a rattlesnake.Seen plenty of king snakes. mostly hunting 5500' and up
  17. It really depends on the company. 7 days a week for months on end,. will burn you out quick! I worked salary once, and there was really no upside for me. Unless I was getting paid a stellar amount, I wouldn't do it again.
  18. Snapshot

    NRA vs liberals

    I'm a big fan of the NRA. Where would gun ownership, and laws, be today without them?
  19. Snapshot

    NRA vs liberals

    The Fed does what it does, because we let them. A weak, complacent, and overly civilized society. I have lost more than a mortal man should have to. The 'Man" won't be taking anything from me, without consequence.
  20. Snapshot

    Think you had a BAD day?

    Horrible way for noble beasts to die.
  21. Snapshot

    NRA vs liberals

    I would like to take away the "Freedom of the press". See how they like it. They would be squealing like little pigs. One of the biggest problems we face, is the Liberal media. Obama will be bypassing Congress, very soon, with executive order.
  22. There is some very bad events coming our way. I was listening to talk radio, and it is being said by some smart people, that the majority of the Syrian refugees, are younger, single Muslim males. Many of which are being sent to Arizona, and Texas, because we are the red states that Obama hates most. He is allegedly doing this to punish us, and use these refugee's to disrupt our society. Many of which could be closely tied with terrorism. We can expect more rapes, violent crime, murder, etc. Don't shoot the messenger, but I agree with this 100% We need our guns more than ever.