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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    The cup

    Depends on which side of the fence your standing on. Our Wildcats be suckin, and down 3 scores And why in heck's blazes is it in the Elk forum?
  2. Super bucks, and great photo's. Looks like an amazing hunt!
  3. Snapshot

    Parking for ASU football game

    They said Solomon won't play today. Unfortunately, I think ASU has a big edge over the Cats today. Hope I'm wrong.
  4. Snapshot

    Stray Cat Problems

    Pick out a neighbor that you don't like, and put a bunch of catnip in their yard I have a similar problem with the neighbors cats coming to my yard, crapping, and pissing everywhere. I'm ready to get evil with these little poop monsters. A paintball gun would be great if I had one.
  5. Snapshot

    What is the Ultimate Hunt?

    I will list my second favorite ultimate hunt, as I don't want a bunch of angry men in black SUV's showing up at my place. 21 day full bag hunt in Tanzania
  6. Snapshot

    New MMA womens bantamweight champ

    Dana White is drooling over a rematch
  7. Snapshot

    New MMA womens bantamweight champ

    Yep. Those stinkin Patriots always find a way to win. On a positive note, my Vikes took the division lead today. 202 yards rushing for Peterson. Booyah!
  8. Snapshot

    New MMA womens bantamweight champ

    Anybody that comes out in support of Bernie Sanders needs to be knocked out.....AKA....Rhonda Rousey. She got a big dose of reality.
  9. Snapshot

    Trailer Stolen

    Sorry to hear it. There has been a rash of vehicle break-ins and theft on the east side lately.
  10. Snapshot

    2 Big coues and 1 REALLY BIG COUES

    Fantastic trio of bucks! Tres Amigos!
  11. Snapshot

    New Mexico....2 Bucks down

    Very nice bucks. They look fat and healthy.
  12. Snapshot

    Chasing a specific buck.

    Very cool! Takes alot to sit that many hours. Patience is not one of my virtues.I can sit for a couple hours, before my happy feet want to carry me somewhere else. Good job!
  13. Snapshot

    ASU Basketball

    I hope the Wildcat's play some good basketball, cuz our football team really sucked this year.
  14. Snapshot

    Turned my antlers into Christmas Gifts

    Very creative!
  15. Snapshot

    A Disgusting 40%

    Next time I see one of those decoys, I am going to go stand next to it, and take a selfie photo.
  16. Snapshot

    Nothing Else Matters

    Here's how real musicians play it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbV190MjKiU
  17. Snapshot

    Nothing Else Matters

    Blasphemy to all of us Metallica fans. But.....that chick is pretty dang hot!
  18. Snapshot

    A Disgusting 40%

    I wondered why it didn't flinch when I shot it.... I saw G&F set up a decoy sting in 27, many years ago.
  19. Snapshot

    In Need of Home Electrical Advice and Help

    I fixed a similar problem like that last year. Half the outlets on the circuit quit working. Took the outlet out that was next in line, and the neutral(white) wire had broken at the terminal.causing a short.
  20. Snapshot


    The worse that could happen.......is I could show up....... drink all your beer.....and eat all the candy. Don't answer the door. Happy Halloween!
  21. Very nice! Good to see the young Ladies enjoying the outdoors, and harvesting some nice bucks.
  22. Snapshot

    My Biggest Yet!!!!!

    Dang! Quit shooting those dinks! That is one awesome beast!
  23. Big bother is watching......and listening.
  24. Snapshot


    About 8 years ago, I was in my backyard at night, and noticed about 12" of the back end of a rattlesnake that had crawled up into the base trim at the bottom of the house. I thought it might have gotten stuck and died. When I poked it with the flashlight, I found out it was very much alive, and very angry