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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot


    Sallahuddin won that war, and drove the Christians out.
  2. Snapshot


    With the negative attention of Obama's Cuban trip, and Brussel's, there will be another shooting in 5....4.....3.....2.....
  3. Snapshot


    Jared Loughner is a perfect example of a flawed legal system, that allows plea deals to mass murderers.
  4. Snapshot

    Who do you side with

    Donald Trump 93% Ted Cruz 89% I sent my early ballot in for Cruz. Don't tell Lark, I will never hear the end of it We will consider the survey has a 4% margin of error
  5. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Well, whaddya know? Turns out the lead organizer of the protesters yesterday in Phoenix/Fountain Hills was a Soros Fellow named Jacinta Gonzalez from New Orleans. That’s the woman that tied wire or something around her neck and locked herself to her van door. She’s a pretty young woman with a very black heart that does the bidding of George Soros. She shut down that highway for two hours. Only three were arrested. All of them should have been put behind bars for that stunt. Where were the paddy wagons? The lead protester who chained her neck to a pickup truck was Jacinta Gonzalez from New Orleans. This woman is a trained radical community organizer. She professionally stages protests and incites violence and chaos. All in the name of diversity. She’s a stone-cold Marxist. She’s the lead organizer for the Congress of Day Laborers. Unions, racism, communism and radicals… that’s so very Soros. I’d really love to know if she is an illegal alien herself. Jacinta was one of three organizers who shut down traffic in an attempt to halt a Donald Trump rally. She was trained by Soros. The Soros Open Society Foundation has more on Jacinta. If I had to guess, I’d say she was Venezuelan and a communist.
  6. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    These protesters are afraid that Obama's America, and the Liberal gravy train, will soon come to a deserving end. The paid protesters are just lackey's.
  7. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Trump protester gets beat down in Tucson https://www.facebook.com/KGUN9OnYourSide/videos/10153488081352849/
  8. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    I think I saw the same loser jumping on a motorists Jeep. I've been known to lose my cool in such situations. Some of these people need the snot beat out of them. There are times when we need to go old school, and t-bone the side of those vehicles
  9. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Dump Trump idiots https://youtu.be/LtQjWpP_2w4
  10. Snapshot

    I have no comment

    Fat guy, gun porn? Eeeeeewwwww!
  11. Snapshot

    Taking a silencer on a SA hunt

    Many guys use them when hunting the game ranches in South Africa or Namibia. They are popular with the Europeans
  12. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    There's no shortage of landscapers in this country
  13. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Get a bulldozer in there. Flatten those cars like a beer can.
  14. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Sheriff Joe will be in charge of security for Trumps rally. Should be a very interesting event. I bet ICE could swoop in, and round up busloads of illegal protesters. We all know Obama has tied the hands of ICE, and BP.
  15. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    The one drawback to the "Trump train", is that he is energizing the ethnic vote against him.
  16. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    If you really want their attention, don't forget to wear your ICE hat and windbreaker. Ever notice conservatives have rallies on weekends while lefties hold there's weekdays? Since we are all working, and can't protest their buffoonery
  17. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    I will be at the Bernie Sanders rally ,passing out job applications, and teaching people about the value of hard work.
  18. Snapshot

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Real men smell like stale gym lockers. Just ask that chick from the movie "Porky's"
  19. Snapshot

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Sean Miller is either sweaty, or red faced, and ready to explode. Just who he is.
  20. Snapshot

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Aren't the pizza delivery guys afraid of going into the East Valley?
  21. Snapshot

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    That's why Kasich will stay in the race. To be the establishment guy at an open convention.
  22. Snapshot

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    This is the truest post I have seen on this site. Arizona got beat around and didn't know how to fight back. You could see the looks on many of the players faces when they would get the ball stripped, all of them were looking for a foul call. Really tough loss for Arizona basketball, hopefully it doesn't affect recruiting Josh Jackson or Terrance Ferguson. If we get one of those players, next year will be the most talented team that Arizona has had maybe ever (if Allonzo stays). Hopefully some leadership will develop this off season and they will be back stronger. Exactly right. PAC 12 Is too soft.
  23. Snapshot

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Pizza delivery drivers? ex wildcat stud, Damon Stoudamire ,just took the coaching job at Pacific. Steve Kerr, great career. Next time I run into an Ex ASU player, I will have them super size my french fries.
  24. Snapshot

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Meanwhile.... all the ASU players are having a circle jerk around the television.
  25. Snapshot

    Wear the green

    I'm Norwegian, but I can appreciate something wearing green.