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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Where to eat in tucson

    Our city council, and board of supervisors, are full of Libtards. They would rather spend money on ,happy-happy-joy-joy projects, then fix roads. Welcome to the next Detroit!
  2. Snapshot

    Chevy Truck vs. Lamborghini

    Plus he's running Nitrous.
  3. Snapshot

    Where to eat in tucson

    Stay off my hoggin turf!
  4. Snapshot

    Got gophers?

    I wonder what it would take to own a mini-gun?
  5. Snapshot

    Got gophers?

    The ultimate in pest elimination https://youtu.be/BgYde8m_1p8
  6. Snapshot

    Huge Texas Rattler

    Forty plus years of living in southern Az, and I haven't seen a rattler over 4 1/2 feet long. But I don't go out of my way looking for them either!
  7. Snapshot

    Huge Texas Rattler

    I don't know for sure. They showed another pic of the rattles, that were about 6" long.
  8. Snapshot

    Huge Texas Rattler

    I wouldn't grab ahold of that thing for good money. Small ones either!
  9. Snapshot

    Funeral song

    I hope you didn't get bad news from the doctor, or anything of the sort!
  10. Snapshot

    Sometimes we just need to laugh....

    I got a good laugh out of it. Kohl's just sent her, and her kids, $2500 in Star Wars masks and other stuff.
  11. Snapshot

    Funeral song

    If I did pick a kick Azz funeral song.... https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A86.Jyb5R0FXZAoAWlEnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEyY2llNDkxBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjIwMDNfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=fade+to+black&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dfade%2Bto%2Bblack%26ei%3DUTF-8%26hsimp%3Dyhs-002%26hspart%3Dmozilla&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.Vb051057bee7c7b3469abeec4f1da8f43%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0FMfsT11pdA&tit=Metallica+Fade+to+Black+in+real+HD+%21%21%21%21+awesome&l=506&vid=1fb41dfddd271704bd7e6a5fe9bb3e9a&sigr=11bh02tb2&sigb=12pgkdbpt&sigt=11f1hmbqa&sigi=12bc0uri5&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002
  12. Snapshot

    Funeral song

    I won't be having a funeral. Shove me in the flame oven, and be done with it.
  13. Snapshot

    So is it legal...

    I'll pick you out a nice live one! BBW's?
  14. Snapshot

    Josey Wales

    Add "Lonesome Dove" to the list.
  15. Snapshot

    Josey Wales

    Great flick. I have the DVD also.
  16. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    A burger flipper starts making money equal to a skilled blue collar worker. Only in Liberal loony land.
  17. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    The first Job that I recieved a pay check for was at Gordos(If you REALLY Love Mexican food) also...(Farm work was either my chores or cash for tossing hay...) So you worked for Al Valenzuela also?
  18. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    I went to Palo Verde in 77' and part of 78'. Moved out by Sabino, and graduated there in 80'.
  19. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    Our family went there a lot growing up on the east side, they had the giant candle. In '77 I caught wind one of my buddies was quitting his job at Colossal Cave. I went the same afternoon and got his job but it would be Sept before I'd get my licence. That summer I road my bike 5-6 days a week from 22nd and Camino Seco to the cave, and then give tours all day before riding home in the dark down Old Spanish Trail. No wonder I was skinny. What High school did you go to? Santa Rita?
  20. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    My first job was Gordo's Mexacateria in Tucson. $2.65 an hour. We did our job and didn't complain. I would work 2 or 3 jobs when I had to.
  21. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    It was stated that Target Corp lost 2-3 billion dollars so far because of the bathroom boycott. They are standing firm on their policy. Liberals don't seem to grasp the concept of economics.
  22. Snapshot

    Shirts n Skins

  23. Snapshot

    Wendy's Trend

    8 years of Liberal douchebaggery.
  24. Snapshot

    Shirts n Skins

    We never could convince the girls to be the skins.
  25. Snapshot

    Sums it up

    Why shoot a perfectly good toaster?