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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    I really can't stand Aarron Rodgers.
  2. Snapshot


    Yep.Indians seem to be on a roll. They will probably seal the deal tonight.
  3. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    The way the Cardinals are playing today, I will have to rescind my prediction of them making the championship game.
  4. Snapshot


    In the words of Crash Davis..." That ball sure got out of here in a hurry"
  5. Snapshot


    The day's not over!
  6. Snapshot


    I don't watch much baseball, but tonight's game had me on the edge of the seat. Was hoping Baez would have knocked it out of the park.
  7. Snapshot


    That play by the Cubs shortstop was some heads up play.
  8. Snapshot


    Average ticket price for world series ticket in Chicago...$3000.00
  9. Snapshot

    Early ballot

    Just saw an article the other day of a mail carrier who was brought up on charges for dumping boxes of mail out in the woods.
  10. Snapshot

    Early ballot

    dont use an electronic voting machine at the polls. I don't know if Arizona uses them, but early voting in Texas and colorado have already recieved complaints about the machines flipping votes from Trump to Hillary. George Soros is tied into the companies that provide these digital voting machines.
  11. Snapshot

    Early ballot

    I've had mine filled out for a week. There have been rumors that the mail carriers can't always be trusted. I will be hand delivering mine to the locked ballot box on election day.
  12. Snapshot

    Camp meals

    I hunt hard, and like to eat good at camp. Prep time is no big deal. Need that fuel to get my old bones up the mountainside.
  13. Snapshot

    Don't forget to vote

    corruption has reached an all time high in D.C. The GOP have become sellouts.The lawlessness Within the Federal agencies is staggering. Anyone that thinks things won't change under the runaway train of a Hillary presidency, might want to reevaluate your thinking.
  14. Snapshot

    Thats how they getcha!

    Wonder if the money is real?
  15. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    It was a good battle of two great defenses. They played all that for a tie.
  16. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    He sure doinked that ball off the goal post
  17. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Wild Cardinals game tonight.
  18. saw it on the news today.they said around 20 vehicles were involved.
  19. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    no longer undefeated. Vikings offense was a clown show. Patchwork offensive line that couldn't stop an old lady in a wheelchair. Absolutely poor coaching today. Wake up call for the vikings
  20. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    the Vikings offense is looking like a community college team. Any fat boys out there need a job as an offensive lineman? We need some!
  21. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    thank god for our defense. the offense is sucking right out of the gate. 3 takeaways by our defense already
  22. Snapshot

    Camp meals

    I have always been the camp cook for my Dad and I. He is gone now, but I still carry on the food traditions. Opening morning has always been Bacon, eggs, and potatoes O'brien. Along with a steaming pot of cowboy coffee. I can make it all up in about 45 minutes. That night will be grilled steaks, beans, and taters. I also bring pre-made food like, homemade chili, stew, pasta salads etc, for when I get into camp late, and just want to heat and serve.
  23. Admin created a special forum for political conversation. I think there are about 5 of us that participate. Go down to the forum, and join the party.
  24. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Vikings against the Eagles tomorrow. Will the Vikings suffer they're first loss? Some say it might be an upset game. sam Bradford knows the Eagles playbook. Vikings - 20 Eagles - 13
  25. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    I still haven't forgiven the Vikings for the Herschel Walker trade.