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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Uhhhmmmmmm..... because they're smart?! They saying on nbc that dow futures are down 600 points. God, I hope it drops some more, I cashed out most of my equities two months ago waiting for this. If it drops to 17500, I'm going in big. Hope you make a pile of cash. They said Mexican pesos have dropped 10%?
  2. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Trump winning Ohio is huge.
  3. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Gayle King over at CBS was freaking out over Florida, and wondering why Florida's educated white women are voting for Trump
  4. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Watching these liberal talking heads trying to fathom Trumps lead is entertaining. I've never heard so much stuttering before.
  5. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Trump wins Montana.
  6. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    i voted McCain, but I had to take a long shower afterwards. I still feel tainted.
  7. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    we've been going blue since 2005 when California people started buying up property. I've been saying for 10 years that AZ will turn blue. This may be the cycle that does it. Same thing happened in Montana. Liberals are like a plague of locusts.
  8. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    The Senate majority is in play. Losing the election and the Senate, would be a huge blow.
  9. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Will Arizona stay red, or will the people with no moral compass turn it blue?
  10. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Plus...Obama is waiting to see how things play out, if he need's to give her a pardon. The elite have deep pockets.
  11. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Just watching the media Libocrats freakout over a Trump win, would be epic.
  12. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I read he left the box blank. Now Drudge report says he didn't?
  13. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I read he left the box blank. Don't know? Brietbart said he voted Clinton?
  14. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Hillary is surging ahead in the electorates. I'm going to make something to eat before I lose my apetite.
  15. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    George W Bush voted for Clinton.
  16. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Even on CBS, they are drooling over the latino vote scenario. I don't have cable or sattelite, so I am forced to watch these cringeworthy Lib channels, for election coverage.
  17. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Yeah he is definitely not politically tuned in. Hispanic Americans I know who actually work for a living are voting Trump. I don't know the accuracy of my statement.it was just some news blurbs that I saw on the internet. There is so much garbage spewed by the media these days.
  18. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    In 2012, early results showed Romney ahead, until Obama .........
  19. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Maybe. Statistically, 75% of Hispanics vote Democrat.
  20. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Trump resonates with those that are tired of the establishments. Unfortunately, he has pissed off alot of women & hispanics, who are turning out in record numbers to vote against him.
  21. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    The Vegas odds deal was a short article on Brietbart. He predicted the Trump by 10 points, with 8 points cheating by the Dems, with a final 2 point win by the Donald.
  22. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Thats how Vegas odds makers make money. suckers bets.
  23. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Las Vegas oddsmakers have predicted a Trump win.
  24. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I was hoping Ted Cruz would haved wiped the floor with Hillary. All the dirt on Trump is what's hurting his chances.
  25. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I'm wound up tighter than an angry rattlesnake. I hate the Democratic party. Probably have a coronary before this day is over.