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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    They said on the radio that 3-4 million Dem voters didn't vote in areas that they normally would. Kind of a flip flop from 2012, when that many Republican voters stayed home.
  2. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Fortunately they didn't rig it well enough to overcome the massive turnout of Trump voters. The Dems relied to much on statistical data, and figured they had this election in the bag.
  3. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    With all the, corruption, dark money, and the establishmemt behind Hillary, I thought for sure she would win. I am very glad to be wrong. Thw people have spoken, and it is a great day for America. After 3 hours sleep, I will be a zombie all day at work. It was worth it.
  4. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Republicans have retained control of the Senate.
  5. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I need to get some sleep, but I don't want to wake up to a headline saying "Hillary Wins".
  6. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I hope this is over soon. Listening to these Liberal talking heads, makes my brain hurt.
  7. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    So...if the Donald wins, how many Liberal celebrities will hold true to their word, and move out of the country?
  8. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    What the heck is going on with the last 6 states? They dragging this thing out on purpose?
  9. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Sheriff Joe was defeated. It was rumored that George Soros spent over 2 million dollars to take him down.
  10. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    1928 was the last time Republicans held the Whitehouse, house, and Senate. We could do some great things if the GOP gets turned around.
  11. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    obama will be up late tonight, typing up a Presidential pardon for the Hillary cartel.
  12. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Michigan and Arizona will put him over the top
  13. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I can't wait to see President Mom Jeans standing on the inauguration stage with Trump. He'e probably crapping in those mom jeans right about now. Bye bye Obamacare
  14. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    And Loretta Lynch should consider filing for unemployment
  15. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    CBS was panning the crowd at Hillary HQ. Lots of girls crying and teary eyed. I guess they are bailing off to a safe space.
  16. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Excellent. With the early Clinton lead in Iowa, I thought for sure she would take it.
  17. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    The folks at CBS are looking like someone just killed their puppy.
  18. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I'm trying to not get too excited. I don't need a negative blast to my plugged up arteries.
  19. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Hopefully enough voters are tired of being lubed up with KY jelly, and bent over by the establishment Cartel.
  20. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    None of the libtard channels have declared Florida for Trump. Go figure!
  21. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    American job searches in Canada have risen significantly.
  22. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Who announced that?
  23. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    The bleach bits crew is on standby.
  24. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Trump leading in Az by 3
  25. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    We will see a big surge from Hillary winning the Pacific coast states. Iowa too.