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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Here's some more good news for you. We just lost Jake Long for the season. Bringing in Long was a desperate attempt by the Vikings to help a nonexistent oline. His bad knees only held up for a few games. This season went from good, to bad, to horrendous. We are now the Cleveland Browns of the NFC. The Packers are sucking too. Detroit Lions could end up as the division winner.
  2. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Packers getting torched by the Titans
  3. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    watched the USC - Washington game last night. Huskies no longer undefeated. The Wildcats lose again. No big surprise. Lots of good games today. The Vikings tail spin continues, and they lose to the Redskins 20-13. I have seen this Viking implosion re-run before. Packers win Steelers win Cardinals win Upset pick...Seahawks over the Patriots
  4. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    The Democrat desperation is quite laughable. Obama's pathetic legacy is about to be erased, and he knows it. That in itself, is worth the price of admission.
  5. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    The Dems won't stop at anything. They are scared shitless of a Trump presidency, and full control of the house and Senate. Plus the nomination of SCOTUS replacements. We can put the Democrat agenda on hold for a long time, and they are absolutely going bonkers over that fact.
  6. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    There is some scuttlebutt going on, about a group that is petitioning the electorates to change their votes to Hillary. Some states do not have a law preventing the electorates from voting against the constiuent majority. The electorates submit votes on December 19.
  7. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Interesting tidbit that I read on Mark Levins page. If the Democrats lose another state legislation seat, Republicans could push through constitutional amendments with a 2/3 majority
  8. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    there is a protest going on in downtown Tucson right now. I gave them all a wave. Maybe next time I might use 5 fingers.
  9. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

    Donald Trump is now the "Luke Skywalker" of the Political arena. He is now entering a "Wretched hive of, scum and villainy " The Empire, and Darth Soros, will strike back in a big way. Read the interesting article at Allen West.
  10. Snapshot


    Nice! Whitetail & Pheasant hunting is a great combo in the midwest.
  11. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

    Ruth Ginsburg was one of the many people who threatened to leave the country if Trump won. Too bad it was just empty words from the old booze hound, otherwise 2 scotus judges could be installed on the bench. She probably would have retired if Hillary won.
  12. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

  13. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

    Good video.
  14. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

    Anyone that is tricked into opening a topic titled "The Empire strikes back" written by me, is someone that I would like to play high stakes poker with.
  15. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

    I didnt see you convey this message to the others that posted political commentary topics? I try not to open them when I know the topic, but the title of this one tricked me into reading it... This is a hunting forum and it's tiresome to sift through your tireless commentary. Look on the bright side. You learned a valuable lesson today, being your opinion means nothing to me! There is a blocking tool on this site. Maybe you should consider using it's function. Problem solved!
  16. I'm sure Joe could hang on for another 4 years. i imagine the stress level of that job would be considerable.
  17. Snapshot

    The Empire Strikes back

    I didnt see you convey this message to the others that posted political commentary topics?
  18. I love it! Joe is a butt kicker, and name taker.
  19. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    A "go fund me" page has been setup advocating for the assassination of Donald Trump. The radical left is in full flipout mode.
  20. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    George Soros sending out the instigators.january 20th won't come soon enough.
  21. Snapshot

    Whats that Sound???

    Libocrats are in meltdown today. This is their kharma for the last 8 years of progressive nonsense.
  22. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Thankfully I went to school in an era that didn't have much liberal sissification.
  23. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    I bet none of those moonbats move anywhere.
  24. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    Hopefully be the head of Homeland security. Illegals are already crappin in their pants over the Trump win.
  25. Snapshot

    Election time is upon us

    tucson got a new Republican Sheriff also. The current one is under investigation by the FBI for fraud and corruption. I voted no on prop 205 & 206. Looks like 206 passed on the minimum wage.