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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot


    Maybe the bucks will follow you home!
  2. Snapshot

    UFC 207

    Ronda's early success went to her head, and she got pounded in her last fight. I think they talked her back in as a money maker fight. I hope Cruz lays a beatdown on Cody.
  3. I accidentally pocket dialed 911 twice last week.
  4. Snapshot

    Santa Clause is on his way

  5. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Not sure what you mean? Is that from Negan of the Walking dead?
  6. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Actually 3 broken legs today. Carr. Lockett. Mariotta.
  7. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Scrappy game by the Cardinals in Seattle. Crazy day in the NFL. 2 Broken legs.
  8. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    some scuttlebutt about possible retirement for Larry Fitzgerald? Great receiver. Class guy.
  9. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Send me a P.M with your full name and address. I will send you a money order end of next week
  10. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    I reall hate Aarron Rodgers and his crony ref's
  11. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Man, that Benjamin is gonna look good in my wallet. 10,000 pennies won't fit in the wallet. Better go to Home Depot and get a Homer bucket.
  12. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    the Vikings always seem to find new and improved ways to suck. The Packers and the refs are on the same team
  13. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Glad all on the plane are o.k It kind of sums up the entire Vikings season.
  14. Snapshot

    James Hetfield - Metalica

    I just went grocery shopping, and Metallica's "One", came on the radio.
  15. Snapshot

    James Hetfield - Metalica

    I'm a fan of Metallica, but I find it odd that he would move from one Liberal cesspool to another.
  16. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Big game tomorrow playing the Packers. Another opportunity for the Vikings to showcase the teams implosion. Even though they have not been eliminated from the playoffs, there is only a 2% chance of making it in. I predict a slaughter in Greenbay. Vikings - 10 Packers - 35
  17. Snapshot

    Where am I???

    I think there is an old saying about never grabbing a bull by the balls...
  18. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    The Cardinals are out of it now. I was pulling for them to beat the Saints. So much for my prediction of the Vikes/Cardinals in the NFC Championship.
  19. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    You want the Vikes to lose, but Forbath to score points for you? You suck!
  20. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Just when I thought the Vikings couldn't suck any worse.
  21. Snapshot

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Adrian Peterson is back! Vikings need to win the last 3 games to have any hope. Pick. Vikings - 26 Colts - 20
  22. Snapshot


    I can do only remember 1 misfire. It was Federal ammo, 40 years ago Mule deer hunting in 30b. Put my crosshairs on a huge 4x4 at 60 yards or so.....click. He was gone into the thick stuff before I could jack another round. Only other misfires came from handgun ammo.
  23. Snapshot

    REI and Free Victim Zones

    I think all they can do is ask you to leave the store. Unless they have a metal detector, how would anyone know?
  24. Snapshot

    What is the farthest you have tracked an animal?

    Never had an animal go more than 75 yards. Yep. I'm that good(lucky). Lol.