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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    It was good to see the Cardinals get a win. The Vikings and Cowboys got destroyed. Packers got crushed...Booyah! I don't think I gave the Falcons enough credit in this years picks. They looked pretty good.
  2. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Steelers - 31 Vikings - 23
  3. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Cowboys should get to 10-6, and win the division, but they will have to beat the Giants at least once. Beckham is out tonight, which is a plus.
  4. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Cardinals didn't do me any favors by losing today. Weeners....
  5. Snapshot

    Robot Vacuums

    They are great for scaring the crap out of cats.
  6. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    My predictions always suck. I thought the Pat's would beat the Chiefs, but those boy's played some great ball tonight. Good game Chiefs!
  7. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    The NFL just gave Elliot a hulk of a surprise.
  8. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    I will throw down $1000 bet on that one.
  9. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Football starts Thursday, but I meant to say opening up Monday night football.
  10. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Good luck with that. I hear that Warren Moon is retired.
  11. Snapshot

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    The Vikings and Saints open up the season next Monday night. Adrian Peterson signed with the Saints in the off-season. Saints- 27 Vikings-13
  12. Snapshot

    Missing person

    Tucson news said she was found.
  13. Snapshot

    Missing person

    I saw this alert on a Tucson news feed Any updates?
  14. Snapshot

    Ray Evridge of Evridge knives passes away.

    Sorry to hear about his passing. Sometimes life takes good people away, much too soon.
  15. Snapshot

    Kids slayed the dove. Only took 9!!!!

    Bet they had a blast!
  16. Snapshot

    What the heck is this?

    It has the shape of a Coati, but none of the usual markings.
  17. Snapshot

    What the heck is this?

  18. Snapshot

    What to do after snake bite?

    i read he was tripping on mushrooms when he died Dont know about any mushrooms? He got stabbed in the heart, by tickling a Sting Ray.
  19. Snapshot

    Remember This?

    Be happy that they are not chopping off fingers.
  20. Snapshot

    What to do after snake bite?

    I think she only does Democrat snakes.
  21. Snapshot

    Free Tattoo...

    Lots of Trump haters on there. It's a target rich environment.
  22. Snapshot

    Free Tattoo...

    Catfishing, is someone who assumes a fake identity on social media with dubious intentions. If you get a friend request from a hot chick that only has 10 friends on her social page, you have encountered a catfish.
  23. Snapshot

    Free Tattoo...

    O.k buttercup.
  24. Snapshot

    Free Tattoo...

    I'm on my 4th suspension. The next one gets me a permanent ban. If you want to get in on the fun, go to the KGUN 9 facebook page. You will find me on any of the political topics.....in 11 days when they release me from FB jail. Lots of Libtards there whose chains I like to yank.