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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Check these out

    I thought you guy's might get a kick out of these. They are Zhummel 25x100 astronomy bino's, they weigh about 11 pounds. I got them from Binoculars.com a couple years ago, and they really aren't bad, but they are huge!
  2. Snapshot

    Sarah Palin

    Choosing Palin was a smart political move because she appeals to the middle aged women voter segment. But you have to ask the big question, if something happened to MCain during his presidency would you want Palin to take charge of our country? (Being a woman is not the factor)
  3. Snapshot

    Reloading Equipment

    I always used a light roll crimp on the .45 LC as they were more cowboy action loads, most pistol dies sets have a crimping die which is included in this set. Do you want just the .45 or all of them CG Martin: The powder measurer is part of the package sale that is pending right now. I will have to get back to you on the die.
  4. Snapshot

    Reloading Equipment

    RCBS Rockchucker press and accessory plate, trimmer, powder drop, trickler, and various accessories $175.00 obo Dillon Case/media seperator $30.00 Dillon CV-500 Tumbler $70.00 Dillon D-Terminator digitial scale $100.00 RCBS dies 44mag/44spcl, .40sw, .45 long colt $25.00 each RCBS dies 30-06 $20.00 Everything has been sold
  5. Snapshot

    Check these out

    I wanna get out in the next couple of weekends. I have been working too hard and too long and need a good day off.
  6. Snapshot

    Check these out

    You can glass a couple miles away with good effect, but they are too heavy to carry around. I usually use them when I go out on the quad or a good vantage point close to camp and just sit down and glass. I wish I could afford a pair of those $4000.00 Docter's or the New Swaro's that are coming out!
  7. Snapshot

    Reloading Equipment

    What does the 45 die set consist off? Its a standard RCBS 3 piece set in .45 long colt.
  8. Snapshot

    Reloading Equipment

    Sale is pending on everything but the dies.
  9. Snapshot

    Red Tailed Hawk vs. Bull Snake

    Thats something else. I have seen a hawk flying while holding onto a snake in their claws, but nothing like that on the ground.
  10. Snapshot

    Check these out

    Not in the middle of the day when they pick up alot of heat wave distortion
  11. Thats a nice one. I like those non-typicals.
  12. Snapshot

    Carlisle AT 489 Quad tires

    Tires have been sold.
  13. Snapshot

    Carlisle AT 489 Quad tires

    Carlisle At 489 Quad tires 25x11x12 Rear, 25x8x12 fronts on stock steel Polaris rims. less than 500 miles excellent condition. $200.00 OBO.
  14. Yeah, that was kinda what I was thinking. maybe pair up different people, depending on how many show, or maybe you have someone you know that you feel comfortable with. We could meet out there early in the morning and have a lunch at noon. I don't have hunting dogs so I usually just ramble around and find some birds. I might even do a camp out for a night or two?
  15. Snapshot

    Precautions in southern units

    I also hunt unit 30B as a 3-5 choice, only because I know the area and started hunting there in the 70's when it was great hunting. I have hunted there the last 4 years and have not seen an illegal. I found "old sign" of their passing through, old salsa bottles, serapes, ponchos and some trash in isloated spots but that is mainly out in the flats not to far from the San Pedro which is a corridor for that activity.
  16. Sorry, I have never been much of a dove hunter, I don't even have a migratory bird stamp otherwise I would go.
  17. Snapshot

    Reloading Equipment

    I don't reload anymore and I have had a bunch of stuff sitting around collecting dust that I have been meaning to get rid of but never took the time to do it. I have got my eye on some new hunting gear I tried to sell all the reloading stuff last fall as a complete package but there was no serious takers.
  18. Snapshot

    My New Elk Rifle

    I think that last guy was the only one who handled it well. I hear you have to shoot those big rifles differently than your average stance.
  19. Snapshot

    Quality Hitches Model QS-105

    Quality Hirtches model QS-105 hitch. Came off of my 2005 Dodge Ram quad cab, may fit others? You can cross reference vehicle type/fit and the Phoenix quality hitch website. $75.00 OBO Hitch has been sold.
  20. Snapshot

    Pretty good buck

    I'd bet it'd be a crap load more than 20k to kill that thing. They claim he's only 2 years old My guess is that buck will have a long luxurious life "filling straws" and those guys make a killing off of selling his genetics. A KILLING. It's crazy how big of a market those high fence "hunts" are. I don't have a problem with guys who do it, just not my thing. But they are fun to look at and drool over. Your probably right on that. I imagine the "stud service" and genetically enhanced bloodline would be worth considerably more than 20K. That high fence hunting is kinda like fishing at Fred's trout lake, pay by the pound or pay by the inch
  21. Snapshot

    Have any of you guys???

    The last time I ran a 5 minute mile was fickett junior high, 1976. They made us do what they called a cross country run of 2 1/2miles every two weeks. It's funny how many kids didn't show up to class on cross country day, so they started doing it randomly so nobody would know when. Most of the kids walked it anyway. I always tried to better my elapsed times, but I didn't have a beer belly back then
  22. Snapshot

    This crap ticks me off

    I depise poachers, but you would think that they could at least take the animal and make use of it. Reminds me of that incident in northern New Mexico last year I think some teenagers went on a drunken shooting spree and left all kinds of animals to rot, but fortunately they got caught.
  23. Snapshot

    Pretty good buck

    Probably one of those game farms where they raise em on steroids and high quality calcium feed. They would probably let you shoot em for about $20K.
  24. Snapshot

    Have any of you guys???

    I would probably fall over dead within a mile
  25. Snapshot

    Lifes Secrets

    Walk softly, but carry large caliber weapons