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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot


    The Eagles seem to be taking over the game
  2. Snapshot


    Ken Wisenhunt has "guts". I like a coach that is not afraid to go for it.
  3. Snapshot


    Since my Vikings went "one and done" in the playoffs, I am pulling for the Cardinals, my second favorite team.
  4. Snapshot

    new rifle

    Say helllllo to my little friend! I was impressed with the ballistics of the .260, compare it to the 30-06 ballisitcs and you will be surprised. Its a good gun for deer& antelope but not really for elk. All the calibers everbody mentioned are very good. But if you want a smaller specialized shooter you can't go wrong with a .260 based on what I have read. I have no first hand experience with that caliber.
  5. Snapshot

    2008 season.. a year's review

    2008 was not a good year for me as far as being able to spend time afield. The drastic dowturn in construction and my new job has not allowed me to get out much, but I did manage to harvest a decent buck on the shortest hunt I have ever been on.
  6. Snapshot

    Getting Warm?

    Nice pics. It was a touch warm down here today.
  7. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Happy birthday Doug. We appreciate all that you do for Amanda and this website. You da man! Have a great one.
  8. Snapshot

    CWT BarBQ

    The 7th would work for me.
  9. Snapshot

    Layoff's have begun!

    Just found out that I will be getting laid off soon, possibly in the next couple weeks.
  10. Snapshot

    Kirt Darner sentenced (barely)

    A 4500 hundred hour community service plea bargain kept him from ending up as someones girlfriend in the big house. Darner was a big big hero of mine back in the mid 80's. I read all his books, articles etc. He even answered a letter I sent to him. Its like finding out Superman is a crackhead.
  11. Snapshot

    Muzz Muley

    Way to go on a nice buck. Glad things worked out for you on your hunt!
  12. Snapshot

    Old Shed to Share

    That looks like a gnarly old buck. Did he have much teeth left? I like finding old skulls.
  13. Snapshot

    Another Buck to share !

    Dang, that buck is tall!
  14. Snapshot

    CWT BarBQ

    I'll be out hunting that last weekend of the month.!
  15. Snapshot

    The CWT Band

    I will never look at a flute player the same way again
  16. Snapshot

    CWT BarBQ

    Any day but superbowl Sunday bro. Let me know when and where?
  17. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday COOSEFAN!

    Happy Birthday Jim, may all your dreams come true!
  18. Snapshot

    Trophy Fishin'...

    I have thrown big baits at River Res just after stocking and haven't been bit yet, but I keep trying. Caught a 4 pound brown out of Tunnel last year on a big crankbait.
  19. Snapshot

    Trophy Fishin'...

    Nice hawgs! I'll take a couple of those anytime.
  20. I am with Coues'n'Sheep on this one. 212" ish.
  21. Snapshot


  22. Snapshot

    I got the call!

    Good luck Buddy! The Border Patrol just gained a good man. Stay safe out there!
  23. Snapshot

    Allergic to Coues Deer????

    Oh sure, just tease me with a pic of a big mulie!
  24. Snapshot


    Paul has his own spot down south of me. We just chatted a little about the unit.
  25. I have an old autographed copy of a Peter Hirsch book called "Last man in paradise", written in 1961. Anyone familiar with his work and or background? It is a book of him in his younger days and various hunting adventures in Africa, etc.