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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    They are up!!

    I wonder who you'll be helping?? I gave it a few days to let the pandamonium die down so I wouldnt have to battle the phone lines..got in within the first few trys and it paid off in dividends to be patient for me.. Guys, I drew my dream tag for bull elk!! I'm still on cloud nine! Unit 27 early season rut muzzleloader hunt!! Chef, I need ya there buddy! Congratulations on a super tag Scott. I am not sure what time I will have available this fall, but if you need some extra help up there, I will help out if I can.
  2. Snapshot

    They are up!!

    I remember those days when a pink slip in the mail box was not good, fortunately I only remember getting one.
  3. Snapshot

    Draw results are up!

    I drew a Unit 27 November Archery tag as my second choice. Even though there are good bulls in that unit, it will be a very tough hunt, as success rates are very low for November archery hunts, but I am up for the challenge. Good luck to everyone who drew a tag
  4. Snapshot

    They are up!!

    After 3 1/2 hours of swearing at the telephone, I finally got thru and found out I drew my second choice Unit 27 November (archery) Bull Elk tag, and another bonus point for Antelope.
  5. Snapshot

    They are up!!

    If I call on my cell phone it gets through, but after 4-5 rings it ends the call???????? Arrrrrrrgggggghhhh!
  6. Snapshot

    They are up!!

    I have been calling for an hour and can't get through.
  7. Snapshot

    What's burning in 36B?

    The drill Sargent is the mean guys that yells in your face and says "drop and give me twenty boy"
  8. Snapshot


    There has got got to be a special jail cell somewhere for guys like you!
  9. Snapshot

    Not a Drill!

    Rule #1 : Never believe what anybody at G&F says about the draw, regardless of how well you know them.
  10. Snapshot

    AZ Elk and Antelope Draw Date

    Sometime this year
  11. Snapshot

    GET 'R' DONE

    You will have to get a faster shooting bow if you want to kill bigger bucks than those slow moving dinks you have hanging on the wall. Just kidding bro, very impressive collection!
  12. Snapshot

    Went out riding

    Looks like the old Adobe house, down by Helvetia Ranch!
  13. Snapshot

    Fresh Muley Shed

    Can I come and hunt behind your house
  14. Snapshot

    Fishing Roosevelt

    TJ, you always catch the nice fish! Way to go!. My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and I wanted to spend the weekend fishing Roosevelt and getting in on some of the action I have been hearing about.
  15. Snapshot

    Grand Falls

    Very nice pics and area. Any fish in those pools?
  16. Snapshot

    I gotta Know..... ATV Use....

    I have a nice Polaris Sportsman that I bought a couple years ago. I enjoy ATV riding and exploring the mountains on legal trails and roadways. Everywhere I go there are people who are not aware of the rules, and people who do not care about the rules, and this ignorance will ruin it for those of us that obey laws and regulations. I rarely use my quad while hunting. This past year was an exception when I used it to help retrieve my deer to save a little wear and tear on my bad back. Even though what I did was legal, I kind of felt guilty about it. ATV's are great fun and a great tool if used responsibly, however, there are way too many people using them for hunting and shed finding by illegally going off road, especially some of those that cut fences to access areas. I hope the funds from the new OHV sticker does some good, but I doubt it will help much. Game and Fish just hired 7 new officers to enforce OHV use, but 7 officers spread over Arizona is pretty thin, but better than nothing.
  17. Snapshot

    Eagle creek above Morenci

    Never been to lower Eagle Creek. Have spent plenty of time in upper Eagle Creek catching dinky rainbows
  18. Snapshot

    Technical Difficulties

    If that's the case, then everyone should quit calling so the app's will get processed faster!
  19. Snapshot

    Shall We???

    That is why you make the big bucks I doubt anyone will question your answer Sometimes I am worth that minimum wage!
  20. Snapshot

    Elk and Antelope checks

    That Game & Fish has your money Nice. A topic about nothing. Easy Bro, just trying to spread a little humor during what I call the "silly season". Game and Fish depositing the checks means absolutely nothing, other than they have your money in their account, and it is just part of the procedure. Everyone on every website starts off the same during every draw with "have your checks cashed yet"? It will happen again for the fall draw. The only thing that matters is the draw results, everything else is speculation
  21. Snapshot

    Shall We???

    Late March.
  22. Snapshot

    Elk and Antelope checks

    That Game & Fish has your money
  23. Snapshot

    Pray for the jobless

    Today was black friday for me. Got the big layoff.
  24. Snapshot


    Thats truly awesome Scott. Africa is a place all its own. Thanks for sharing the story and great pics. Just remember, I don't know how to build a pedestal big enough for an elephant head