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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Cabo Saltwater Recommendations?

    Cabo Fishing Click on the above link and it will take you to the promise land!
  2. Snapshot

    Unit 27 trip - Updated

    Pics added.
  3. Snapshot

    Unit 27 trip - Updated

    I just got back tonight. Should have some pictures posted tommorrow. I camped down at Juan Miller, and the turkeys were hanging out and gobbling down in the creek bottoms,early and late in the day. Had a turkey gobbling good about 75 yards from camp. Put about 90 miles on the quad, went up for some R&R and came back tired. Gotta love it!
  4. Snapshot

    Sam's Unit 27 Gobbler

    Excellent! Nice bird for the young man. 17 degrees? Bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  5. Snapshot

    Unit 27 trip - Updated

    I'll be back on Wednsday. Are you going to be up in the high country? Good Luck!
  6. Snapshot

    Unit 27 trip - Updated

    Naughty boy!
  7. Snapshot


    All elk hunters are a little bit crazy, and now that I think about it, so are Coueswhitetail hunters!
  8. Snapshot

    Ideas on where to camp

    P.M Sent
  9. Snapshot

    Yamaha Rhino owners

    BML, Absolutely correct on that. The Rhino is a great machine, and with all the aftermarket stuff available it can be a fantastic machine if you want to spend the coin. The Rhino is more tippy in high speed corners or on steeper side angles, much more so than a polaris Ranger, but the wheel spacer kit will add 4" to the width. But like you said most people roll or tip it over by going too fast in corners or sidehilling it. I don't buy the slow speed tipover that they are claiming unless someone is sidehilling at angle that they shouldn't be.
  10. Snapshot

    Ideas on where to camp

    I will send you a P.M tommorrow.
  11. Snapshot

    Yamaha Rhino owners

    The Rhino has always had a very narrow wheel base, and has a habit of being very tippy . A quick fix to this is to install 2" wheel spacer kits.
  12. Snapshot

    Yamaha Rhino owners

    There's already ambulance chasing lawyers advertising on television over this situation.
  13. Snapshot

    Ideas on where to camp

    When are you going to go up?. I may be able to help with your situation.
  14. Snapshot

    Congo Reptile

    Very deadly! Yikes I always wanted to see a Black Mamba up close
  15. Snapshot


    Happy belated B-Day. Hope it was good.
  16. Snapshot

    Happy birthday Snapshot

    Thanks Guys! I had plans to be at Roosevelt Lake yesterday and the Super Chevy Show today, but Friday I toasted a front rotor and I spent all day yesterday and part of today trying to get it off. The front 4x4 hub splines had oxidized together and I had a very hard time getting it off, but it is fixed. Next weekend I am going to make up for it, and head up to my Favorite unit and do a little poking around.
  17. Snapshot

    Not Quite Spring Yet

    Nice pics Doug. You sure live in a beautiful area!
  18. Snapshot

    Senior Hunt

    Heck no! All them old codgers have shot enough game in their lifetime. All joking aside, it is only fair that the seniors should be given a chance at a quality hunt with limited hunting pressure.
  19. I support it 100%. New Mexico has mandatory reporting.
  20. Snapshot

    Fall Regs?

    Last year I down loaded them on April 30.
  21. Snapshot

    The Draw System

    As do I. Kind of hard to fix a wheel that is not broken. There is nothing wrong with the way it is. TJ Thats because you are a lucky ducky! Yes I am and I do feel bad for those who didn't draw. I have always played the odds and the elk Gods have been good to me. TJ Next year I am going to send you my Elk application and let you rub it for a few minutes before I send it in.
  22. Snapshot

    The Draw System

    As do I. Kind of hard to fix a wheel that is not broken. There is nothing wrong with the way it is. TJ Thats because you are a lucky ducky!
  23. Snapshot

    The Draw System

    Great job on the math and figuring everything out Doug! It sheds alot of light on what effect any changes in the draw would have. The draw system has always been a sore spot with alot of people, and the opinions are widely varied, based on how lucky a person is in the draw. I have always been an advocate of the Preference point system, as it makes those that draw a tag have to go to the back of the line the next year and wait their turn again, but after reviewing Doug's math on the P.P, I am not so sure that is the answer to have any reasonable opportunity to hunt before we reach an age when we can no longer hunt. With hunters far outnumbering available permits, maybe a 3 year waiting period for successful applicants would be a better choice even if it only increases draw odds by 5% plus or minus? There will never be one cure all system for the draw. Too many hunters, too few quality permits. I was shocked when I found out that I drew my second choice Bull elk this year., I did not expect to get drawn. I had 5 points. I did not call G&F one time prior to March 27th to check for draw results, as getting too hyped up about the draw can just lead up to a huge letdown. I am not one of the lucky ones that draws a tag frequently. In 20 years applying for Elk, this is my 4th tag wich equates to 20% draw success in the timeframe I have been applying