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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Colorado River Fishing!!!!!

    Thats awesome Lance! I love that place. Happy belated birthday to your boy, looks like you all had alot of fun.
  2. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Tjhunt2!

    Happy B-day my friend! May you celebrate this day, and and many more in good health, with good freinds and family. And may you draw that elk tag every year forever. Have a great day! I will tip a cold one tonight in your honor.
  3. Snapshot

    draw poll

    I call a couple more times just to make sure its real.
  4. Snapshot

    internet or phone

    1-602-942-3000, a number that is permanently burned into my memory bank. I am waiting to be assimilated.
  5. Snapshot

    Horn Growth

    I am not certain, but I would figure at least 70% growth total. I know quality feed and moisture relates to total horn growth/mass buy the time they rub. The monsoons down here in southern AZ seems to be pretty skimpy so far. Last year at this time there was much more green growth?
  6. Snapshot

    whats your range?

    I here what your saying on that Bill. When I was a teenager, I had a 40lb. Bear recurve, and it was all instinctive shooting, and 20 yards was about the best I could do with any great accuracy.
  7. Snapshot

    photo radar ticket

    You should have wrote "Ted Kennedy". , or Janet Napolitano
  8. Snapshot

    Where Was Your Camera Stolen From

    I don't use cameras. That way they will not get stolen
  9. Snapshot

    whats your range?

    It has been since 1976 that I had used any differential equations, so I didn't want to get confused You and me both bro! It has been over 20 years since I had my nose in a Calculus book, now I probably couldn't solve a formula to save my life
  10. Snapshot

    photo radar ticket

    Usually if you don't pay for a ticket, they will put out a bench warrant for arrest. You can call the courthouse and find out, or wait until he ever gets pulled over by the cops, when they ask you to step out of the car and place your hands on it You can only get a bench warrant for a CRIMINAL charge. These photo-radar tickets are civil traffic violations; they carry only monetary penalties and the risk of your driving privileges being suspended. IF you don't acknowledge the letter and don't get served in person, there is nothing they can do. I don't know what the current law is on the amount of time the State has to serve you for a civil traffic violation but it is 6 months if you are involved in an accident and I THINK it is 90 days if not. Under Arizona law, ANY adult can be served at your last known address. If someone else is driving your vehicle and they send you the notice, you can fill out the back and tell them it wasn't you and include a photo of your driver's license- do NOT identify the driver, even though they want you too. If you get your license suspended, MVD will mail you a notice of suspension. Make sure the address that MVD has on file for you is a valid mailing address. You can use a PO box but most of the process servers will use Nexus-Lexus or similar data base to find a REAL address for you where they can serve you. If you are really worried about it, wear a mask when you drive like I do. No face, No ID. Maybe the laws have changed over the years. Many years ago I was pulled over for a traffic violation, the officer ran a check on me and said I had a bench warrant against me. I asked what it was for, and he said it was my failure to appear at court for a previous speeding ticket that I failed to take care of. I was handcuffed and spent 6 hours in jail before I was released. Citations or traffic tickets are issued in the State of Arizona for various violations of traffic law. Citations generally indicate the statute or code number of the violation, and explain how and when to pay the fine or respond to the ticket. You must respond to a citation, usually by paying a fine or appearing in court, or else a warrant may be issued for your arrest and your driving license may be suspended.
  11. Snapshot

    whats your range?

    You forgot to add Temperature, air density, barometric pressure and buck fever into your calculus formula
  12. Snapshot

    any word

    Patience young Padawan. News of the draw results will spread like wildfire when they are available!
  13. Snapshot

    photo radar ticket

    Usually if you don't pay for a ticket, they will put out a bench warrant for arrest. You can call the courthouse and find out, or wait until he ever gets pulled over by the cops, when they ask you to step out of the car and place your hands on it
  14. One can only hope that our current one ends up growing a pair
  15. maybe N Korea hit them with a denial of service attack just to show the U.S. how tough they are. :lol: :lol: :lol: I think N Korea will push the wrong buttons one of these days, and get a big whoopin.
  16. Snapshot

    Need an honest auto mechanic

    An honest repair shop is as hard to come by as an honest politician. I just had my truck analyzed and they said it was the transmission speed sensor and it would cost $300.00 to fix, and it would take them an hour and a half to fix it. I went and bought the part for $20.00 and fixed it in 10 minutes.
  17. Snapshot

    whats your range?

    60 yards max in good conditions.
  18. I heard through the grapevine that the draw computers crashed!
  19. Snapshot

    Thought on Permit Fees

    They could waive the next years application fee if they held onto the money, and put a check yes/no box on the application to give people the option of participating. It could work?
  20. Yeah they should be slapped. On the other hand, anybody that beleived him should also be slapped. The good thing is, that I learned long ago not to believe in rumor
  21. Someone on another thread mentioned that their source at G&F said last weekend for draw results. Isn't there a CWT punishment for spreading false rumor about the draw?
  22. Snapshot


    Very nice indeed. Are they all from Arizona?
  23. Snapshot

    Covert II Elk Videos

    Are the elk still in velvet during that early hunt, or are they starting to rub?