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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Fire N.E. of Payson

    Holy smokes! I hope you are out of harm's way! How is the Payson water supply situation? Has it improved any? Let us know if you need help, and we will send up the bucket brigade!
  2. Snapshot


  3. Snapshot

    Yeti or Skinwalker?

    Better call the ghostbusters That is pretty weird looking, almost ethreal.
  4. Excellent buck! Got some good spread on him. Great job buddy!
  5. Snapshot

    2009 Archery Pronghorn

    Excellent. Good Job!
  6. Snapshot

    In the Mode for a Tear Jerker

    Thanks Mike!. A very touching story!
  7. Snapshot

    Bears Galore!!

    Man, that one bear sure is a fatboy. Looks like he would make a nice rug!
  8. Blake, that is one very fine buck! Its nice when all that scouting and hard work comes together. Great Job!
  9. Snapshot

    2009 arizona dream buck (133 P&Y inches)

    Man, what a great looking buck! With all the great bucks being taken, I am going to have to brave the heat and start hunting the early season, instead of the late.
  10. Snapshot

    Mullin's Got it done in a big way!

    Congratulations to the hunter, and team Mullins! great job. That bull is just plain..................Huge!
  11. Coueszilla ! What a monster. THe other two bucks aren't bad either
  12. Snapshot

    Wes's 2009 Buck

    Outstanding buck! Looks like its going to be another good year for the archery guys/gals.!
  13. Snapshot


    Yes sir, that is one big ole handsome buck. I love those velvet monsters. I bet you are stoked about gettin him. Great job Clay!
  14. Thank for the heads up!
  15. Snapshot

    Latest Covert II pics from Aug7-20

    Muy grande Venado.! He's a biggin! Bucks and bears, gotta love it. Me no lika snakes!
  16. Snapshot

    Happy B-Day....WFGinNM

    Have a great day Bro!
  17. Snapshot

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet was a BLAST!!

    Sounds like a good time for a great orginization. Thanks to all of you for your support!
  18. Snapshot


    Any relation to............BOBCATBESS.?
  19. Brett Favre is now the quarterback of my Vikes! I still have not figured out if this is a good or bad thing
  20. Snapshot

    Brett Favre is officially a Viking!

    Thats what I am afraid of. A 12 million dollar lemon!
  21. Snapshot


    Lark has his own street? What is the world coming too!
  22. Snapshot

    Brett Favre is officially a Viking!

    Now thats dang funny right there!
  23. What hunt(date) in unit 31?