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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    What do you want for Christmas?

    At this moment Brent to post a topic of his Big Bull Then I will come up with one for CHRISTMAS. I posted the topic, but the only big bull involved is the one that got away
  2. Snapshot

    What do you want for Christmas?

    Peace, and good will.
  3. Snapshot

    113 7/8"

    If you are practicing scoring for my next big buck, you are about 20 points low
  4. Right on Mike! "Whats Graybeard" Thats not a men's hairclub for old guys like us is it?
  5. Snapshot

    Lion Kill

    I hunt an area in Unit 27, and have had the same problem. At one time there were alot of deer and, one year, hardly anything. It is an area that is notorious for Lions as I always find alot of deer skulls. It didn't help matters when I happened to see a mexican gray wolf, and then found gobbs of wolf tracks in the sandy soil of the creek bottoms of two canyons.
  6. Snapshot

    November Muley hunt

    Pancakes? So thats the secret! Looks like someones coming to breakfast
  7. Snapshot

    November Muley hunt

    Sometimes good things can happen right up to the last day! Never say never!
  8. Snapshot

    Turkeys and Elk

    I don't know about elk. But I have seen deer feeding peacefully in the same meadows and clear cuts with turkey.
  9. Snapshot

    Keeping my Eyes Open

    The guy I am doing some work for has a salvage yard. I believe I saw an old landcruiser in there? Do you want me to look around when I get back from my hunt and see what he has?
  10. Snapshot

    Mid-day glassing?

    I see more deer moving around mid-day when there is a full moon . For some reason the animals seem to bed earlier but come out earlier in the day. Just my experience in the area I hunt.
  11. Snapshot

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    Thanks to Amanda for the Contest and t-shirt giveaway. Congratulations to Packer for 1st place guess. Congratulation to Scott Adams on an amazing buck. I hope that I am fortunate enough to someday take a fantastic buck like that. Well Done!
  12. Snapshot

    Marcy's NM Success

    Awesome buck Marcy! I have already voted for you and I hope you win! I agree with AZonecam. 102" ish. maybe even 104" ish.
  13. Snapshot

    Veteran's Day Scouting

    I would have to say, bottom center.
  14. That is awesome!. Real hunting in the extreme. Gotta love it!
  15. Is Cabela's anywhere on those rankings?
  16. Snapshot

    Three tags---Three Big Bucks!!

    How much per$uasion do you need to tell Ya know I do still have a place for you to park your trailer I have a few contacts here which is a bit away from the inferno you live in my friend With that kinda offer you are high up on the bid list my friend. I was just messin with Jim a little bit. Jim is one cool dude!
  17. Snapshot

    Three tags---Three Big Bucks!!

    Jim. you da man! I think I know where that is, and for the right amount of per$uasion, I won't tell!
  18. Snapshot

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    I live by talcum bottle when I hunt, especially with a bow. But a good puff of fine dirt works also
  19. Snapshot

    Monster "Management" bucks

    I saw a monster 2 point mule deer a guy shot years ago. Probably 30" wide, a real old buck on the downward side. But I have never seen a real big 2 point whitetail, maybe someday?
  20. Snapshot

    A man in the wilderness

    Thanks Phil! Even if I am not successful, that is o.k. 10 days in that country will make it all worthwhile. Will take lots of pics and hopefully have a good story to share.
  21. Snapshot

    A man in the wilderness

    Well, things are coming together a little bit more positively for me, and my Unit 27 November archery bull hunt starts on Friday the 13th , even though I will not be going until the 17th, at least I will be able to make it on the hunt. Just trying to get pumped up for 10 glorious days of wilderness archery bull elk hunting adventures that will test my super ninja stalking abilities to the extreme I will be up there from 11-17 thru 11/26, if any of you are in the area just look for a 99 silver dodge ram single cab with the CWT.Com sicker on the back window, stop in and chat if you have time. I should be at Strayhorse for the first few days and maybe move around from there. Here are a few pics from the past to add to the flavor. Sunrise over "The Blue" Old wolf pen at Sheep Saddle area
  22. Snapshot

    My 10yr olds first Big Game Hunt

    You did the right and honorable thing by calling G&F. Mistakes are made sometimes in the heat of the moment. It is also a positive lesson for a young hunter to know that the rules should be followed, and hopefully reap good hunting dividends in the future.
  23. Snapshot

    A man in the wilderness

    Thank you Doug! It will be fun being "Primitive" for a little while. Have to see where those bulls are hanging out!
  24. Snapshot

    A man in the wilderness

    For those of you that said you might stop in the area, If I am not at Strayhorse, I may be a few miles south at Burnt Corral or Hagan, depending on how crowded it is around Strayhorse. If the elk are not coming off the top yet, I may also camp up on #54, after the first few days. This is the time of year when the rifle hunters and outfitters start setting up and parking trailers to reserve their future spots P.M Sent.