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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Roosavelt Lake

    I hope to get up to Rosy when the crappie bite is in full swing. I luv a good crappie fry! Fish & chips!
  2. Snapshot

    Obumma gets new title

    I know a few ex presidents who could also hold that title
  3. Snapshot

    My freind and family

    Prayer and best wishes for your friends during a difficult time.
  4. Snapshot

    Woke up terrified.....

    I know exactly what you mean! There have been a few times I have woken up, grabbed the S&W, and charged out the door, looking to eliminate a wart off the butt of society , but ended being a false alarm.
  5. Snapshot


    Owwwwwwieeeeee! Ooch, ouch. Man, that gives me the willies It seems like a couple of centuries ago, but I had a Fred Bear kodiak compund bow that I took apart and put a really nice camo paint job on it. When I put it back together I did not realize I put the limbs on backwards. When I went to the indoor range, and drew it back to shoot my first arrow, the bow exploded in my hand, and the arrow stuck in the ceiling. Fortunately, I did not get hurt other than a couple bruises and a sore wrist. People were shooting next to me and I thank God they did not get hurt. I sent it off to Bear Archery and they fixed everything for free, even though it was my fault. Very nice of them to do that!
  6. Snapshot


    Caldwell made a bad decision in pulling his starters in that game. A 16-0 season goes a long way with fans and players. Now if the Vikings were just good enough to "be able" to tank a game.........................
  7. Snapshot


    I was really hoping Arizona would show up and at least make a good game of it. What a letdown! The same thing is happening to my Vikings. Its seems the Vikings decided to take the month of December off. After getting destroyed by the Cardinals,they have really taken a big step backwards. No guts, no grit, no intensity. They could have made the number 1 or 2 seed, but will be lucky to get 3rd or 4th. I think they will be one and done in the playoffs. arghhhhhh!
  8. Snapshot

    Payne Brother's 09 Hunt

    Great bucks guys. Two big bucks for the two bro's on the same hunt. That is simply outstanding!
  9. Snapshot

    09' Dec bucks

    Very nice buck! way to go!
  10. Snapshot

    25-06 & Silent but deadly!

    Happy belated birthday fellas!
  11. Happy Birthday Buddy! Hope you have a great day. Still waiting for the pics ans story of the big ones you guys got
  12. Snapshot

    sticker benefits

    That's too cool! I have noticed that some drivers like to get on the gas and get right behind me, I guess to read the sticker? I even had a sheriff do that to me. He was a ways behind me then, got up real close for a minute, and I was like "oh crap" what did I do??? But after a bit he backed off. Every once in awhile when I stop at the convenience store, hunter type guys will ask what it is. I just tell them to "check it out"
  13. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday GameHauler

    Happy Birthday Mike.! Hope your day is a great one. I will be sure to down a couple cold ones tonight in your honor
  14. Snapshot

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas Tony! Good to see you! great holiday wishes to you and yours. I love that picture! Merry Christmas to the entire CWT.Com family. May the holidays bring you peace and happiness, and may the new year hold good things for you all!
  15. Snapshot

    The Year Was 1947

    Born, or hatched, nine months later.?
  16. Snapshot

    Boone and Crookett Snowman

    Dude, you shot Frosty!
  17. Snapshot

    Arizona's Gift

    Amen brother! I have a good friend who was so glad to get a democrat into presidential office after George W. jr., that he thought Obama was going to be some sort of savior. My friend is so "anti republican", that he is blinded by ignorance, simply because the president is a democrat. He has a picture of Obama hanging on his wall that I would like to use for target paractice.
  18. Snapshot

    WHAT UNIT ??????????????

    I here you bro! I have hunted there for 30 years. Hundreds of miles hiking and much boot leather. Paid my dues in sweat,blood and sore muscles, but I wouldn't trade one memory of it for anything.
  19. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Coueswhitetail.com!

    Happy B-day CWT.com I have only been a member for 3 1/2 years, but have enjoyed every minute.
  20. Snapshot

    WHAT UNIT ??????????????

    O.K everbody fess up and tell what units you have shot big bucks in. Inquiring minds wanna know?
  21. Snapshot

    Shock to NBC

    I think it is a matter of the USA becoming such a "melting pot" of different cultures,religions, and underground political incorrectness, that some factions like to cater to the minority. I believe in freedom of religion, and too each his own. But this country was founded on "In God we Trust" And don't forget the fact that, "the media" just likes to stir that pot as much as po$$ible! The way I look at it is, this is "God's Country" if the minority don't like it, then "Get the H#ll out" and don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
  22. Snapshot

    It's Resolution Time

    1.) To spend more time in the outdoors 2.) Become a better elk hunter 3.) To spend my summers living and working in West Yellowstone so I can become a flyfishing bum, oops, I mean guide.
  23. Snapshot

    Merry Christmas!

    Wow.! Look at all that fresh powder. Even though I don't miss the cold, I sure do miss those white christmas days. Living down here in the desert, we don't see that too much. There is a little snow on the Santa Rita's this morning. Thanks for sharing your pics.
  24. Snapshot

    Feet only a mother could love"pigs"

    One can only hope!