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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    need a little help

    Best wishes and a speedy recovery!
  2. Snapshot

    Think you had a bad day?

    Found it! http://woa2.com/beware-of-the-cactus/ Ouch! That makes me cringe just thinking about it. I bet he never does that again!
  3. Snapshot

    Saw something really cool

    That must be something seeing that many together. I have never seen a group that big except up in Colorado. I remember when I started hunting deer in the mid 70's, I used to see large herds of mule deer of 15-40 animals running together. I Don't see big herds of deer like that anymore where I hunt.
  4. Snapshot


    At least in the USA we can carry guns and have a reasonable chance of defending ourselves in the event of a violent confrontation. If they let us carry guns in Mexico..............?
  5. Snapshot


    I agree! It has always been my fantasy to own a nice home in Cabo Mexico and spend my days fishing, frolicking and putting a big dent in the Tecate supply!
  6. Snapshot

    San Carlos 4/3

    I have not been to SC for awhile, but the store on the Dam(soda canyon) end of the lake used to sell minnows and waterdogs?
  7. Snapshot


    Congratulations on a great tag! I bet your Dad is just as excited as you are. Have a fantastic hunt. Hope to see some great pics this fall.
  8. Snapshot

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter!
  9. Snapshot

    Happy Aniversey to Me

    Congrat's Mike. Having your own business can be rewarding. I wish you all the best, and a successful future! I was self employed for years and have experienced every type of bump in the road. But you can't beat working for yourself! The only downfall is trying to get time off!
  10. Rest assured that since election time is coming up all the politicians will be offering lots of lip service in regards to border protection, then of course once they are elected, the promises will go unfilled as usual.
  11. Snapshot

    Just Got back from San Carlos

    Wow, that is one big toad of a bass. I need to catch me one or three
  12. The government needs to sign an executive order- All drug smugglers will be shot on sight. No exceptions!
  13. Snapshot

    Guess the Score Contest - set of Sheds!

    You got a point there Bullseye! Fact is, us rookies know we are wrong, I've got those sheds sittin' next to my keyboard right now and they ain't no 88" If you have them, inquiring minds want to know the score via private message.
  14. The guy is right on the money! Napalitano was a sorry excuse of a govenor, and now she is nothing but Obama's lapdog! This country is run by fools!
  15. Just hope Gamehauler is prepared for the bad news!
  16. Snapshot

    declay buck sheds found!!

    http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...=17011&st=0 O.K. I remember the rack, just didn't remember the name.
  17. Snapshot

    CWD closes Kaibab & Strip

    That picture looked a little too photoshopped Pranskter!
  18. Snapshot

    declay buck sheds found!!

    At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is the "Declay buck" ??????
  19. Snapshot

    game and fish doing a re-draw

    I was waiting for someone to be a joker today.............
  20. Snapshot

    pics thru the year

    Nice pics!
  21. Snapshot

    tripod for my binos

    Amanda has some quality tripods and heads in the online store. Check em out!
  22. Another prime example of how our President and politicians want to shape this country into a mould of thier own. They all want us to become a bunch of "Docile Sheep", Bahhhhh, Bahhhh, bahhh. I hope Obama enjoys his 4 year term of incompetence while it lasts.
  23. Snapshot

    New guy here!

    Welcome to the best hunting website around! Keep an eye on this site, and you will certainly know when big game draws come around. Its contagious!
  24. Snapshot


    I understand what jackshoe is saying, and I certainly agree, to a point, about that scenario. A drivers license is a privelidge, and not a right, like the rights to keep and bear arms. However, everyday we see people on the road that should not be behind a wheel of a car, and a stupid person driving a car is a very dangerous weapon. Hundreds of innocent people die everyday from accidents caused by negligent drivers. It is a unfortunate price we pay for being on the road. It is virtually impossible to "police or Legislate" the stupid people in the world. I may be speculating a bit, but my concern with a new wave of people carrying concealed weapons without instruction in the laws, and proper self defense, is that it may create more unjustfiable shooting and people waving guns around, in a non life threatining situation. I remember hearing stories of that same situation when CCW came to AZ many years ago. Hopefully this will not give the media, or government, the fuel it needs to impose, or create, any further outcry or legislation against us knowledgable and honest gun toters in the future.