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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    UFC 112

    I did not see the fight, but I hope that someday a fighter comes along that will pound Silva into a pile of mush!
  2. Snapshot

    My SC Fish (Pics)!!!!

    Wow! Now that is a creature from the deep! Sounds like you had a blast catching that big boy! Well done!
  3. Snapshot

    elk permits in the mail

    Wow, the last permit? That was a close one. Make sure you stay out of the hospital this year , and I hope both of you enjoy those hunts together.
  4. Snapshot

    Enviro Wackos at it again

    I say let the hairy arm pitted women in the tie dye t shirts, that wanted Ben& Jerry to use human breast milk in their ice cream, keep an eye on the jaguars along the border. It will give them something productive to do, and maybe they will all feel better about themselves in the process.
  5. Snapshot

    Janet Napalitano

    Swell! Her shortcomings as a govenor and director of Homeland security just aren't enough for the Democrats. Now they want to insert that little toad into the Supreme Court. Just goes to show how far incompetent people can rise in the political arena!
  6. Snapshot

    Got my mount back.

    Wow! That looks fantastic. Nice buck my friend!
  7. The state of Arizona sent my refund 3 weeks after I filed. I would like to send the IRS a bill for interest on my money, just like they would do to me if I owed them! I can think of a whole slew of Democrats that I would like to give a knuckle sandwhich too, that has nothing to do with delayed refunds
  8. Snapshot

    JackAZ bass tournament

    Rip some lips! Best of luck in the tournament!
  9. Snapshot

    Infamous future hunter

    Way to to go Grandpa!
  10. Snapshot

    Need somewhere to go this weekend?

    Thanks for sharing the pics. I have made the drive through there many times, but mostly in the fall. Those mountains look alot different whenthe flowers are blooming.
  11. Snapshot


    38 Bass Man, I got to get to the lake. I am going to try and shoot for April 24th at Rosey. Gotta get in on some of that spawn action.
  12. Snapshot

    Need to park my truck

    Can you swing down Tucson way with a couple of them pies....................since you made me hungry
  13. Snapshot


    Gino, Have a great time and be safe! Just remember when in the African bush, you are no longer on top of the food chain! I envy you. Spending 3 weeks in Africa on Safari for the big 4 has been a lifetime dream of mine. I know it will probably never happen as it is so dang expensive, but I look forward to your pics and story. Don't forget your malaria pills!
  14. Snapshot

    Somtin a miss'n

    The best thing would be to get a new sticker and put in on a Dodge truck! I did the same thing. I had my sticker on the bottom of the window, and put in a tool box, can't see the dang sticker anymore!
  15. Nice pics Jim. But remind me never to go fishing with you
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot, Happy Birthday!

    Thanks again for the b-day wishes. I never reallly celebrate my birthday per say, so it is usually just another boring day. Only had one frosty tall boy silver bullet last night
  17. The republican party ( as you cannot call it the conservative party after the previous 8 years of unchecked spending) is the one that needs a good slugging for putting John McCain and Sarah Palin as the party's nomination.....you betcha! We can only hope and pray that the republication party is not dumb enough to nominate Palin 2012..... Redman Republican or Democrat, its a pretty sad state of affairs when we don't have much too choose from, in the way of candidates.
  18. Snapshot

    What are your thoughts

    My thoughts are............just like the old bumper sticker states, "They can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead fingers"
  19. Snapshot

    Snapshot, Happy Birthday!

    Thank you everybody! I bet you all thought I was into the libations early this morning, with that quirky bit of humor
  20. Snapshot

    Some White Bighorn Sheep

    Greta pics! Its amazing how sure footed those critters are.
  21. Snapshot

    Name Change

    Coach is a good name. AZOnecam is a good one too, or AZTwocam if you switch bows
  22. Snapshot

    What's Next?

    The government knows that "we the people" can do very little to affect change in our political system, other than vote accordingly. Sure, we can ask for resignations, but the politicians will just laugh as they read our letters, before putting them into the shredder. The only way for political reform, is for the american citizens to say" enough is enough", and take control of how things are currently done. We just have to fight our way through the marines, army, airforce, navy and national guard before we can kick our elected officials out to the curb where they belong. What will it take? Revolution? Anarchy? You can vote politicians out of office at election time, but the positions are always filled by someone who ends up turning into the same. Its a continual cycle that will never change. We could lead a revolution against our current political system, however, a couple of guys ,dressed in black from langley, may show up to the ringleaders house in the middle of the night.
  23. Snapshot

    Snapshot, Happy Birthday!

    .....hiccup!....Its my berfday?........hiccup!..... I wuz wunderin......hiccup!....how all this cerveza ...hiccup!.....ended up in my fridgurator...hiccup! Just kiddin.! Thank you kindly for the birthday wishes!