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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    I just got the shirt in the mail. I swear Amanda must have one of those Harry Potter delivery owls, because I received the shirt 24 hours after i ordered it. Thanks Amanda! Its almost time to rock an roll!
  2. Snapshot

    National Park Week

    Ahhhhhhhh. I dream of Yellowstone National Park and all those wonderful rivers teaming with feisty trout that are just dying to hook themselves on a well presented fly. Its been too long! Except I would not want to be there in April as the fishing is not open season yet>
  3. 4 grand? Ouch! That stings! I have never gotten this big a refund before. I usually owed when I was SE. When I was self employed and did not make any quarterly estimate tax payments, I got stung a few times at the end of the year.
  4. Snapshot

    The Boy Who Wanted To Drive

    Thats funny!
  5. You are right. I just got a couple more IRS "STALL" letters admitting that they are delaying the processing of my refund, but that they will have to pay me interest. Whats next, an audit, on a simple and straight forward tax return? Swell! I wish they would just send me a letter that says....., Dear Mr. Snapshot, Due to the current state of affairs created by our new communistic President, and spend happy Democrats, who gave all of your tax dollars to the greedy and corrupt banks and automakers, we no longer have any money to pay your refund. We realize you are an unemployed and misplaced worker, and that you really need your refund. However, we decided to jerk you around for 4 months instead. Have a nice day! The IRS
  6. Snapshot

    anybody notice

    I like the legislation, however, I do wonder if our State agencies will agressively enforce these new laws! A paper tiger accomplishes nothing! Time will tell. Thanks for the info coach!
  7. Snapshot

    2nd Place in Tourny

    Excellent! 2nd place is pretty darn good!
  8. Snapshot

    Sheds from this weekend

    Great find. Thats something to find antlers from the same bull 6 miles apart!
  9. Snapshot

    Gun Sales Up

    I can imagine there might be some lead flying if some of those good ole boys down there see anybody carrying burlap backpacks.
  10. Hey Bill, Do you remember a writer named "Ben East"? I came across a book that belonged to my Dad. It is titled, "Survival -23 true sportsman adventures" Circa 1967. I recall reading other stories of his years ago? I just can't remember what? I still need to get my butt in gear and finish my book one of these days. It will probably never be good enough to get published, but I will feel better if I finish it.
  11. Snapshot

    Two found dead in AZ...

    Thats sad to hear! My sympathy for the families! Unfortunately, Carbon Monoxide is an invisible and silent killer.
  12. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday RabidApache!

    Happy Birthday! Hope your day is a special one!
  13. Snapshot

    watch your step!

    I have a pair of snake boots that I bought from Cabelas about 6 years ago. They come almost up to my knee. Use them when I hunt, fish and hike in the warmer months.
  14. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    Thanks Amanda. No worries on the VIP deal, that is a big chunk of change, and I would never expect someone to spend that kind of money, although I presonally would do it if I had money to spare. The VIP package has to be done a week in advance of the show, and I just found out about it. We will spread the word of CWT.com without much expense
  15. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    Tony, Thanks for your efforts on getting ahold of Ted. It is appreciated! Great article! Yes, Ted Nugent is certainly "loud and Proud". Not only with his music, but what he believes in. I have been a fan of Ted since the 70's. I also admired Fred Bear and the bows I owned in the early years were made by Bear Archery.
  16. Happy Birthday my friend! I hope your day is a great one. One of these days we will meet up in unit 27 and swap tall tales, and have a cold one or three!
  17. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    You set it up, and I will do it. I may have to spend a couple hours in the beer garden first You will also have to notify my next of kin
  18. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    Tony, That would be fantastic if you could pull that off. I know he has a concert tonight in Michigan, and then on to Tucson Saturday. Thanks!
  19. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    TJ, I am going to attach a letter for Ted to the shirt, and roll the shirt up with a rubber band around it. If I have to throw it up on stage for him at least he will know it came from us CWT members, and maybe he will respond? It would be cool to get a picture with him! But I will take pictures of the show if cameras are allowed. I have seen Ted in concert before. But it has been awhile! The following VIP package is available to those that don't mind parting with $550.00 NUGE DANGERZONE VIP PACKAGE UPGRADE INCLUDES: Pre-show meet and greet with Ted Photo with Ted (must bring your own camera) One VIP laminate per person One 8x10 photo of Ted (perfect for autographing!) One entry into a draw to WIN a PorkSlam Hunt with Ted Nugent!
  20. Snapshot


    Very true! A political "war of the roses"
  21. Snapshot

    Question for Bill Quimby!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement! I just have to motivate myself to get it done. As I am one of the millions of misplaced workers in an industry that may take years to recover, and also, I am quite burned out on my proffession anyway. I have decided to possibly go back to college,and finish what I started many years ago. This will give me the opportunity to polish my writing and editing skills.
  22. Snapshot

    Question for Bill Quimby!

    Thanks Bill! A few years back I bought a large book on Publishing. It is informative on everything from self publishing,to dealing with the mega publishing houses, and everywhere in between.
  23. Snapshot

    The Doc did not do surgery

    Dang Bill, you sound like a walking science project :lol The only thing on your medical list that I have is "Hypothyroidism", and I don't like it at all. But things could be worse
  24. Snapshot

    The Doc did not do surgery

    Glad to hear it will be o.k for you. Any problems or long term issues with shooting your bow??? I had cortizone injected into my knee after a car accident years ago. I did not like that needle being wiggled around into the depths of my knee.Ouch! But it sure felt better after awhile!
  25. I thought I read something years ago that biologists also use grid patterns in various habitat types and count the number of "terd piles" found on the ground for the type and amount of habitat, and estimate the deer numbers accordingly as well as factoring hunter survey data,mortality rates, estimated predations,. etc? I think it would be fun to be able to tag along sometime and see how it works!