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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Arizona Big 10?

    As of now, I only have 6 of the Arizona 10. I am not holding my breath for a sheep tag! I never put in for Buffalo. I will get my Antelope! I will get a mountain lion one of these days! So all in all, I will probably end up with 8 out of 10 by the time I can no longer hunt!
  2. Snapshot

    Arizona Big 10?

    As the Nuge would say, YOWZA! The Corky he referenced was one and the same. In fact. Ted hunted javelina here in AZ with him about 15 years ago. That's probably why he mentioned him because he knows Corky and I have been friends for many years. That makes sense. Was it that pig hunting jamboree deal that was held over by Safford, I think?
  3. Snapshot

    Arizona Big 10?

    Yup. They both Cindi and Brian needed a bison, and each of them killed one on the same hunt, as I had posted in an earlier message in this thread. And if I recall, Corky is only a sheep away from completing his Big Ten. I think his bison is still listed as the P&Y No. 1, and before he held that spot, his dad, George Richardson did. Corky also has this humongous pronghorn to his credit. I took the photos the day he killed it. You can see a repro at the Cabela's in Glendale. Nice buck, and photo. Tony, When I talked to Ted Nugent on the phone Sunday, he made reference to a guy named Corky and I can't remember the last name he said. He was mentioning something about Corky's Coues hunts??? Do you know which Corky he was refering too?
  4. Thanks for the info Jim. I am pretty sure I read about, or heard of those methods sometime back in the 80's. That method does sound labor intensive!
  5. Snapshot

    OUCH stiches, reminder to be carefull!

    High rpm woodworking machinery and power tools, plus complacency, equals human meat grinder. Someday I will tell you the story of how I went back into my shop the next day, and found that a mouse decided to collect and eat all the bone shavings that came off my thumb
  6. Snapshot

    OUCH stiches, reminder to be carefull!

    I feel for you brother!. Those numbing shots are pure torture. I have had so many stitches in my hands, fingers, plus broken fingers to boot. I cringe every time I injure my hands. Nice thing is I always pull out my own stitches. It saves an extra trip to the Doc Heal up and get better!
  7. Snapshot

    A Prayer for Our Troops

    I also know people that have kids fighting in Irag and Afghanistan, and I think about them always. May they all come home safely someday!
  8. Snapshot


    As the boys down south say "hoooooooooooeeeeeeeeee, what a hawg" Very, very nice fish!
  9. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent Concert

    That was pretty cool of Ted to do that for us. In the letter I mentioned that the, gift of the shirt, was not just from me, but from all the good people here at CWT.com Initially, I was disappointed in not being able to hand to him in person and get a quick photo op. But there were alot of VIP's that had paid to meet Ted, so I certainly understand.
  10. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent Concert

    Uh, so are you kidding TJ? or are you serious? Amanda TJ does not have my cell number, so you know he's..................joking!
  11. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent Concert

    If that was your brother in law, then he has Ted's voice down pretty good. My phone said "unknown" when the call came, so I was not expecting my hero and rock and roll legend to be on the other end. I got a little tongue tied When Ted did the song "Fred Bear" last night, it was awesome. That song always gets to my heart.
  12. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent Concert

    Well gang, guess what.? I just got off the phone with Ted Nugent. He took the time to call me this morning, and thank me for the shirt, and asked if I liked his mention of the backstraps of the website Coueswhitetail.com. How cool is that. I think that is fantastic that he took the time to call. I have always been a huge fan of Uncle Ted, and I will be for life. Ted, If you are out there, thank you my bloodbrother, not only for a great show, but for all you do. We all share the passion of the true spirit of the wild. Someday I hope to shake your hand, and thank you in person!
  13. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent Concert

    I don't have cable or sattelite where I am at. Someone will have to keep an eye on the, "Spirit of the Wild" Shows. On a side note: has anyone seen that website " The people of Wal-Mart"? I think I will have to start a "People of the Fair" webiste. Quite a few characters at the fair
  14. Just a reminder for any of my fellow Tucsonians, that Ted Nugent will be playing at the Pima County fair this Coming Saturday Night at 8:00 p.m. If any of you are interested in meeting up, I will be at the beer garden right next to the main stage about an hour before the show. Just look for a big blond guy wearing a CWT shirt I just ordered a CWT shirt for Uncle Ted, I just got to get close enough to give it to him. Disclaimer: I just applied for a temporary gig and I hope I don't get called in to work for Saturday Night
  15. Snapshot

    Some WMAT finds

    Those are simply outstanding. Looks like Harold has a hotspot or two!
  16. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    Thanks Tony! I would love to give Obama something, but it is not a shirt!
  17. Well, it has been 2 months since I filed my taxes, and I have been patiently awaiting my refund. I went online to check the status, and it says my refund in on hold for a tax liability on another account Wait.........a stinkin minute, I have no other accounts and no tax liabilities whatsoever. So, I had to do what I dread the most, and call the IRS After burning up 45 minutes of cell phone minutes, I find out the IRS computer put a freeze on my refund for an outstanding tax liability that does not exist. Today in the mail I received a notice from the IRS informing me that they are adding $400.00 more to my refund for a "making work pay" credit on line 63., but, it will take up to 6 more weeks to recieve my refund. I am not one to complain about receiving extra money, but now my refund is anticipated to be sent 14 weeks after original filing.???? Thats 3 1/2 months.
  18. Snapshot

    Ted Nugent & Pima County Fair

    Thanks to Tony Mandile (aka Outdoor Writer) and his efforts to get Ted Nugent to contact me, I just received a call from Ted Nugents road manager. He wants me to call him before the show tommorow so that I can give the shirt to Ted personally. Tony, I love you man!
  19. Snapshot

    National Park Week

    Doug, In the summer of 1990 I worked for the Hamilton Stores warehouse in West Yellowstone. We would palletize and load all the shipments to the various stores, plus other tasks. I spent alot of time flyfishing. After the summer was over I went on to help guide archery elk hunters for a couple weeks at a ranch in the madison valley, and the Lee Metcalf wilderness area. I actually guided outdoor writer, Bob Robb, for a day as he was a freind of the outfitter and he came into camp for a few days. After we went back to the ranch, Bob shot a nice Antelope for an article he was writing. I still have the picture of me and Bob on that elk hunt. I called in a nice 5x5 in a spot we called the "H#ll Hole", but he was after something bigger, because he had another hunt planned in the Bob marshall wilderness. I will find the picture, and scan and post it one of these days!
  20. Snapshot

    Very Quiet Lately!!!!

    Just remember! When you are being chased by something in the African bush, you don't have to be fast, just faster than the next guy! And that includes running away from Richard Simmons
  21. Snapshot

    National Park Week

    I am in the process of working out a deal to spend the summer and early fall, living and working up in Yellowstone Park. There are worse things than being a flyfishing bum for the summer
  22. Snapshot

    Very Quiet Lately!!!!

    It's always like this right after the draw. Just wait until the end of May-July, it will get crazy again.! Then the summer sets in................. Oh crap! I did not see the"Gino" part, I just saw that it is quiet around here. Gino is probably dodging charging buffalo and hungry Lions, while trying to hold the camera steady Hope he is well!
  23. Snapshot

    Guess the Score Contest - set of Sheds!

    Thanks Amanda! Congratulations to all the winners!
  24. Snapshot

    National Park Week

    Have fun up there TJ! I have fished the "Juan" a few times. The last time I was up there I stepped into one of those moss covered channels, and went completely underwater. All the wife saw was a flyrod sticking out of the water, and when I came up she was laughing like crazy! Can't imagine why! The Madison, Yellowstone, San Juan, the Gunnison and Lee's Ferry of the Colorado have all baptized me in thy waters