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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Buycott Arizona

    Thanks DB! Added my name to the list.
  2. reminds me of that movie "Without a Paddle". Stumbling into a plantation in the middle of nowhere, tended by a couple of hillbillies with automatic weapons and Rotweillers.
  3. Unfortunately, there will always be too many people that simply don't get it. I heard conflicting stories that 2 UDA's were caught. This country has problems. Big problems. Serious problems. We need serious people to help fix them. Obama and his chronies will be the downfall of this great nation.
  4. Snapshot

    GM New Commercials

    Considering that GM claimed an anuual loss for how many years?, There is no way they could pay back billions in such a short time frame. Smoke and mirrors my freinds!
  5. Two guys are bungee-jumping one day. The first guy says to the second. "You know, we could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping service in Mexico." The second guy thinks this is a great idea, so the two pool their money and buy everything they'll need - a tower, an elastic cord, insurance, etc. They travel to Mexico and begin to set up on the square. As they are constructing the tower, a crowd begins to assemble. Slowly, more and more people gather to watch them at work. The first guy jumps. He bounces at the end of the cord, but when he comes back up, the second guy notices that he has a few cuts and scratches. Unfortunately, the second guy isn't able catch him, he falls again, bounces and comes back up again. This time, he is bruised and bleeding. Again, the second guy misses him. The first guy falls again and bounces back up. This time, he comes back pretty messed up - he's got a couple of broken bones and is almost unconscious. Luckily, the second guy finally catches him this time and says, "What happened? Was the cord too long?" The first guy says, "No, the cord was fine, but what the heck is a 'pinata'?"
  6. from the Arizona Daily Star PHOENIX - State lawmakers voted late Thursday to repeal one of the more controversial provisions from the new law aimed at illegal immigration. It was among the last things lawmakers did before adjourning the regular legislative session about 11 p.m. HB 2162, approved by the House and Senate, changes the law to specify that when deciding whom to question about immigration status, police may not use race, ethnicity or national origin as a factor. That is a significant change from SB 1070 as it was approved by lawmakers and signed less than a week ago by Gov. Jan Brewer. That version of the law permits police to consider any of those factors when deciding if there is "reasonable suspicion" someone is not in this country legally, as long as it is not the only reason for investigating further. Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, defended the original provision as being relevant, saying 90 percent of those in this country illegally are from Mexico and points south. But by Thursday, after the filing of two lawsuits challenging the new law on several grounds, including racial profiling, Pearce backed off. He said the provision is probably unnecessary, as the U.S. Constitution already precludes racial profiling. What the change does, Pearce said, is remove a target for foes, both those in court and those criticizing the measure in speeches and demonstrations. "I'm just tired of the games played by the left," he said. Pearce said making the change and leaving pretty much everything else the same "strengthens the bill's ability of being enforced without letting the left leverage bad stuff." But another change negotiated between Brewer and legislators could have an even more sweeping effect. As originally approved, SB 1070 requires police to determine the immigration status of those with whom they have "lawful contact" if there is reasonable suspicion the person is not here legally. That "reasonable suspicion" language remains. But the language about "contact" is replaced with a reference to "stop, detention or arrest." Paul Senseman, the governor's spokesman, said the changes effectively reduce checking immigration status to "secondary enforcement." "There have to be other steps, such as another law being broken first," he said, before an officer could, with reasonable suspicion, inquire if a person is a citizen or legal resident. He compared it to Arizona's seat-belt laws: Police cannot stop a motorist solely because the person is unbuckled. But officers can issue a ticket for failing to buckle up if the driver is stopped for some other reason. Senseman said both charges are designed to undermine lawsuits seeking to have the law overturned on the premise that it allows officers to stop and question anyone who looks like an illegal immigrant. He said the secondary enforcement language strengthens provisions in the original bill designed to reassure illegal immigrants who are crime victims or witnesses that they can call police without being asked about their legal status. The language in HB 2162 cannot amend SB 1070, which has been signed into law. But since SB 1070 won't take effect until 90 days from now, putting the altered verbiage into the other bill means that, when both become law on the same day, the later-adopted revisions will take precedence. Pearce said he doesn't believe either change will make it harder for an officer to question someone who is suspected of being an illegal immigrant. "The reason we made these clarifications is to make it a stronger case in court," he said. "This is a tough bill. We didn't water it down."
  7. They found the deputy and he was helped to the rescue helicopter. My prayers are with all law enforcement and Border Patrol, that have to deal with this everyday.
  8. PINAL COUNTY, AZ -- A Pinal County Sheriff's deputy has been rescued after he was shot, apparently by an undocumented immigrant. According to Pinal County Sheriff's Lt. Tamatha Villar, the deputy said in a radio transmission around 4:30 p.m. that he had been shot by an undocumented immigrant in a desert area. Villar said the deputy was working alone when he stopped two suspects and one of them reportedly pulled out an AK47 assault rifle, shooting the deputy in the abdomen. Authorites searched for the victim and suspects southwest of Casa Grande, near Interstate 8 and Arizona 84. There is no word yet on the condition of the deputy. Air15 video showed a Department of Public Safety helicopter crew landing in the desert and walking the wounded deputy to the chopper.
  9. Snapshot

    Elderly Deer Hunt

    Mr. Jonathan, Finding a good spot to sit in an area with game movement, and or the ability to maybe push game towards her might be a good bet. Find a good waterhole and setup an ambush?? Bill, Having a senior's only hunt is a great idea.
  10. Snapshot

    Rob Krentz

    Lark, I hear what your sayin. The bad guys down south have more resolve, and human life is cheap coin for them. We shoot one of them, they shoot 20 of us. Too hold back water, you build a dam.
  11. Brent, I am not sure what you mean by this.... Are you trying to say that the Feds (BP) doesnt already target the drug smuggling? That its not looked upon seriously? Casey, No. I am not implying that the B.P does not take this seriously. I respect you guy's working for B.P, as you you all put yourself in harms way every day. The Border Patrol does what it can, with the man power and resources available to them. My opinions are that there are too many holes in the border, simply because of the hundreds of miles to cover and not enough resources to cover it. Its alot of country. Someone made a comment that if americans quit doing drugs then there would be no more smuggling. Unfortunately that will probably never happen. So it would seem to be easier to target the source, rather than the cause. I understand their is no easy cure too smuggling and illegal immigration. But with all the money being spent and lost, because of the these issues, we would think that the Federal government would look to a long term and viable solution. I also understand that illegal immigration comes in different nationality. Canadian, Honduran, El salvadorian, Nicaraguan, Mexican, chinese, whatever. I do not look at a persons legality in terms of race, or nationality. Illegal is illegal. Our quality of life and financial future is directly tied to issues like illegal immigration. Why should our hospital costs go up just to offset the costs lost by the healthcare provider because of illegal aliens. Why should we pay more taxes to offset the cost of catching and apprehending illegal aliens, when there a re methods that could seriously reduce illegal border crossings and cost the american public much less in the future. How many good americans have to die before our government provides something more than lip service. I bet that if a drug smuggler killed a high ranking government official, we would see it all over the media, and everyone would be up in arms. But good men like Mr. Krentz end up being forgotten by the public. Building the 30' tall barrier from California to the Texas coast would be a good way for the Government to create more jobs and border security all in one package. The list goes on.!
  12. Now if I was walking down the street in the middle of Moscow,Baghdad, or Mexico city and a local authority asked to see my passport, would that be racial profiling since I am not of that particular nationality? The local authority are just doing their job! The only way Obama will ever get another term as President is to declare amnesty and get a percentage of the 10.8 million people who would fall under the amnesty umbrella. On the other hand if Obama declares amnesty, a whole lot of voters, democrats, and republicans, are going to be very upset and it will not matter how many extra votes Obama & Co. have in their pocket, he will be gone after 4 years, and will not have any more term to build his socialistic empire. But by then the damage will already have been done. The entire situation is a travesty. It will just make an angry USA even more so, and divide americans. I would be very happy if the Fed's would at least agressively target the border drug smuggling, so that no more people like Mr. Krentz end up dead. If you have a green card, or can get one. Then welcome to the USA.
  13. Snapshot

    Southern Arizona Dandy Tom

    Nice Tom. Thanks for helping out the deer population
  14. Snapshot

    Chasing a Dream

    Sounds like a great time. Wish I could be there! Congrats on opening a nice business. May you prosper!
  15. Snapshot

    Rob Krentz

    That is the saddest part of all the drug smuggling/war, is the collateral damage, and good men like Mr. Kretnz end up dead. The guys who tracked down the smuggler should have just finished the job themselves, and crucified that murderer to a mesquite tree. Send his head back to the Mexico cartel. Maybe if everyone that lives along the border starts taking vigilante action, hopefully our lazy government will take affirmative action. But i doubt it This country does not belong to Mexico, and its high time we send the message.
  16. Snapshot

    5th Graders on a Field Trip

    I think thats great for G&F to sponsor these programs for the youngsters, and allowing them to learn about fishing and having a great time. A big Kudos to your wife for taking those kids on the trip!
  17. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday az4life

    Happy birthday. How are things up there on the range?
  18. Snapshot

    Sign of the times

    Bearack Obama!
  19. Snapshot

    Bird Nests

    That pretty much sums it up!
  20. Snapshot

    Tell us about your favorite movies

    "Gonna make you squeal like a pig boy" Forgot to mention of all my favorite t.v shows is "Bonanza"
  21. Snapshot


    Well, if all the bleeding hearts decide to boycott Arizona, we just might have to switch to mexican tobacco.
  22. Snapshot

    Tell us about your favorite movies

    I have alway been a big John Wayne and Clint Eastwood fan. My fav's ..........Hatari, Hellfighters, True Grit, OutlawJosey Wales, Pale rider, and of course.....Every which way but loose! Can't believe Clint is 80 already. "Dyin ain't much of a livin..... boy"
  23. Snapshot


    Yep! Guilty. have been for 30 years. But I ain't worried about family. Don't have much. death ain't so scary when you don't have much to leave behind Lark, Sorry to hear about your friend. God Bless!
  24. Snapshot

    Got my Boat

    I have thought about that, but I think I can take care of my mountain lakes with my trolling motor and have a little more umph for Roosevelt type stuff, will have to see......you got a 10hp you want to trade??? No. Unfortunately I don't own a boat. A guy I know was in the same situation and he made a trade with a guy on craigslist. He fishes the lakes alot that have the H.P limit, so it was beneficial for the trade.
  25. Snapshot

    On the road again

    Well...... I just got the word that someone in the West Yellowstone area of Montana wants to hire me for the summer season. May 25- September 30. Be back in October. Will be living right on the Madison River Probably won't be on the internet much except when I can go find a wifi hotspot. Yes............, I hear a big sigh of relief in the background that "ole Snap" won't be around much! But if you are nice to me, I will post lots of pics of those big Montana trout that are just waiting for my fly. Especially during the Stonefly hatch Will be leaving in about 3 weeks. Or as soon as the IRS decides too................pay me! Just in time for the opening of the Yellowstone fishing season.