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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Gotta Read This...

    The Democrats want the votes from all those illegals, who would be legal, if amnesty was declared by our President The Republicans think that illegals working for cheap, is a great for business and employers.
  2. Snapshot

    Boycott Question

    I admit I gotta look that one up but it has got to be funny It is a fancy word for "Pompous" or "pompously spoken" I had to look it up
  3. Snapshot

    Gotta Read This...

    According to John McCains 10 point plan.................... National Guard Troops 3000 more Border Patrol Build the dang fence Smartest thing I ever heard McCain say
  4. I know what you mean. I have worked on commercial jobsites for almost 30 years ,but I have been fortunate to only lose a handful of tools as I never leave my stuff unattended, or unwatched. Too many sticky fingers out there. A few years back we were working a very large project and alot of different subs were loosing tools left and right. A sting operation was setup by the contractor and the thief was caught redhanded. We all gave the thief a cold sendoff as he was escorted to the police car. He was a temp laborer. Not long ago, during the I-10 expansion project here in Tucson, some thieves stole one of those high dollar portable welder/generator rigs that you pull behind a truck. Little did the thieves know that there was a GPS tracking unit installed on it. The cops followed it right to the house which ended up being part of a meth ring, and busted everyone in the house. How sweet is that?
  5. If those were my kids and they got kicked out of school for something like that, the school district would be talking to my lawyer. When I grew up in school, every morning we had to put our hands on our heart and pledge allegiance to the flag............. "Of the United States of America"
  6. Snapshot

    Very Quiet Lately!!!!

    When is Gino supposed to be back.? Can't wait to hear about his adventure!
  7. Snapshot

    delete delete

    Even though I get involved in Politics, I agree with COOSEFAN. The political forum is for "Politics" and it should remain there and not in the the other forum topics. Regardless of difference's in opinion, or beliefs, we are all still comrades at the end of the day!
  8. Snapshot

    Boycott Question

    This country is so full of two faced hypocrits that it really boils down to who your dealing with, and what stance they take on the boycott. Catch 22! They don't want their money going to Arizona, but I am sure they will glady part us with our money. I feel the whole boycott deal is a conspiracy by the democrats
  9. Snapshot

    April Shed Hunt

    Very nice Dustin! You da man!
  10. Snapshot

    A Bit of NM Irony

    Just another reason, in a long list of reasons, to get them out of the country.
  11. The "race card" is the only card that the opponents have to play. We know it, they know it! If that sign is real, I am surprised the guy is still standing on his feet, and not on his way to the emergency room in an ambulance for some free medical treatment
  12. Snapshot

    Gotta Read This...

    Exactly right! If our government put the time and money into illegal immigration like they do in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the problem would be solved quickly. Maybe they should move the Whitehouse down to the border. Then Obama can watch 300-1200 immigrants walk across his front lawn daily.
  13. Snapshot

    Gotta Read This...

    That letter sums it up 100% Good read! That letter should be given to every ignorant person who oposes SB 1070, but then agian from what I have seen, they would still not understand it.
  14. Snapshot

    CouesWhitetail.com Dance Team

    That is just too funny. The Coueswhitetail.com Wild boys dance club! Hilarious!
  15. Snapshot

    Holy Cow

    Strap on a Walkers Game ear!
  16. Snapshot

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    I don't take the Sun's support of this too seriously. They are simply trying to protect their revenues. Sports and politics don't mix well. But then again, I am just a football guy God forbid if the Vikings get involved in this nonsense
  17. Snapshot

    First Gila Bird

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing!
  18. Snapshot

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    Celebrities......Ugh! Drop a few thousand illegals off at their doorsteps, and let them take care of their needs. It amazes me that there are approximately 12 million illegals living in this country, 450,000 in Arizona alone, and our Govenor passes a bill which has a 60-70% taxpayer approval rating, yet Arizona is being condemed and boycotted by all the bleeding heart sympathizers. Do these boneheads not realize it just makes a bad economy worse and everyone ends up paying the price eventually!
  19. Snapshot

    Happy Cinco De Mayo

    Exactly what it is. There is a IRISH bar in my neighborhood that has the parking lot blocked off like its St. patty's day to have a celebration. I had a guy that worked for me many years ago and he was Half IRISH, half MEXICAN, and I wondered why he was so happy all the time. I finally realized that the gallon of ice tea he brought to work everyday was actually" Long Island Ice tea". Can you say "Your fired"
  20. Snapshot

    My Grandpa (Father Figure)

    Godspeed to your Grandfather!..
  21. Snapshot

    Happy Cinco De Mayo

    Cinco De Mayo and Cerveza go hand in hand! It's a holiday also know as "Cinco de Drinko" Where's the beer?
  22. Snapshot

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    If I could have afforded to buy them in the first place I would put them up for sale you bet, a million a piece. Problem is I spend so d@m much of my money paying for health care, taxes and all that other stuff that illegals don't have to spend their money on I can't spend money on junk like Los Suns tickets........... Snap where are you, I need some blood thinner.........it is boilin over......... To keep my blood from boiling, I just punch a democrat between the eyes every morning. It makes me feel better
  23. Snapshot

    Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower

    or Cowboy fans left.......But that would not hurt my feelings much The thing about our presidents of yesteryear, is that some of them had the balls to do the right thing. Our current president............?????? Did anybody see Obama on T.Vmaking fun of McCain???? I don't like McCain much, but it showed the lack of character of our President.
  24. I have been following all the news on the new immigration bill signed by Brewer , and it really boggles my mind that so many are against it and they are all using the racial profiling excuse. Now how else are you supposed to target illegal aliens, besides their looks and color??????? Duh! The fact that 2 lawsuits have been filed by policeman against the State of Arizona, both of which have hispanic last names. Go figure. Boycotts, lawsuits, protests, sympathizers and what have you. People just don't get it! Are these people so ignorant to the fact that some profiling has to be done to catch the illegals??????? After 9/11, did the United States profile anyone that looked middle eastern????? You bet your sweet cheeks we did! And we still do! The FBI, CIA, NSA profile people everyday! Its called National Security! When I go to Mexico, I have to show my papers. I get searched at the military check points. I get profiled by the vendors and everyone that wants to try and part me with my money, because of the color of my skin??????? When I go to Mexico, I feel like a target! But do I raise a stink about it. No! It is the price I have to pay if I want to travel in Mexico! Now the Mexican government is whining about the new law and how they want to challenge it. Gee whiz ! All they think about is the money flowing back into Mexico. Hypocrits! What would they do if everybody boycotted tourism into Mexico, and we all just stayed out of their country instead. The government of Honduras, El Slavador and all those little central American countries are advising people not to go to Arizona. Well halafreakingullah.! I don't see tourism in Mexico being much fun, especially if you are an AZ resident. We might just get profiled. Morons! You would think that if you are a legal U.S citizen or legal immigrant you would be willing to do your part for the greater good of the USA, by not having a problem with proving your identity.????????? I don't know how you all feel about this, and what's to come.? My blood is really starting to boil over all this nonsense! And our communist sissy of a president? Don't even get me started on him and the gutless democrats. O.K , I am done with my rant for today I am a Republican right winger. And proud of it!
  25. Snapshot

    Prayer request for my Bro Inlaw's Wife

    God Bless!