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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Lark, I agree with you 100%. The 3 biggest problems there are, is the smugglers, Illegals, and last but not least, the politicians.!
  2. Snapshot

    Nice Morning On Roosevelt

    Nice fish! Looks like a good day on the water.
  3. Snapshot

    Poaching Penalties - 5 Question Poll

    Much higher fines should be imposed. Hopefully the judge will add more fines to the intital $3K. It is good to see operation game thief in action.
  4. The ACC has no authority whatsoever in determing the shutoff of any power unless it falls under the statutes of the ACC Regulations. The ACC only regulates the conducts of a corporation as related to any possible fraud, law breaking securities, or in the case of utility companies, how much they can charge. The final determination would fall on the ownership of the company, the stockholders, and any contract rights. The threat of turning off the power switch is all "Bluster"
  5. Snapshot

    SB1070 Editorial

    Nice article! I just watched the news of the President of Mexico visiting the whitehouse. He mentioned twice that he was upset about the SB1070. Imagine that! Now I don't know how you all feel about the Mexican Presidents statements, but all I can say is, Who cares what he thinks! This isn't Mexico, and if Mexico took better care of its people, then they wouldnt be coming here in droves.
  6. I am all for it! However, I am sure a lawsuit of epic proportions would soon follow.
  7. I think the Boycotting will backfire on much more than just San Diego.What goes around comes around. Did anyone see the Miss USA pagent. One of the Judges whose last name happens to be NUNEZ, asked the pasty white girl what she thought of SB 1070. I enjoyed the look on his face when she said she supported the bill, but was against the profiling. I think that it was a totally inappropriate question from a judge at a beauty pagent.
  8. People like Nappy and Holder are the lapdogs of Obama.
  9. Snapshot

    Superb hunt with Kei River Safaris

    Congratulations on some fine animals. It is nice to see guys making it to Africa to hunt. I have to live my African hunts through you guys since I don't know, if, or when, I will ever make it over there to hunt.
  10. Snapshot

    Outfitter Killed

    Tough question to answer, but in my opinion, I would think that being murdered and buried in a shallow grave, over a carjacking is much less likely in the U.S. would it be more socially acceptable if he was murdered in the U.S? The nice thing about Arizona law is that defending one's self from forcible entry of an occuppied vehicle falls under the laws of justifiable homicide.
  11. Happy birthday Sundevil. Hope your day was good! Just remember that us Wildcats won't hold your name against you ...........Just kiddin ya!
  12. Snapshot


    I would be more than happy to participate. However, I am getting ready to leave the state for 4-5 months. I show my american pride everyday. There is an amercian flag sticker on my truck, and I stand up for what I believe in. If you want to have a good rally, you need lots os supporters and you have to be prepared to face your opposition. Be preapred to be spit on, sweared at, and have a constant barage of insults hurled at you by clueless, uneducated people.
  13. Snapshot

    Happy B-Day Haffey

    Happy Birthday!
  14. Snapshot

    Poacher Of the 2 Bighorns caught.

    Isn't this type of poaching a felony? I always wonder why some of these guy's don't get arrested, but get a handful of tickets instead, and then have to show up to court? Glad the game thief got caught!
  15. Snapshot

    San Diego School District

    Raul Grijalva has always had just one agenda, and it has nothing to do with representing Arizona as a whole. I will let you figure out what it is! Hopefully the door will hit him hard in the backside on his way out!
  16. Snapshot

    San Diego School District

    Considering it is California.......... A state that has Arnold as a govenor The whole boycotting of Arizona is nothing but a childish initiative, motivated by the ignorant and narrow minded people of the U.S. If you look at the last names of the majority of people who are crying the loudest ........................? They can all stay the h#ll out of Arizona for all I care.
  17. Snapshot

    3 1/2 weeks in Zimbabwe.... I made it back!

    Well... He shot all 4 of the big 4.... However there was a glitch on the Ele bull... and he was hit but not very well... we tracked him for 10 miles... and we left his tracks nearly a mile and 1/2 into Mozambique.... where he was lined out due east and we were not willing to get shot as poachers..... a Shame... he was a good bull. Glad to hear your friend got "The big 4". That is a great accomplishment. Sorry about the elephant. But sometimes it happens! 10 miles of tracking! Bet you guys were exhausted after that day was over. But I bet it was fun!
  18. Snapshot

    Joke of the day

    Hopefully the cop has a sense of humor
  19. Snapshot

    Outfitter Killed

    Very true! As crazy and biased as the laws can be, especially in Mexico, I would not want to be involved in any shooting, even if I was a Mexican citizen. It is hard to defend yourself with a .38 wheelgun vs. an AK47 or automatic. Unless you draw a good bead on the first shot of course
  20. Snapshot

    Outfitter Killed

    I believe there is a law for Mexican citizens to own a handgun for protection of their home. Up to 9mm or .38? I do not think they can carry it, but just for home protection. A permit has to be applied for through the Government agency in Mexico City. Generally, Mexican citizens are restricted by law to: pistolas (handguns) of .380 Auto or .38 Special revolvers or smaller in either case except the .357 Magnum and auto (Sig), escopetas (shotguns) of 12 gauge or smaller, with barrels longer than 25 inches, and rifles (rifles) bolt action and semi-auto. Handguns in calibers bigger than those mentioned above are forbidden from private ownership. Examples of firearms that are legal for citizens to own include .380 ACP pistols, .38 Special revolvers, 12 gauge shotguns (no short-barreled shotguns are allowed) and rifles in any caliber with exceptions such as .30 Carbine, 7mm and 7.62 mm Carbines. Permits for the transportation and use of such non-military caliber firearms are issued for one year terms by SEDENA (Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional) and may be applied for up to 10 firearms, total, for each designated and planned use that is legally authorized. These uses may include hunting or shooting at a club or national competition. Permits are very easy to obtain, but may be only obtained by citizens belonging to a shooting club. There is only one legally authorized retail outlet in Mexico City: UCAM (Unidad de Comercialización de Armamento y Municiones), run by the Army and able to sell firearms. It is owned by, and is part of, the government. Although there is no legal limit on how many firearms an individual can own, UCAM sells one hand gun for home proteccion and nine more for shooting and/or hunting. Once any individual has purchased ten firearms from the only retail governmental outlet, he cannot get a permit to buy any more. However, private party sales are legal and are largely uncontrolled, and wealthy gun-collecting citizens thus can legally buy more firearms from other private owners. Collector permits, somewhat analogous to the FFL Category 03 Curio & Relic permits issued in the United States, are easy to obtain from the Mexican Government and allow the ownership of a wide range of firearms, even including military firearms. For those holding collector permits, regular visits by the local military authority to inspect the storage location to make sure it has the necessary security measures to avoid the guns being stolen are a recurring fact of life. CCW licenses are issued but are hard to obtain for anyone not wealthy and without political connections. In the event that an application is denied, the denial may theoretically be appealed at a District Court, but this never occurs in practice. Prior to 2002, CCW licenses could be obtained authorizing military caliber pistols. However, these CCW licenses were all cancelled, and re-issued to authorize only up to .380 ACP caliber pistolas. Transportation licenses are required for transporting guns. Transportation must be with the firearm unloaded and in a case. There are no public shooting ranges such as in the U.S. and other countries. Gun politics in Mexico have resulted in some of the strictest gun laws in the world. It is in many ways similar to the United Kingdom, except with much more severe prison terms for even the smallest gun law violations. On the other hand, possession of non-military-caliber small arms by citizens is largely a non-issue. Gun politics are thus not the major issue in Mexico that they are in the neighboring United States, since few Mexican citizens have any gun law difficulties.
  21. Snapshot

    I like it!

    I like it too! Can I get a bumper sticker?
  22. Snapshot

    Sen. Kyl

    Yes indeed! McCain should do the public a huge favor and retire!
  23. Snapshot

    Camerland NY!!

    Awesome! As soon as I can afford some of the stuff I want, Cameraland will certainly get my business!
  24. Snapshot

    New Family Member Arrived!

    Congratulations on the new clan member! She is a cutie!
  25. Snapshot

    Sen. Kyl

    Redneck, I am glad to see your active participation by contacting Kyl. I like what he said, but as mentioned by elkaholic, it is time to see these plans put into action. Stop the flow of illegals first and then work on deporting the ones already here. One burrow at a time.