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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    San Carlos

    Sounds great. It has been awhile since I have been able to get in on some good fall bass action. Am experiencing the same up here in Montana for trout, the big fish are starting to move. The next month should be awesome, hopefully
  2. Snapshot

    The Wave

    That is way cool. Looks like a swilrling milk chocalat.
  3. Snapshot

    Hebgen lake Brown Trout

    I was headed to town this morning, and I was driving around Hebgen lake I noticed a big fish rise in the calm waters of a large cove. So I pulled over got out my rod and cast to the area the fish was working, and bang......I nailed him on the first cast. The rod was bent in two and the reel drag was screaming and...................pop, the hook pulled free. It was a good trout in the 5-6 pound range, but I did not get a good look at it. The big fish are cruising right now.
  4. Snapshot

    Hebgen lake Brown Trout

    Took the spinning rod down to a spot on Hebgen lake this evening where I can usually catch a few fish before dark. This 20" Brown Trout crashed into the 3/8" oz. rainbow trout pattern crocodile lure. Had a couple of good wacks on the lure from other fish, but this is the only one I hooked and landed tonight. I pinch all the barbs down on my flies and lures. This fish was released to fight again another day.
  5. Snapshot

    Hebgen Lake Rainbow Trout

    Beautiful day here in Montana. Woke up to a morning low of 28 degrees, but nice and sunny with temps in the upper 60's. Went to the saloon at 11:00 this morning to have an early lunch and watch a little football, but they were not opening for another hour, so I went down to Hebgen Lake for an hour and caught this fattie. Sorry Amanda, but I released this one also The fishing lure is almost 4" long.
  6. Snapshot

    193 inch archery Mulie from Utah!

  7. Snapshot

    He's home!

    Wow! That is a beautiful deer and a fantastic mount!
  8. Snapshot

    Hebgen Lake Rainbow Trout

    Turn me loose........and set me free........somewhere in..... the middle of Montana.
  9. Snapshot

    Happy Bday BowNut and EliAGrimmett!

    Happy birthday feller's. enjoy your day!
  10. Snapshot

    Montana adventures

    Well the weather is not so good today. Just snowed about 400 feet up the hill from me. I will post a whole bunch of new pics on Monday or Tuesday. Madison River below Hebgen lake. Madison River Geese on the Madison River Madison River- There is goats up in them cliffs, sometimes. After a hard day of fishing, its time for a Trout Slayer beer. Madsion River Valley Smoke Jumper airplane on manuevers Smoke Jumper Entrance to the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center Bear exhibits Icouldn't get good pictures of the wolves as they were laying up in the shade away from the viewing area. Nakina and Revel-Two of the 6 bears at the Discovery center. The attendants will put food and treats out in the rocks and wood piles and then the bears will come out and root for some snacks. These bears and wolves are animals that were orphaned or in situations in which they would probably not make it in the wild on their own.
  11. Snapshot

    Hebgen lake Brown Trout

    I was tempted to keep him since he was around 3 to 3 1/4 pounds But I catch so many fish up here that I can't eat them all, and my freezer in my RV is small, so I practice catch and release and keep one or two now and again to put on the grill. The Brown trout spawning migration will start next month. The Brown trout in the lakes will head up the rivers and tributaries to spawn. I am on a quest to catch a 24" brown before season end. My best this year so far is 22 1/2".
  12. Snapshot

    My buddies first AZ Deer and with a bow.

    Beautiful buck! For some reason your freind looks familiar?
  13. Snapshot

    9/11 A Day of Remembrance

    Yes indeed. 9/11 was a sad day for those lost in a horrific and cowardly act of terrorism. My prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones, and to those who put their lives on the line to save what people they could. As proud and free americans, may we all persevere! God bless America!
  14. Snapshot

    Montana adventures

    Pics uploaded......finally. Will have some more later this month.
  15. Snapshot

    North Rim

    I have been up in Yellowstone country all summer, but have only been into the park 2 times. July set a record in the amount of tourist entries at around 975,000. The road construction going on between Madison and Norris Junctions has made it harder. But I will be going in every weekend thru the end of the month now that the tourist herd has thinned out considerably. Post those other pics if you can.
  16. Snapshot

    North Rim

    Nice pics. To find the animals in Yellowstone, just look for the traffic jams on the roads Jackson Hole and the Tetons are very beautiful, epsecially when it snows and the trees are turning. Sounds like you had a great road trip. Thanks for sharing your adventure!
  17. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Scoutm

    Happy Birthday Larry! Hope your Sunday is a good one!
  18. Snapshot

    Paria Plateau

    Simply outstanding!
  19. Snapshot

    Montana adventures

    The archery elk hunters are already out and about. I wish I had a tag. As a non-resident I can get a cow elk tag for around $300.00 but I don't hunt female's, with the exception of the 2 legged variety , but I don't have a place to put meat even if I got one? Since Labor day is past, the tourists have thinned out, when the tree's turn I will be going back into the park. July and August the Park was a complete circus. Major road construction from Madison to Norris Junction.
  20. Snapshot

    Montana adventures

    It was the howling winds and rain that proceeded the snow that wasn't so good Wanted to go fishing yesterday, but the storm put an end to that idea.
  21. Snapshot

    180+ Coues Sheds --- You better sit down before you look!

    That is one nasty, sick, and wicked set of sheds.! I have never had a problem with buck fever, but if I saw that bad boy during hunting season..................., I just might get weak in the knee's!
  22. Snapshot

    Montana Summer Adventures

    I have a bunch of new pics that I will post soon, including pics of the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery center In West Yellowstone. I will have to go into town to upload them, as I have a WIFI agreement with the RV park that I will not upload or download files.. as I will get a spanking if I exceed the WIFI bandwith
  23. Here are some pics taken during my travels. I will post more in the future. A nice 20" Yellowstone River Cutthroat that I caught and released unharmed. All Cutthroat Trout in YNP must be released. The Yellowstone lake/River Cutthroat trout have been severely affected by the lake trout infestation,whirling disease, and a lack of water in the spawning tributaries. I remember the days you could look out into the clear water of the Yellowstone river and see the trout laying in there in good number. Not anymore! The day I was fishing the Yellowstone, a 65 year old fisherman drowned just down the river from me. He floated 5 miles before he was found face down in the water in Hayden Valley. Alot of people underestimate the power of the currents in these big rivers. A momma moose and her calf, not far from where I live. I saw them lying in a grassy drainage, and snuck as close as I could without upsetting her. Cow moose are very protective of their young, and you don't want to get too close. A small antelope buck crawling under a fence in the Madison valley A small pond(fishless) not far from where I live. The Madison river after it comes out of the canyon and then broadens out into the Madison Valley. Mountain Goats up in the high cliffs above the Madison river between Hebgen and Quake Lake. The picture quality is not good, but it was as close as I could get with the digital zoom. Madison Range Mountains The Gallatin River runs along some of the highway on the way to Bozeman. The Gibbon River inside YNP Hebgen Lake is 16 miles long. This is just a small part of it. Went to a 4th of July Party after work, at the Longhorn Saloon, just down the road. The band "Snake Bones" was playing on the outdoor stage. Quake Lake was formed in the earthquake of 1959 when a whole mountainside slid down into the Madison river. There are still lots of dead tree's in the water, but there is good fishing here, but you really need a boat for this lake. An adult "Salmonfly". These bugs are 3" long and they crawl from the water as a nymph and shed thier shucks and fly away to mate and lay more eggs in the water. The trout will gorge on them until they will no longer eat. It is fun to fish a big fly that you can actually see on the water This is my "little buddy" he lives by my trailer and I feed him some bread. I am trying to get him to take it from my hand but he will only come within 2 feet of me. Madison River.
  24. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday gr8fulDoug!

    Happy Birthday Doug!
  25. Snapshot

    Montana Summer Adventures

    I may live up here permanently. Tucson does not hold anything for me amymore, and I am pretty burned out living in the desert. Will see how I can handle the winters up here with my thin Arizona blood! Summers are short, winters are long, so time will tell if it is a good fit for me or not. It sure is beautiful up here, and a flyfisherman and hunters paradise!