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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Got this via email and thought to share it here...

    Come November, we need to get rid of our Godless President. Remember this when it is time to vote.
  2. Snapshot

    My new Popup Camper

  3. ......and they ended up with nothing but "The Jelly of the month club".
  4. I don't know what Gowan was smoking when he wrote this, but I don't think this bill would last 10 minutes if challenged in court. But considering our screwed up court system.....
  5. Snapshot

    Desert shed hunting advice

    I only shed hunt when I happen to stumble upon something while hunting or scouting. White bone is easy to find, the good brown ones blend in real well.
  6. Snapshot

    African Lion Hunting

    With the big push by the "Save the Lion" activists, it could be smart to keep Lion hunting off of T.V, but it is probably not the reason. Lately on the National Geographic Wild channel, they were claiming that Africa barely has 20,000 Lion left. However, I read some research data that claimed a population of approx 65,000? What these folks won't tell the viewer is that more Lions are killed each year by poachers, poison, wire snares, and Maasai Warriors, then what sportsman will harvest.Not to mention what sportsman's dollars do for their economy. Most good outfitters run year round anti-poaching teams in their concessions, and also try and teach the locals about the value of conservation. In return, most of the meat taken on safari is distributed to local villages. Last year a PH that worked for Robin Hurt Safaris was shot and Killed by highly organized elephant poachers in the Maswa region of Tanzania, next to the Serengeti National Park. He was leading a Safari at the time. Trophy fee's for Lion in Tanzania average $8000.00. About the Same in Zambia. I have seen trophy fee prices in Zimbabwe as high as $20,000.
  7. Snapshot

    African Lion Hunting

    Bill, Without a doubt,hunting in Africa is not cheap. Daily rates in Tanzania can be over $3000 for a big 4 hunt, on a 21 day license. The hunts on these shows are alot of regular guys booking hunts in Africa, and being filmed by Safari Classic productions. I was just hoping to see a good lion hunt, I just didn't know if they were limiting TV exposure too keep from giving the bunny huggers anything to point fingers at.? Even with limited Lion quotas, they are mostly sold out every year. Some of the better areas for Lion can have a 2-3 year waiting list. The outfitter who controls the Mumbwa concession in Zambia, where you shot yours, charges $85,000 for a 24 day full bag Safari, trophy fee's excluded. Not long ago, Zambia cut its Lion quotas in half in most concessions.
  8. Snapshot

    ADA statement

    BPJ. Is that you incognito? I would stand behind a good ole boy like Lark, anyday of the week!
  9. Snapshot

    Eli's coming

    I can't stand either one of those teams. I am glad the Patriots lost. Somebody slap that skanky supermodel upside her head. It's all the wide receivers fault that her pretty boy husband didn't get his fourth SB ring? Yeah Right. I love seeing "Bilicheat" gettinG beat!
  10. Snapshot

    First San Carlos Hunt

    Very Nice!
  11. Snapshot

    Marshall Collins giant buck!

    I apologize for my earlier comment. I am a little touchy about the Govenors tags. Congratulations, on what is surely a "Buck of a lifetime".
  12. I guess I am confused between a silencer, and suppressor. I will have to research it!
  13. Snapshot

    Anybody been to roosevelt?

    I want to get up there as soon as the crappie start spawning. I don't have a boat, but can do well when the fish hit the coves.
  14. Snapshot

    novelty wolves

    If they could train the wolves to only hunt and eat coyotes and Mountain lion, just think of what that would do for our deer herds.
  15. When I want to get rid of my neighbors dogs that bark contunually all day and night, I just tape a plastic soda bottle over the end of the barrel. I could see the appeal of silencers at a shooting range. But if I am in the field, and people are firing high powered weapons, I want to be able to hear them. It would allow me to potentially get out of harms way if I know where the sound is coming from.
  16. Snapshot

    New members

    Just don't putyourpersonal email address in your profile. Email harvesters are rampant these days. I got hacked not long ago and they got ahold of my contact list and sent spam emails out to everyone in my name.
  17. Snapshot

    This makes me sick!

    Yep. I say we scoop it all up and dump it on the Whitehouse lawn.
  18. Snapshot

    Show on the sportsmans Chanel

    I get annoyed with alot of the shows on the Outdoor Cahnnels these days. It won't bother me one bit if I never see Bily Bob, and Bubba, with their whitetail food plot shows again. Don't even get me started on the high fenced hunting and canned lion hunts, in South Africa, on the Outdoor channel.
  19. Snapshot

    It's been such a long time...

    Very nice!
  20. Snapshot

    Shame on you

    I usually end up with trash in my daypack that I pickup when hiking. Soda cans, fruit cups,wrappers, beer cans that you find in some of the strangest places. All the usual stuff.
  21. Snapshot

    Shame on you

    That's good stuff. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!
  22. Snapshot

    Shame on you

    The last time I hunted New Mexico, I respected the land, and left no trace. That is more than I can say about the camps I saw with New Mexico plates. Moral of the story? Don't stereotype.
  23. Snapshot

    "Spirit Towers" You and I...

    Who needs GPS when we have rocks!
  24. Snapshot

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Some of the statements made by particular individuals, bothers me. Just because an Arizona Sportsman may be actively involved in an organization, attends meetings, or volunteers for habitat improvement, does not mean that they have " A bigger say so" as to what should happen with legislation, or the management of our wildlife. Even though I greatly respect,and applaud, those that do volunteer their time and effort, there are thousands of paying sportsman that have an equal voice, regardless of what group, they do, or do not, belong to. One wrong, does not make a right. HB 2072 is totally transparent.It is nothing more than a bill designed to pimp our big game tags to those that are wealthy enough to afford an auction tag, as well as the other issues associated with HB2072. Anybody that wants big game permits, can stand in line with me, and the thousands of other sportsman waiting for our turn to draw one.
  25. Snapshot

    "Spirit Towers" You and I...

    Many years ago in unit unit 30B I found a couple of rock carns with an old mine deed inside a tobacco can. I only checked out the paper inside the can, but left everything as I found it.