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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Gotta love the Lady

    I find it highly ironic how Americans are now celebrating the life(Death) of a crackhead pop diva who pissed away her career by choosing the wrong path. If anyone of us hard working honest people died, we would be a one line blurb in an obituary, buried in the back of a newspaper.
  2. Snapshot

    Check this out!

    If both sides matched, and had a 16" spread(Approx) that would put it at around 127". A monster for sure!
  3. Snapshot


    Guns in the hands of American citizens, are a threat to Obama's rise to his socialistic and communist dictatorship
  4. Snapshot


    Obama and his band of cronies, are highly skilled at "smoke and mirrors". He is not a President we can turn our back on. Everything he is doing now and in the next 9 months, will haunt this country for the next decade, if not longer. Imagine what he can do with another term. It makes my skin crawl that this country elected the POS. Who is to say that the NRA is not trying to scare everyone so that we all rush to join up, and send in those donation checks.? The NRA is the single most valuable voice for us and our gun rights. But I got really tired of all the NRA envelopes in my mail box asking for money. It got old in a hurry!
  5. Snapshot


    I couldn't agree more! Thats why America needs to kick Obama to the curb come election time.
  6. Snapshot

    Regrets of the Dying

    Thats a good qoute! Iam going to borrow it if that is o,k?
  7. You obviously were not an executive getting the big bucks for making the important decisions. Bill Quimby The only decisions I made, were what dishes to wash first!
  8. Bill, I used to work for Levy's when I was in High School(1979) for a whopping $3.25 an hour. LOL
  9. Snapshot

    Oh The Irony....

    Careful! You don't want to make Smacky Boy upset! :lol:
  10. Snapshot

    Oh The Irony....

    I watched a darted Rhino hunt on the outdoor channel awhile back. The hunter shot the Rhino with the dart, and it would not fall over after the drug took effect. They were all trying to topple over this Rhino that would not fall down.
  11. Snapshot

    Oh The Irony....

    Figures!` I have always been against those rhino darting hunts in Africa.
  12. Snapshot

    Custom Wall Tents

    My linkTry this company. They are up by Bozeman,MT. Drove by there everyday to work.
  13. Snapshot

    African Lion Hunting

    Yes! Buzz is a Great PH and my friend Ron has hunted with him once since then and is booking another ele hunt with him this year as well! Great outfit!! Sounds like a great time. I hope my time to hunt there comes someday!
  14. Snapshot

    African Lion Hunting

    I really like watching "Tracks across Africa" and "Hornady's Africa" on the outdoor channels. I see alot of Leopard hunting on these shows,but as of yet, have not seen them filming a free range Lion Hunt. Just wondering if this maybe due to the efforts of various orginizations that are trying to shut down Lion hunting. Maybe these producers are limiting exposure to Lion Hunting on T.V? Just wondering!
  15. Snapshot

    African Lion Hunting

    When I was there (Zim) last year one of the biggest lions we were hunting was crossing back and forth from Chewore to Dande... we tracked him one day and almost got a shot at him... He busted out of a bush 20 yds to our right and that was last we saw of him cuz back to Chowore he went! If memory serves me, you guys were hunting with Buzz Charlton of CMS? Dande is a great area from what I have heard, and CMS is a good outfit.
  16. Snapshot

    Proud Poppa!

  17. Snapshot

    Why Do I hunt?

    Why do I hunt? Starting with the agony of the draw process, to the thrill of drawing a tag....The planning and anticipation of the upcoming hunt....Practicing with the rifle, and getting all the gear checked and loaded.....Leaving early in the morning to my hunting unit, and seeing the sunrise over the beautiful Arizona lnadscape......Setting up camp and getting things organized.....The smell of fresh brewed coffee and sizzling bacon and eggs for breakfast.... Walking through the forest on a crisp fall morning on my way to a glassing spot.....the excitement of glassing up the first animals of the hunt.....Exploring the ridges and canyon's, and wondering what is on the other side of the next mountain.....sitting on a ridge glassing as the setting sun displays a brilliant sunset.....working my way back to camp in anticipation of a few cold beers and a sizzling steak next to a warm campfire.... As I have gotten older, I realized that the success of a hunt is simply having a good time, and enjoying nature and the vast beauty of where I hunt. Harvesting an animal is just a bonus. Since my Dad passed on, I am not as passionate about hunting as I used to be. But I do love to hunt and enjoy the outdoors. Some of my fondest hunting memories, are on hunts with my Dad, when we did not even tag a deer. Always remember to see the Forest through the trees!
  18. Snapshot

    African Lion Hunting

    Well Bill, Looks like I need to eat my words. Last night on Hornady's Africa with Ivan Carter, they featured a Lion hunt in the Chewore South region of Zimbabwe. After hanging baits, they actually ended up tracking a LIon, and finding it asleep in the sandy river bottom. They got it, and now they are going after a lioness. It had been such a long time since I saw a lion hunt, I thought they had given up putting themon TV.
  19. Snapshot

    Regrets of the Dying

    Regrets are unfortunate circumstances in life, many of which are irreparable. I could fill a book with mine.
  20. That is completely unacceptable to me. It seems like they are trying to force a "gag order" on G&F. If any proposed legislation that may have an effect on sportsman, or our wildlife, G&F should be able to inform us of its position/opinion on the subject. Its just another method of them trying to keep a hush on things and scurry it through legislature without resistance.
  21. I feel your pain! I too recently had to re-evaluate my financials after eating all of my 401-k. i took the jump and started my own business as a sub-contractor. I would give almost anything for my family, but not the future of my family, there come a time one has to say NO, NOT HERE. That time for me is now!!! Unfortunately, my wife and stepdaughter abandoned ship. Left me to deal with the damage, so it is just me now, to do as I will. Hopefully find a financial life again!
  22. I am 50/50 on it. I have spent alot of time riding in there, as it was an OHV designated area, having picnics, fun,etc. It is a beautiful area. On the flipside I would love to have a good paying job with benefits once again. As a casualty of the construction implosion 3 years ago, and the resulting collateral damage to me and my family, it would be nice to see some real liveable wage jobs being created. It is not easy starting life over when you are almost 50. As far as the ecological impact, I don't know enough about it to comment.
  23. Snapshot

    Got this via email and thought to share it here...

    +1 OK you lost me on this. Who was President on April 20, 1999? Like the current President or not how do you blame this one on him? I don't blame this action on Obama. I was making a reference to the "Godless" attitudes that seem to be running rampant in our society. This starts at the top. If you follow Obama's actions you will see what I mean. Bill Clinton was President in 1999, another POS president, in a long line of worthless presidents. This once great country was founded on God, and freedoms. The very things that our leaders seem to ignore and forget. Obamacare wants to give a free pass to Muslims,because of religous issues, but he wants the Catholics to pay for birth control, which is against their religous views. Where is the religous parity in this? Mr. Scott's speach touches on this very thing, albeit, in different context. The House Judiciary Committee probably didn't like the truth of this man's speech, even if it was 13 years later.