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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Apache Lake 3/5/2012

  2. Snapshot

    Naval Air Facility El Centro

    Wow. Those are fantastic. What I wouldn't give for a ride in one of those bad boy's!
  3. Good point. Maybe one of the money guys funded the whole thing but they had to split it up into smaller amounts because of campaign finance laws. Either way.....a guy got paid and a bill gets sponsored and slipped in under the radar a few weeks later. if that is true, and I'm not saying it is, then someone is breakin da law. Sounds like something that John Junker with the Fiesta Bowl would do. I wonder if there is a way to get a Political ethics committee involved? Seems like back door bribery too me! WHose not to say there wasn't anymore cash payout under the table.
  4. Snapshot

    San Carlos Fishing question

    Thanks for the info. I was not sure if out of state paid more or not. Looks like a fishing trip maybe in order soon.
  5. Snapshot

    San Carlos Fishing question

    Since I left Arizona for a year and a half, I will not be an AZ resident again until late April. Does San Carlos charge the same fee for fishing, regardless of your status? I want don't want to buy a non-res state license, when I will soon buy a resident one.
  6. Snapshot

    fun dog pic

    Nice! She's so Fluffy!
  7. Snapshot

    Mesa has gone to the dogs

    I am searching craigslist for a dog, that will eat my neighbors dogs.
  8. $424 is a weird amount. But since they have been trying to stay off the radar anyway, doesn't surprise me.
  9. Snapshot

    Weird deaths!

    Wow. All those sheep getting burned alive. What a waste of a great animal. Thats a bummer!
  10. Snapshot

    Weird deaths!

    This might be a little off topic. But in 2005, I was elk hunting up in unit 27. My Dad and I took a drive down the little dirt road from the Sheep Saddle campground. At the end of the road was a Wolf holding enclosure. There was a small trolley cart that suspended on a cable avove the pen where they would put parts of the carcasses in and dump into the pen to feed the wolves. There was all kinds of bones, and skulls, lying everywhere. Inside the cage and out. Cattle bones and skulls and other types of animals? It had kind of a weird feeling about it.
  11. Snapshot

    Weird deaths!

    I think it was 1988, and a friend and I were hunting deer in unit 31. We hiked out of camp the first morning and started going up a dry creek bed in the canyon we were camped in. We could smell something awful up ahead, and we came across a dead cinnamon colored black bear laying in creek bottom. My buddy wanted to salvage the skull. I told him I didn't think it would be legal, and the stench was so bad you had to hold your breath just to get close. It was nasty. I found a G&F warden the next day and told him about our find. He said he already knew about it, and thinks that someone may have shot it ilegally. This last summer when I was up in Montana. I was driving down the country highway next to Hebgen lake, and I saw a nice trout fall out of the sky and go sliding across the road. I looked up and saw 2 eagles that must have been fighting over that fish, and one of them dropped it.
  12. Snapshot


    I haven't stopped by there in a long time, so I probably have the same number you do. I know Chucks Dad passed away in 2010.
  13. I doubt it. HB 2072 is nothing but a big stinky Turd, and PBJ ran out of ways to try and sugar coat it.
  14. Persistent and self serving. No consideration for anyone else except themselves. I can't believe the audacity in which they blatantly disregard the publics input. Disgusting. Yes indeed. Persistent and self serving seems to be at an all time high in the good old USA. Obama is a prime example. If they can't get it honestly, then they lie, bribe, and cheat to make it happen.
  15. Snapshot

    Full of Hot Air

    They are all very nice, but I really like te sunrise pic.
  16. They are not going to get $200,000 each. Most of the tags are not year long tags, they are the same tags we would draw. I don't think anyone is going to pay $200,000 for say a 2 week unit 9 archery tag. They could get 5 figures for it though. Maybe. The $200,000 tags are the gov tags that last all year and are legal in most units. Even if they got 25% of that amount, it will still be a chunk of change going into AZSFW coffers.
  17. If they get 54 tags too auction, at lets say $200,000 each equals $10,800,000. a 10% admin fee would mean $1,800,000. Heck, maybe I should start my own conservation group and make a nice living.
  18. Sure, it would be great to file a lawsuit. But where will the money for legal fee's come from? A case of that magnitutde could cost a couple hundred thousand or more.
  19. Snapshot

    140 2/8" AZ Coues Buck!

    That is incredible.!
  20. From what I have heard, almost everyone including BPJ thought this was a dead deal. Weiers withdrew his support so who was going to sponsor the bill? When I listened to the ADA board, most everyone there said they were not in favor of this bill. My understanding is that Suzanne Gilstrap is trying to drum up support. What a better way than to convince the Governor. I think the focus right now needs to be on AZSFW and in my opinion stopping them AND getting rid of them. Mark AZSFW has now pissed off alot of Sportsman, as well other organizations that may have supported them in the past. If the donations and membership money dries up, a last ditch effort of getting the bill passed may give them an influx of needed cash to stay alive. Cut their support, and they will fall.
  21. They are thinking about $$$$$$$$$$. Lots of it!
  22. I wonder where Jan Brewer will stand on HB2072. Her new Book " Scorpions for Breakfast", is about her fight against "Special Interests"! IS HB2072 NOT A SPECIAL INTEREST????