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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Hunting for Monsters!

    Nice Pics. I used to have one living on my property for awhile. Saw it every spring for about 3 years. I got real close to get pics, and he didn't like it much. Gave me an evil hiss! They are pretty strong!
  2. Snapshot

    blue river stash

    Small amounts of ammonia can be used to purify water. Also used as a fertilizer, as well as extracting metal from ores. It is also a Bear repellent.
  3. Snapshot

    ADA decision

    They were pretty ballsy to try what they did in the first place. I don't think they have much to lose by trying something again. That's how wars are won. If you lose the first battle, you fight much harder the second time around.
  4. Snapshot

    ADA decision

    You can bet your bottom dollar that they won't close up shop. They are formulating a new game plan, even as we speak.
  5. Snapshot


    I guess we could call the folks at AZSFW "Graboids", since they sneak up from underground and try to "Grab our tags.
  6. Zim, Allen,Chef, and all you other fine individuals, you are my heros! You have inspired me to be more Pro Active in the future!
  7. Snapshot


    " You broke into the wrong darn rec room didn't you" LOL...Love those movies
  8. Snapshot

    Saguaro Lake

    As the boys down south say "Whoooooeeeeee. Look at that hog jowls mama of a bass"!
  9. Snapshot

    Bill Sponsors have dropped it

    Thanks.! I will get one in April.
  10. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Peloncillo!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Snapshot

    Bill Sponsors have dropped it

    How much do those conservation plates cost? I would like to get one.
  12. Snapshot

    Bill Sponsors have dropped it

    It would be nice if it got dropped.....but I don't buy it. Those snakes over at AZSFW will wait until Arizona has dropped it's guard, and this situation will rear it's ugly head once more. They will probably wait until they get enough Politicians in their pocket.
  13. Snapshot

    Reply from AZSFW

    Seems that AZSFW have brainwashed themselves into thinking that what they are trying to do is righteous.
  14. Snapshot

    And in other news...

    Yeah. I play patty cake with Grizzly cubs up in Montana. It adds a certain "Zest" to life.
  15. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm!

    Happy Birthday. Hope you have many happy returns!
  16. Snapshot

    Arizona Republic

    Nice! Your efforts are appreciated!
  17. Snapshot

    caught cheating in tournament

    I can hear his excuse...." oops, how did that fish get in there"?
  18. Snapshot

    Reply from AZSFW

    They didn't respond to my email. But then again I was not very graciuos in asking to be removed from all future emails from AZSFW.
  19. Nice to see such a large and established organization like RMEF standing behind sportsman and opposing HB2072. It speaks volumes as to the integrity of the club.
  20. Snapshot

    caught cheating in tournament

    Disgusting! It also happens in the Pro ranks on occasion.
  21. Based on your forum name, it seems that you have a little envy going on as well. I certainly have wealth envy. I would love to be rich. But no matter how much money I had, I would never buy an auction tag. But I would certainly donate alot of money to wildlife conservation.
  22. Snapshot

    tv interview

    And....a big personal thank you to the people working hard behind the scenes , and making this TV interview happen. You certainly have my respect!
  23. Snapshot

    tv interview

    How much money has Hamberlin and crew spent on this deal so far? If they are so gung-ho about wildlife conservation, why didn't they spend that money on it? They have much more in the agenda then simple wildlife conservation concerns. Where does unity among sportsman, as well as fair play, factor into their plan.? Guess what, it doesn't! All you supporters of this abomination of a bill can sugar coat it all you want. We all see it for what it really is. If it looks likes a turd, smells like a turd, it probably is a turd. Lets say AZSFW gets their greedy mitts on these 300 tags. How long is it going to be before every type of ORG in Arizona is going to want some tags. How long will it be before we all get to sit home and watch the rich guys hunting on the Outdoor channel cuz they got all the primo tags. This tag grab deal is like the welfare system. Give some to a few, and pretty soon everyone has their hand out. Please sir, may I have some more?
  24. Snapshot

    tv interview

    I have always opposed auction tags, simply for the reason that AZG&F gives out a few auction tags to orgs,and now everyone(AZSFW) wants more. The auction tag system opened a big can of worms.
  25. Snapshot

    tv interview
