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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot


    I was born in Minnesota. 90 miles south of the twin cities in farm country. Muggy summers.....big mosquitos.....Cold winters....Lots of snow......did I mention ....COLD! Most areas in the southern half of Minnesota is shotguns with slugs only, or bows. Areas in the Northern half rifles can be used. Alot of Farm country. My Uncle owns the automobile testing facility in northern Minnesota, that you see in some of the car commercials. Winter testing facility. They have some good hunting up there by the Canadian border. Personally, I would never move back there......but thats just me. Best of luck if you go. It will be a big adjustment, both cultural, and geographic,
  2. Snapshot

    Thoughts about what makes a "trophy" animal

    What's that old saying? "Never pass up on Monday, what you would gladly shoot on Friday"
  3. Snapshot

    Not what I hoped for, but I'll take it!

    Very nice. You got it done!
  4. Snapshot

    Thoughts about what makes a "trophy" animal

    Amen! Even though I always try and harvest the largest animal I can on a given hunt, I don't consider myself a trophy hunter. I don't get too wrapped up in "inches" The trophy is in the hunt itself!
  5. They don't mind dog doo in their backyards, but God forbid if there is horse poop on a trail.
  6. Under Obama and, and the huge liberal swing this country is seems to be taking, I do know what the world is coming to. I just can't repeat it here! It is a big 4 letter word!
  7. Snapshot

    Bluegill Bananza

    Looks like you had a great day with your Dad. Those Bluegill sure are good eating. Everytime you post pics of cooking your fish, I want to come live at your house!
  8. Thats typical. The Tye dye , and dreadlock,, tree hugging crowd, win another round.
  9. Snapshot

    Forum upgrade coming soon

    What's a "Warning" point? Is that like a forum "Spankin" if we get out of line?
  10. Considering the severe left wing liberal attitude of California........I am not surprised. Maybe if we put up a big wall along the western Arizona border, we can keep it from spreading.
  11. Snapshot

    Fished San Carlos 5/7/2012

    Thats a bummer. Did you try any bass fishing?
  12. Snapshot

    30-06 For Long Range?

    I have shot a 30-06 for many years. It is a good caliber. However, my personal best is deer at 425 yards, and thats about my max comfort range. If an animal is further away than that, I am going to get closer, or pass on the shot. The 30-06 is capable of long range shooting. I would be skeptical of long range on elk. They are just too tough, and we owe it to the animal to make clean kill shots, and not throwing hail Mary shots in the hope we hit something. Long range shooting requires alot of practice, and not just at paper. The 30-06 is a capable gun. Military snipers have used the .308 caliber for years. But they don't need the down range energy, that you would on a tough animal IMO- I would leave the 30-06 for shooting at 500 yards or less.
  13. Snapshot

    Hog Shoot

    Stunning photos. At the air show a few weeks ago the A-10's did some flyby's and demos. They must have had blanks in the gattlin guns, but man, what an awesome thing to hear them fired off.
  14. Snapshot

    Morning Tunes

    Check out Iron Horse, Fade to Blur Grass. It's a blue grass tribute to Metallica. That's sacrilege to Metallica fans! Nothing is better than a stack of Marshall amps rattling your bones. Banjos?........not so much!
  15. Snapshot

    Morning Tunes

    Nothing like a little "Metallica" to wake me up in the morning!
  16. Snapshot

    Gold Teeth

    DB, is that your latest mug shot?
  17. Snapshot

    Gold Teeth

    Maybe take it down to an assayer's office and have it tested?
  18. Snapshot

    I'm going to Wyoming!!!!!

    Nice! I would be doing a happy dance if I drew a sheep tag!
  19. Snapshot

    180 class bucks

    Outstanding! I really like that one on the left. I like bucks with wide sweeping racks!
  20. Snapshot

    I hope this video goes viral

    I didn't see Gilstrap in that video? Don't they get euthanized, if they are not adopted?
  21. Snapshot

    Bobi and Frank Wheeler

    Thats a shame. I wonder if they got caught up in some bad ocean currents? Godspeed!
  22. Snapshot

    Great Nugent concert

    I was hoping he would be wearing that shirt last night. No such luck.
  23. Snapshot

    Great Nugent concert

    Ted put on a good show out at the Pima county fairgrounds. He was playing it " Loud and Proud". My ears are still ringing I was packed into the crowd about 25 feet from stage. One of his last comments as he was leaving the stage. " You want my guns? Come and take them!" Sorry. No pics. Left the camera home tonight.
  24. Snapshot

    New Zealand Adventure

    I have read that flyfishing in New Zealand requires a fair amount of stealth and skill. The fish tend to get real spooky, especially the older well educated fish. Sounds like a great challenge! I have even heard about helicopter fishing, where they wil fly you around to different remote spots. Sounds like a blast!