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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Need help with a Pool Chlorinator

    Salt Clhorine generators are temperature sensitive and can be a little touchy. Is your generator the right size for the pool? It has to generate enough chlorine for the pool size during the time the pump is on. total gallons of pool water vs. how many gallons an hour your pump capacity is wil tell you how many hours to run your pump for full chlorination What is your current PH level, alkalinity etc? Sometimes the salt cell can go bad and needs to be replaced.
  2. Snapshot

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    "Place shotment" ? Did you have a long day at work.? Just kiddin with ya!
  3. Snapshot

    Do lions scare deer out of an area

    Wolves will drive deer out of an area. Seen it happen. Lions? I am not sure?
  4. Snapshot

    Dec. rifle hunts

    I am putting in for unit 27 mule deer this year.
  5. Snapshot

    Muley Skull

    Nice buck. He has some pretty good forks on him.
  6. Snapshot


    Nice. I always looked forward to reading your columns in the paper.
  7. Snapshot

    Online draw

    Their Commador 64's need new floppy drives? I remember when I had a Macintosh. Back then a 20MB hard drive was big.
  8. Snapshot

    Online Draw

    I still use snail mail when it comes to my application. Too many horror stories of credit card problems. Paper app, and money order for me.
  9. Snapshot

    Black River and Escudilla Wilderness to Open

    Thanks for the update
  10. It's going to be a bad fire season. I bet all the firefighters are going to be dang tired after this season is over.
  11. Snapshot

    California SB1221

  12. New Zealand has some quality fishing. Nice Fish!
  13. Snapshot

    California SB1221

    .........and after fluffy gets eaten, the liberal boneheads will go crying too the Game and Fish Department to do something about it.
  14. Snapshot

    so who on here has facebook?

    I used to be active on facebook, but I just got tired of it. Watch out for Facebook, and their tracking cookies. They are watching you!
  15. Snapshot

    California SB1221

    It's California. Is anyone really surprised?
  16. Snapshot

    Bear defense

    There really was no reason to spray that bear. All the guy had to do was stand up, and I bet the bear would have high tailed it out of there.The bear was not in an agressive mode, but curious.
  17. Snapshot

    U of A

    Very Nice. Go Wildcats.! Don't listen to what the Skunkdevils have to say about it.
  18. Snapshot

    Bear defense

    I have never owned a Glock, so I don't know the difference. But when I worked for Blackhawk, we manufactured way more Glock holsters, than 1911's.
  19. Snapshot

    Boogie Monster!

  20. Snapshot

    Solar Eclipse this evening

  21. Snapshot

    Boogie Monster!

    And how many of the "boots" were foolish enough to push the ball?
  22. Snapshot


    Very true. Kind of like having a court appointed lawyer. We end up with bottom of the barrel service, and get screwed either way.