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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Who is ready for august

    Even though it is a good time to get a crack at some big bucks. I don't like the early hunt. Too dang hot. I will hopefully be ready with a new bow by December.
  2. Snapshot

    Sunflower Fire...how it started

    I want to know who names the wildfires. Is there some guy in a backroom somewhere who's job is to figure out names for wildfires and hurricanes?
  3. Snapshot

    Sunflower Fire...how it started

    Will probably get off with a slap on the wrist like the guys who started the wallow fire. Some people just don't get it. I was working the other day with a guy, and we had to modify a small metal storage to make it bigger. He gets out his grinder and starts showering sparks into the dry dead grass next to a condo with lots of dead, and dry vegetation around. He gave me a " WTF" look when I got out the garden hose and wet everything down. I aksed him if he had enough money to pay for a good lawyer, in the event he burned down the condo. Clueless!
  4. THe whitehouse keeps insisting that it is a "Penalty" , and not a "Tax". Mr.President ,.......Don't spit in my face and then try to tell me it's raining.
  5. Oh, and Obamacare law was designed to be funded by all the people who get taxed by not purchasing insurance. It will generate billions.
  6. Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz1zEJw5Mis Thats becuase that worthless little Toad Napolitano is in charge And the powers that be are probably afraid of another agent getting killed by a fast and furious gun Don't fool yourself. King Obama is in charge. He has too high of an opinion of himself to let Janet run the show. She is just his little meat puppet. Yes, our Presidential puppet master sure is full of himself......or something else.
  7. All of our career politicians in Washington D.C are too gutless to try and impeach him.
  8. Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz1zEJw5Mis Thats becuase that worthless little Toad Napolitano is in charge And the powers that be are probably afraid of another agent getting killed by a fast and furious gun
  9. I listen to the FM Radio station 104.1 "The truth", and they have some pretty good political debate and philosophy. Someone there speculated that Justice Roberts may have made a smart play by siding with the liberal judges to uphold Obama care in order to help make enough people angry to swing votes towards Romney. I know it's heresay, but it could be a valid argument. It's a big gamble, but it could be a smart move after thinking about it. Obamcare will have a big fight ahead of it. Or maybe Obama just setup some nice offshore bank accounts for the Supreme court Justices I just hope that Obama ticks off enough people by November. This slick talking chiseler probably has a few aces up his sleeve.
  10. Your ponts are valid on the healthcare insurance, however, it is not the healthcare law that is so mch in question, as to how it was done. Obama and his cronies manipulated the system and used loopholes in our constitution. Obama swore up and down that the individual mandate was not a tax. Guess what? The Supreme court says it is.Anything that is enforced by the IRS is a form of tax. The Supreme court judges are nothing but politicians wearing black robes. Auto insurance is required by law because we create a liability, to life, limb, and property when we drive. I do not have much sympathy for hospitals who over inflate major medical costs and don't get paid..If the costs were more reasonable, maybe more people would not default on their hospital bills? Anybody that is uninsured does not want to have mortgage sized medical payments for the rest of their life. Health insurance is a great thing. I wish I could afford some. I don't need the government using strong arm tactics on me. Buy insurance or pay a fine? Really? Now if I don't pay that fine(Tax) I have the IRS goons that are more than happy to make my life miserable. With our current economical state of affairs, it is not very prudent of our government to disrupt the entire healthcare system, as well as the adverse effect it will have on small business. Man people are struggling to make ends meet. How are people supposed to pay for insurance when they can hardly afford life as it is? This is a low blow by our government at a very bad time. Even though I am not very optimistic about Romney getting elected, I sure hope he does. I really want someone to explain the logic of being taxed on something that is not purchased, owned, or used by me? I have some real issues with the legality of this.
  11. On a side note........ I find it ironic that all the Dem's and liberals are accusing the Republicans of being on a witch hunt of Holder, and yet the Dem's don't mind Obama running roughshod all over us, as if America was his own personal political playground to do with as he pleases. Funny how that works!
  12. I hope you are right, but I will bet a $100 that Obama gets a second term. The main problem is that Romney is a weak candidate, and many people have doubts about him, including myself. However, I see Romney as a better alternative, and sincerely hope that if he is elected, he will bring us down a better path than the one Obama is currently walking. Obama has an agenda that will ruin the infrastructure of this country, including the collateral damage that will affect sportsman like us. I truly hope that the American people wake up. I do know some people who voted for Obama, and they will not vote for him again.
  13. It may be a boost. but probably not enough to defeat Obama. This country is breeding liberalism at an alarming rate. And our slick talking Dictator of a president is working all angles. Pandering to the gay and latino votes, as well as the younger and clueless generations. Based on various poll statistics I have read, the majority of Americans do not want Obamacare. A situation of this magnitude needs to be voted on by the American people. It is our right to decide. We are left holding the bag, becuase our elected officials are not working in the best interest of the american taxpayer.
  14. Once again the American people are slapped in the face by the polluted liberal left wing Supreme court judges. Fisrt HB1070, now this. Plus Obamas free pass to as many as 3 million illegals. We don't need Congress anymore. Obama and the Supreme court are running the show. Words alone can't describe the disgust I feel for Obama, the Democratic party , and the Supreme court. They are betraying our freedom, and this country. I am all for affordable healthcare, but not Obamacare. however, I am a poor man who's entire life has been stripped clean by the economic crash created by the greed of various entities. Now the Fed's want to force me to buy insurance that I cannot afford, or face being penalized if I don't. Nice.! This is a sad day for Americans, as the United States is no longer the land of the free, or the home of the brave. Welcome to the new Socialist America. Say goodbye to freedom of choice. The ignorant sheep of this country will vote Obama into a second term, and the nightmares will only get worse. Hide your guns and ammo.
  15. Snapshot

    Panasonic AG-DVC30 3CCD Video Camera

    Thats a sweet camera. Wish I had $, or something good to trade.
  16. Snapshot

    Snakes are out!

    I have had a half dozen close encounters with Rattlers. Thats why I don't want anything to do with them,sooner or later your luck will run out. Most of them were in the 3' to 4' range.
  17. Snapshot

    Snakes are out!

    I would pay good money to watch that!
  18. Snapshot

    Snakes are out!

    I can imagine the amount of venom a big boy like that would inject. I had a rattlesnake stike at me and missed my hand by a fraction of an inch. It's head actually brushed the side of my hand. I stay away from them. They can ruin your day in a hurry.
  19. Snapshot

    Snakes are out!

    I don't see any part of a shadow from the snake?
  20. Snapshot

    Snakes are out!

    That thing is friggin huge. I hate rattlesnakes. If I saw one that big, all you would see of me is a dust trail.
  21. Snapshot


    One game away fom the title. And after the Cat's stomp the snot out of the Sundevils this coming football season, we should have the bragging rights .....for say.....hmmmmm....the next 50 years. WOOT WOOT!
  22. Snapshot

    What is this?

    So how many of you are trying to google it
  23. Snapshot

    Monsoon Forecast

    It's blistering hot this week. A construction worker died in Tucson yesterday from heat exhaustion. C'mon rains!
  24. Snapshot

    California SB1221

    I see alot of people here that are very passionate about wildlife, habitat, and the sport of hunting. That is a great thing. I have also seen how fired up sportsmen get, when someone tries to take away our public resources. Land, tags, access,etc. The biggest enemy we face is politicians and lobbyists. Our opposition is determined and well funded. Many times we lose because of liberal minded Judges. The greatest threat to our sport and anything else we hold dear, currently resides in the whitehouse. If sportsman become as passionate about defending our freedoms and rights fom politically abused policies, as they are about building trick tanks and drinkers, we could cut the head off the the politcal snake. (Figuratively speaking) Look at what some of the great guys here did against HB 2072. If we want to preserve our sport, and wildlife, we have to fight the political fight. We need to keep the liberal left wingers out of positions of power. I have already started to do my part. I will be doing some volunteer work for the Romney campaign, as well as some other things to make my voice heard. It may not be much, but if millions of other join the fight, a difference can be made. Politics are an evil that we have to deal with. I don' t like Politics either. But I am disgusted with the direction this once great nation is headed. Obama and his lapdogs need to go, Proud supporter of the Republican party/GOP.
  25. Snapshot

    A Call to Action...McDowell Mountain Preserve

    I find it extremely ironic that these people don't seem to realize that hunters are taxpayers also. Ban the hunters, and let the hikers have free reign.? I could understand it if it was a real safety concern.