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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    $1 million reward

    The Feds didn't give a dang about Brian Terry unitl Eric Holder got into hot water over fast and furious. It's all political whitewash. A good man lost his life because of actions by our sleazy government. That million dollars is nothing but blood money.
  2. Snapshot

    Tax dollars at work

    I am surprised they didn't take your trailcam
  3. Doesn't surprise me. I have seen alot of B.S here in Tucson. You drive by a City of Tucson project and you see five City of Tucson guy's watching one guy work. Or all the money they waste on the Rio Nuevo project, or the stupid electric street car deal, downtown. The fat needs to be trimmed at the city, state ,and federal level. All these jobs and projects get milked by lazy people, then they wonder why they run out of money. Thats what happens when you get a Democrat in charge. Scranton is going to be in a world of hurt when everyone quits their job. Oh wait......... Obama will bail out the city, just like he did with all the big Corps that milked the gravy train, while all the little people suffer and pay for it.
  4. Just another revenue enhancement scam
  5. Snapshot

    whats your effective range?

    60 yards max.
  6. Snapshot

    My 2012 Crazy Bear Hunt

    That is crazy. A big ole boar had a feast on your kill. That's a bummer. But at least you retrieved what was left. As far as crawling down a mine shaft.............not me!
  7. Snapshot

    Craigslist SCAMS

    Get them to send you a message using their email address. If you can obtain the "IP" , there are ways to find where they are located. You can also turn that info over to the FBI fraud division.
  8. I thought if it was street legal and registered as such you didn't need an OHV tag? OHV was just for those not registered. Nope. The OHV sticker is for any atv type vehicle or motorcycle that will be offroad on Federal, state, or BLM land, regardless if it is registered as street legal You can drive your street legal OHV on state county roads without an OHV sticker, but the minute you go off of maintained roads you fall under the OHV tag law. What is considered an off-highway vehicle for the purpose of obtaining the OHV Decal? An off-highway vehicle is any motor vehicle operated on unimproved roads, trails and approved use areas not suitable for conventional two-wheel-drive vehicular travel. Examples include: ATVs, ROVs, trail motorcycles and dirt bikes.
  9. Snapshot

    Special Commisioner's Coues Tag raises $15,000 for wildlife

    Very nice. I would think that a quality Coues tag would go for more, considering what the mule deer tags auction for. But it's great that the money is used for the wildlife! SCI does alot of great things worldwide.
  10. Snapshot

    Unit 27 Cam Pics

    Nice. The bear almost looks like it's sniffin your camera.
  11. Snapshot

    Couldn't stand

    Nice. I bet that buck grows into something big.
  12. Snapshot

    100 Books every man should read

    I liked reading the stories of Jim Corbett, especially the "Maneaters of Kumaon". If you like stories of maneating Tigers and Leopards, you can download for free from this link. It is based on British Imperial India in the early 1900's. http://archive.org/details/maneatersofkumao029903mbp
  13. Snapshot

    Unit 27 early rifle bull

    Awesome tag. I have not been up there yet to see the fire damage, have only seen photos. I do most of my hunting below the rim in 27. Even thought the majority of bull's migrate off the top by mid November, there are resident bulls down in the canyon country year round, as wells as groups of cow elk. Tough to hunt down there, but there is always a chance of a really big bull.
  14. Snapshot

    Roll Call

    Actually he posted on here not too long ago, but he is another "facebooker". He posts there all the time. I actually just saw him up in Payson the other day....saw a truck with RimView RV sticker on it and then saw the CouesWhitetail.com sticker and realized it must be him. Good to know he is o.k. I must have missed his post.
  15. Snapshot

    Roll Call

    "Gamehauler" .....not sure where he is at, have not seen him here in a long time?
  16. Snapshot

    June '12 Australia buffalo hunt

    Keep your eyes off the hotties.....your'e a married man!
  17. Snapshot

    June '12 Australia buffalo hunt

    Awesome. Those buffalo have some unique horns, How do the water buffalo compare to Cape Buffalo as far as "toughness"? Did you see any Banteng, or is that the scrub bull?
  18. Snapshot


    True. But results won't be available for about 3 weeks. More or less.
  19. Snapshot

    Roll Call

    Scott Adams ......and I am just adding to your list.
  20. A state department not using money for which it was intended? Imagine that! They were suppose to hire more OHV patrol personnel also. They fell short on that deal. I am glad the money for the expensive OHV sticker I am forced to buy is being spent on something else.
  21. Snapshot

    Craigslist SCAMS

    A face to face, cash transaction, should not be a problem as long as the seller has clear title. Just ask for an I.D to match against the title when they sign the back of it. You can also check VIN numbers.
  22. Snapshot

    100 Books every man should read

    The most important book not on the list......... "Men are from Mars. women are from Venus".
  23. Snapshot

    Craigslist SCAMS

    I just sold my PSE bow to a guy that responded to my craiglist add here in Tucson. He showed up at my place, drew the bow once, did not even hardly look at the bow, or try to negotiate a lower price. He pulled a wad of $20's out of his pocket, and I got real suspicous. I held everyone of the bills up to the sun to check for the indentifier strip. They were all legit.
  24. Snapshot

    Craigslist SCAMS

    Craigslist has become a real joke. The job section is bad too. Over 50% of job postings are fake. People Phishing for info and email adresses. One time I sold some stuff, and I kept getting responses if my computer was still for sale, and they were interested in overseas delivery. I did not advertise a computer. Alot of these originate from Nigeria, and Asia. "I will send you a cashiers check for more than your asking price, but you have to send me a check for the difference" Yeah buddy, I just fell off a turnip truck. In my adds I state that I will not respond to anyone that does not put their local phone number in the response. The scammers will still try and bait me.Then I really start to mess with them.
  25. SOme people are calling Roberts a traitor that caved in to political pressure. Others are calling him a genius for ruling as he did. I don't know if its a ploy to make us right wingers feel better, or just more cloak and dagger political propoganda?