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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. I think the feds are just afraid of our guns. If they take the guns, then they will get total domination and control over us, without our ability to fight back
  2. No disrespect to any law enforecement officers, but the term "Police Protection" is an oxymoron. Police ususally investigate the crime after it happens, and call somebody to come clean up the mess. There are not enough Police to cover everybody. I will take my chances with my own gun and smarts. If the day comes were I am owning and carrying my gun illegally........then so be it. I am not one of the spineless sheep that american liberalism is breeding.
  3. Grijalva is only one of a very long list, that needs to be shown the door.
  4. If Grijalva had his way, he would give Arizona back to Mexico. Nothing the POS Grijalva does surprises me. The stupidity, and ignorance, of these people never ceases to amaze me. Criminals will always find a way to get guns, even if they are taken away from everyone else.
  5. Snapshot

    Yellowfin Tuna Fishing - Hawaii

    Sounds fun! But you know it would fall on a weekend you had to work!! Oh no it won't. lol As of now my work schedule for next year has me working 4/10s with every weeekend off. No more missing projects, banquets, and our first ever San Diego Fishing Adventure. I wonder how many would sign up and who would be willing to put something like that together? TJ sounds like you should put it together then!! No thanks, just checked and I have to work that weekend. lol TJ Didn't you mention something about retiring next year?
  6. Snapshot

    AZ Big Game Super Raffle Winners!

    Your sounding alot like AZSFW.
  7. Snapshot

    AZ Big Game Super Raffle Winners!

    O.K. We make it residents only, and double the price for the raffle tickets. Problem solved! I shouldn't talk, cuz I dont even buy the raffle tickets. I spend my few available bucks on lottery.
  8. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    The news just said almost 2" within 15 minutes somwhere on the west side? A tree just smashed through someones house. Ouch!
  9. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    Hail, power outages, 60 mph winds. batten down the hatches Phoenix, it's coming your way.
  10. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    I take it back. Big storm right now.
  11. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    Mid town tucson.Speedway/Columbus
  12. Snapshot

    Lion And Mule Deer are Complete

    It sure is a nice mount. Good to see you Tony!
  13. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    BIG storm in Tucson right now.
  14. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    Maybe it's just me, but it just seems like a lack of rain where I am at.
  15. Snapshot

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    I think nost of the rain has been falling outside of Tucson, in the mountain ranges/valleys. There have only been 2 good rains ion central Tucson, and they were short lived.
  16. Snapshot

    AZ Big Game Super Raffle Winners!

    They need to make it for Arizona residents only. But then again, I am slightly biased.
  17. Snapshot

    What made you laugh today:-)

    Thats funny. My sister has a big pitbull named "Tank", and he's built like one. But he is a big ol'e teddy bear. I used to laugh at some of the things my dog did also. Always made my day! Even though it was 4 years ago. When I was married we had two cats and dog. My cat "Oliver" who I just called "Bubba", was a street urchin that I rescued and brought home. One night I was sitting in the recliner eating a bowl of red chili con carne and tortillas. "Bubba" decided he wanted to be on my lap and jumped right into the bowl of chili. Chili went flying, the cat went flying. It was pretty funny watching Bubba trying to lick himself clean of spicy chile.
  18. Snapshot

    Need the opinion of any AC techs

    I used to have a similar system. I lost cooling temp and had a guy I know come out with a "sniffer" . He found a samll leak in a condenser inside the house unit. He added freon and was good to go. He said I could replace theleaky condenser part eventually for about $300?
  19. Snapshot

    What? No guess the Time/Date Contest?

    Friday July27, by 5:00 P.M
  20. Snapshot

    Who is shooting a 6.5mm

    I think the 6.5 x 284 would be my next choice, if I went custom. It's an interesting cartridge. I read that it became popular back in the 90's as a 1000 yard competiton shooter because of it's inherent accuracy. I have never shot one, so I don't really know either way. I also read that barrel life is about 1200 rounds on average.
  21. Snapshot

    Come see this GIANT buck!!

    Certainly is a very unique buck
  22. kind of like the coming of a "Zombie apocalypse", except it will be the governement trying to eat us instead.
  23. I figured a Birthday wish is in order for our esteemed CWT member, firstcoueswas80. Got you a litle present (which I will probably get in trouble for) Enjoy the antlers
  24. Cuz dictators get to choose who they enforce their will upon. If the taxpayer is forced to do this, then Obama and congress should lead by example and be subject to the same. Our government can't put their money where their mouth is.......keep that bootheel firmly on the necks of the working american. Our government is turning into what our forefathers came to America to get away from.
  25. Snapshot

    San Carlos Lake CLOSED... 7/12/12

    It takes a long time to grow a 62 pound catfish like the ones in the pictures.