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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    G&F Updating Website

    Now I know how my parents felt during family road trip vacations. "Are we there yet"......:How many more miles"?........."Are we there yet"?..............
  2. Snapshot

    G&F Updating Website

    Nope. Its a bad sign. The system is going to crash.....................wait for it!
  3. I hope so Brian. Then maybe all this tiresome whining and bitching will end. With 2 seperate draws, we have to deal with the whining and bitching twice a year.
  4. Snapshot

    Keeping OHV Secure while hunting - How?

    I had a great big, thick, chain, with a paddle lock with a shroud that cannot be cut. I run it through both rear rims. Pull the spark plug wire off the spark plug. I worry more about vandalism, then theft.
  5. Snapshot

    Some advice

    If you can get him to hobble up a ridge, or hilltop, to sit and glass, it would be better than nothing.
  6. Snapshot


    Don't be sayin stuff like that without providing PICTURES! It's Man Law ya know!
  7. Snapshot

    Got my mount back this week

    Very nice.
  8. Snapshot

    Colorado's San Juans

    Nice. I have taken the Durango to Silverton narrow gauge train a couple times during my trips in the summer. Some great back country scenery.
  9. Snapshot

    Hunting with the aid of a Vehicle

    Last time I ever talked to a G&F manager was 2005. I was on a 3rd choice hunt in unit 30B. I had already taken my deer to the check station for CWD, and then to Tucson to the butcher, and then went back to camp. My dad was out roaming around, and the G&F officer pulled into camp, I was just doing dishes and such. I said hello, and we got to talkng. I asked if wanted to see my license, and he said no. He was a pretty cool guy. He pulled out his digital camera and showed me some pics of a couple nices Mulies some guys had got down by Bisbee. We chatted for about 15 minutes, and then he left. In Montana last summer, I was fishing Hebgen lake and got confronted by a Wildlife Officer, and he gave me a hard time. HE checked my truck for fish, he accused me of not being a legal resident, even though I had all the credentials. Told me it would go alot easier if I confessed.?????????? Really. Told him I had a years worth of evidence to prove my residency, and I would gladly show it to a Judge if he thought I was a liar. You never know what you will get.
  10. Snapshot


  11. I agree. Obama is a seriously misguided individual. A global government would make our forefathers roll over in their graves. Sad days ahead for our country, if Obama gets re-elected. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/21/mass-shooting-prompts-calls-from-capitol-hill-and-beyond-for-tighter-gun-laws/?test=latestnews
  12. 2nd amendment in the crosshairs. Obama and his Dem-Dogs have to be salivating over this. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/07/20/un-arms-treaty-aims-at-terror-but-puts-second-amendment-in-crosshairs/
  13. Snapshot

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    Yep. And I will be hunting mule deer in Zimbabwe.
  14. Snapshot

    Hunting with the aid of a Vehicle

    I saw G&F setting up a decoy deer on the Eagle Creek road in Unit 27 many years ago. I would be curious as too how many guys they ticketed for road hunting. I don't road hunt so I wouldn't know how somone would interpret the use of a vehicle.
  15. Snapshot

    Black Bear Mount

    Outstanding. Nice full body mount,with landscape
  16. Snapshot

    Bank of America

    I was reading an article on the internet about the top 10 companies with the worst customer service, and most complaints. Bank of America was rated #1, the worst of the worst.
  17. Snapshot

    my first run in with cwt.com

    Unless I was physically handicapped, I would be pretty ticked off if I was on an a guided elk hunt, and was driven around in an OHV all day.
  18. Yep. The liberals are quick to jump on this. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reagancoalition.com%2Farticles%2F2012%2F20120720008-pushing-control.html&h=jAQEZLyrAAQHadlR6_mdHASs8He3Fw_JIgFNqCnss9mM7Ng
  19. Snapshot

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    This year....elk hunting.....only in my dreams.
  20. And look at the tragic mass murder shooting in Colorado yesterday. What a sad waste of life, and my thoughts and prayer go out to all the families of the victims. Call me a "conspiracy theorist" but there have been alot of mass shootings in the last year and a half. The kid in Colorado had assualt rifle, semi-auto handguns and possibly an assualt shotgun. The exact type of guns that the feds would like to take away. This is fuel for the gun-control fire. Who's not to say some covert op is not making certain things happen to gain sympathy and support for radical gun control law. I know it sounds crazy, but the CIA and others have done far worse in the past, much of which was not proven, but we know it happened. Thoughts?
  21. Snapshot

    New Member

    Howdy, and welcome aboard!
  22. Snapshot

    Card got hit today!

    That is fantastic. Hope you find that sheep of a lifetime!
  23. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday TJ!

    Happy Birthday, WOOT WOOT! Got you a cake. Wash it down with a few cold birthday brews!
  24. Seriously what is the deal with Obama protecting this guy?? Federal corruption lords always protect one another, epsecially when they are birds of the same feather. If Holder was a white conservative, Obama would have thrown him under the bus as a martyr already.
  25. But with enough cash, I am certain we could still get guns from Eric Holder and the ATF.