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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Just a little PETA joke.

    That would make a great billboard across the street from the PETA headquarters.
  2. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Willhunt4coues

    Happy birthday. Enjoy your day!
  3. Snapshot

    Another New Zealand adventure!!!

    Awseome pics, and great trophy's. New Zealand is one of the places on my bucket list.
  4. Snapshot

    Pair of Monster Bucks!!!

    Nice. What wood is the pedstal made of. Mesquite? Stained pine? Just curious.
  5. Snapshot

    Robin Hood!

    Robin Hoods make ya feel god on accuracy, but they do make the wallet lighter.
  6. Snapshot

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I don't understand why this would be an issue. If a hunter wants to purchase mineral blocks and lug the heavy things into their hunting area, what's it going to hurt? I could understand if bait or blocks had an adverse effect on the wildlife or environment. I don't use bait or blocks, but you would think that mineral licks would help provide wildlife with added nutrients. G&F builds watering spots for animals, whats the difference?
  7. Snapshot

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I would whip out my copy of the reg's and ask him to show me which statute makes it illegal. Threats and intimidation tactics should be reported, however, the brotherhood protects it's own. Kind of like makng a complaint against a police officer. It always gets swept under.
  8. Snapshot

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

  9. Snapshot

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    It's rare to get a bull in velvet, let alone a monster like that. What is the expiration date on the Gov's tag? Just curious.
  10. Snapshot

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    So how many people were involved in getting this bull?
  11. Snapshot

    Mitutoyo 6" Digital Calipers

    Mitutoyo CD 6" C Digital Calipers - $60.00 Great for precision reloading - Good Condition
  12. Snapshot

    Mitutoyo 6" Digital Calipers

  13. Snapshot

    Fly Fishing all over CO:)

    Awesome.! My best fish on a fly in Colorado was 24" Rainbow on the Taylor river below the dam. I hooked, and lost, what was probably a good 10lb. fish in that section also. Mysis shrimp was the key fly. Took a float down the Gunnison and caught alot of fish.
  14. Snapshot

    How close would you let it get?

    You don't have to be a fast runner.......just faster than the person you are with.
  15. Snapshot

    Trail camera thiefs

    A camo trail cam
  16. Snapshot

    Smoking trout

    Applewood is good. Hickory and Mesquite add a little smoky flavory.
  17. Snapshot

    Trail camera thiefs

    Booby traps would solve the problem
  18. Snapshot

    Hitchhiker Story!

    You should have made him ride in the back with the dang bag
  19. Snapshot


    Delicious. I got married in Jamaica. Thats the only Island in that entire region that I have ever been too. Barabdos looks pretty darn nice.
  20. Snapshot


    Nice. Is that some kind of Lobster on your spear?
  21. Robbing Peter to pay Paul http://www.foxnews.c...orkers-pension/
  22. Snapshot

    It's Official

    Excellent. I hope you have a fantastic hunt.
  23. Snapshot


    For $5, I will tell you when the results will be available.