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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Thoughts on Baiting

    I am surprised that nobody at G&F has figured out the baiting solution (Capitalize on it)............ SELL BAITING PERMITS. SHhhhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone at G$F.
  2. Felony speeding? I have never heard of that. To be honest they received more punishment then i thought they would. They should have gotten a much worse punishment then they did. I guess they call it criminal speeding now, and not so much a felony. Persons found guilty of excessive speed face much stiffer penalties than a civil-action ticket, with the possibility of up to 30 days in jail and a maximum fine of $500, as defined by §13-707(A)(3) and §13-802©. Additional assessments of up to 60 percent of the ticket may be levied by the court as per §12-116.01 Read more: About Arizona Criminal Speeding Laws | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6679852_arizona-criminal-speeding-laws.html#ixzz24NCbLXbz
  3. I hate to throw any sportsman or camper(s) under the bus, but this does nothing to send the proper message to people. "Campfires can be dangerous and destructive" These guys were extremely careless, and cost the taxpayer $75 million, plus destroyed a forest and property that will never be the way it was within the next 4 or 5 lifetimes. You can get in more trouble for felony speeding, than burning 500,000 acres. Only in America!
  4. Snapshot

    Thoughts on Baiting

    The G&F has secret agendas? Say it isn''t so.
  5. Snapshot

    Thoughts on Baiting

    Just wait. Pretty soon someone is going to invent laser guided "smart bullets". Slap them into a gun mounted on a claw/tripod. Heck, hunters won't even have to leave the road.
  6. Snapshot

    I am a bug magnet...

    Something with lots of Deet.
  7. Snapshot

    Thoughts on Baiting

    On the postive side......it might eliminate the fights over the water hole rights.LOL
  8. Snapshot

    Deep Sea trip

  9. Be careful there you may end up with an unwanted visit from the Men in Black Suits The "Men in Black" don't scare me.
  10. Snapshot

    Thoughts on Baiting

    I remember the "Good ole days" in unit 27, and the any antlered tags (Lots of them). I remember many hunting trips, and never saw a whitetail for years.
  11. Obama certainly is full of himself....or something else. Maybe that thing will blow up in his face.......one can only hope!!
  12. Snapshot

    Smack Down on San Carlos

    Awesome. Nice bear. Glad it worked out for you!
  13. Snapshot

    Thoughts on Baiting

    I don't use bait, and it is a moot point with me. But I understand if overharvest is the reasoning behind a bait ban. However, if G&F is so concerned about lowering harvest numbers, why did they add extra rifle hunts and tags in various units? For example: I have seen October whitetail tags in unit 27 go from 250 available tags, up to 600 this last year, a 240% increase in about 5 years. I understand that each unit is managed by varying data, but why should archery hunters be penalized for the sake of opportunity vs. success rate? It's like the lottery agencies wanting to sell tickets, but they don't want anybody to win.
  14. +1 moderation stay in shape all year and you also be healthy all year!! Lucky me. I come from good German stock with some French and Irish tossed in for good measure. I haven't had so much as a sniffle in years, never broken anything and don't think I've had a head ache in 30 years. At 5'10" and 175 I think "bugs" just move on to a more substantial host. LOL Your one of the lucky ones. I must be a more substantial host. I have been suffering from a summer cold bug all weekend. How in the heck does a person get sick in August?
  15. Snapshot

    Early in late out

    No. Even though a LEO could question you (They always do). As long as you have a valid hunting license, no problemo.
  16. I am sitting here guzzling a Monster. Getting ready to make bacon and Eggs. Diet? What diet? My cholesterol level is off the charts. The nice thing about where I hunt, it is steep. If I have a coronary half way up the ridge, at least I might roll to the bottom where someone can find my carcass.
  17. Snapshot

    We new this was coming

    This would be hilarious if it were not true. They are not illegal immigrants, they are undocumented democrats! Very true. How else will Obama get his votes, and strengthen his cause. Our welfare king loves illegals.
  18. Snapshot

    We new this was coming

    Wonder how that can so glaring go un noticed...............can't see the forest for the trees.......or in this case.........can't see the wash for the trash..................genius...sheer genius those guys are................. It's because they are liberal nutjobs. Too them, it's o.k if our country is invaded by illegals. They love their circle of socialism. Us honest and hardworking sportsman are the enemy.
  19. Snapshot

    We new this was coming

    Thats how the enemy works. When they can't attack directly, they will find a back door.
  20. Snapshot

    Dall Sheep 2012 Part I

    Nice! Looking forward to reading about your adventure.
  21. I am working on a resort rennovation project here in Tucson. It gives me LOTS of excercise. As far as diet, the first thing I need to do is quit drinking Monster energy. I use it as a crutch, and drink way too much of the garbage to keep me going.
  22. Snapshot

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I personally feel that hunting has become way to technical. Baiting is just another harvest tool for those that feel the need to use it. If G&F does not want an unfair harvest advantage, then they would have to outlaw Bait, Trailcams, long range shooting, fast bows, blinds, tree stands, hunting over water, etc, etc, etc, etc. Where does it end.? Pretty soon, sportsman will be darting animals with GPS tracking devices to be able to monitor the animal 24/7, unitl hunting season arrives, then sportsman will cry foul when that is outlawed. It seems alot of hunters want the easy path to success. I do not, and will not, use bait. It makes no difference to me if it becomes outlawed. If others want to use it, so be it. Enjoy the hunt, See the forest through the trees.
  23. Snapshot

    Chick Filet

    I am a Homophobe, and Lib hater. People can call me what they want.
  24. Snapshot

    Unit 30B Help Request

    I have taken a few deer out of 30B, and know some spots pretty well, but I won't give up my hidey holes. Like alot of places, you got to get away from the roads and main trails. Lots of weekend warriors, and rock climbers, and hikers out there on the west face when the weather is nice. Don't overlook some of the riparian areas in the big washes. Lots of cover, and places to hide, still hunting techniques.
  25. Snapshot

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    Went to help some in-laws hunting about 5 years ago. Their reason to go hunting was to get away from the wives and drink beer. They didn't like it that I made them work to get a deer. There was a whole pack of them. 2 Uncles, they're sons, grandsons, cousins. I looked like a human smuggler leading a big group of dark haired people through the bush.