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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Snake Huntin

    Very cool old photo.
  2. Snapshot

    LV Football Trip

    Cool bit of history Tony. I dig those shoes your running in I never did get into High School football, although I wish I had. I did play little league football as a tight end.
  3. I have bought alot of parts from Rock Auto (Online) They have decent prices on rebuilt crate engines
  4. Snapshot


    Oh yeah. This year ASU......GETS CRUSHED.....by the kitties. Meowww Baby!
  5. Snapshot

    Pick Pocket

    Nice pics........... And here I thought it was going to be a post on someones wallet getting lifted
  6. Snapshot

    Big Buck Down

    Awesome pics. Nice buck for sure.
  7. Snapshot

    Unit 21 Antelope

    Great story, and nice buck!
  8. Snapshot

    Giant Nevada velvet buck!

    Outstanding.! That is a whole lot of velvet right there!
  9. Napalitano is as useless as Obama. At least Jan Brewer has guts.
  10. Snapshot

    Pencil Holder

  11. Dictator Obama likes to make up his own rules. They know we can't hold them accountable. We would have to get past the the armed forces to throw out the abusers in Washington D.C. They know they are safe.
  12. Snapshot

    WOW What is it???

    If we could be so lucky.!
  13. I was listening to radio about how Obama was doing a fund raiser in Nevada......who donates money to that guy?? Crazy stuff for sure.....I don't get it........ It was more important for Obama to Jet off to Vegas for his celebrity fund raiser, than it was for him to properly address the attack on US Consulates. This guy is such a fake and a poser. He has half the voters fooled.
  14. O.K. I deleted my comments on the Thermal imaging thread, as I don't want to create an off tangent debate, or hard feelings, on someone elses thread.(Sorry Coach) I am somewhat old school in my way of hunting. I don't use the latest and greatest technology. Don't need it, don't want it. With the exception of the new bow I will buy BUt I am talking electronic technology, and not mechanical. Has the quest for succesful hunting, and inches, gotten to the point where hunters are now relying so much on high tech gear, that the true spirit and essence of hunting is lost? What happened to the good old days? I can understand the desire to harvest the biggest animal on the mountain. I can understand the desire to have a massive racked animal hanging on the wall. How much is enough? But my question is "Where does it end"? Is the day going to come where a hunter doesn't even have to leave their recliner because they can harvest animals by sattelite tracking or some other form of super duper techno whizbang gizmo. Sounds silly doesn't it? Just wait. Someone will always market something to get money out of a hunter, if it makes harvesting an animal a less sweaty adventure. I am an avid flyfisherman.,but I don't need, or use, underwater cameras, thermal imaging, miniature submarines, or what not to catch fish. Every year I see dozens of new fly patterns hit the market. Most are spinoffs of old patterns. But just the same old bug being packaged in a different form. These flies are designed to catch fisherman, becuase it's the "Latest and greatest" fly pattern. Flyfisherman think that they will catch the biggest and most fish with these new flies. So they buy them. I can still catch just as many fish on fly patterns designed 50 years ago, without paying the premium price for the new whiz bang fly. It's all in the effort. Case in point on hunting technology- Don't give the Feds, State agencies, or Anti groups an excuse to try and REGULATE.OR BAN. It creates an avalanche effect. First one thing ..then another.....and another...... But then again, thats just me.
  15. Snapshot

    Let's not forget....11 years ago today

    Exactly right. Why does the USA keep helping these countries that hate us???????? Let them fend for themselves, and reap what they sow. Take care of our own! To think being nice to your enemies is going to win them over as friends is flawed foreign policy.
  16. Snapshot

    U of A Football

    So what did everyone think of the U of A / Oklahoma game. Fluke.....or sign of good things ahead.? Will we beat the Sundevils twice this year? Take the Pac10? Big name Bowl game?
  17. Snapshot

    Hunting Technology. How much is enough?

    I won't be surprised if hunters start doing that..
  18. Snapshot

    Let's not forget....11 years ago today

    Yes indeed. It was a sad day. There was a secondary tragedy involved in 9/11. 350 of the ground zero rescue personnel have lost their lives to cancer and respiratory diseases because of the toxic conditions in which they worked. They lost their lives afterward, because of the lives they saved.
  19. Snapshot

    Hunting Technology. How much is enough?

    "Sucker"....Is that what they call them here? In Africa they call them "Porters". Just a polite word for "Carry all my stuff" I will take one of those Gizmos
  20. Snapshot

    U of A Football

    The playing twice, was a trick question
  21. Snapshot

    Hunting Technology. How much is enough?

    Maybe that time of the month But it is still my duty to turn hunters away from the dark side of the force. and........Obama.
  22. Snapshot

    What mosquitoe repellents work best?

    They are bad here in central Tucson also. Everytime I open the door, a couple of the bloodsuckers find their way in and impale me all night.