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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Interesting BAN!!!

    I would buy a, big ole boom box, crank up "onward Christian soldier", and then tell the Condo association to suck it.
  2. Snapshot

    Taxes and Trump

    I just checked online, and 2009 was the last time a budget was approved. The last time the Feds had a balanced budget, was 2001. Slick Willy was President.
  3. Snapshot

    Taxes and Trump

    How about trimming fat to balance the budget before any new things are purchased/promised/paid-for? All I ask is for a balanced budget. I have seen very little of Trump or anyone else working on trimming anything at all. The Republican party used to claim to be fiscally conservative. No more though. This kind of thing just frustrates me like you won't believe. I am absolutely sickened by politics. S. 8 We haven't seen a budget out of Washington in how long.? I don't think those idiots know what one is. As a business man, Trump should. Trump has been cutting funding to foreign countries, as well as the worthless U.N. I bet that we could eliminate 40- 50% of the Federal government, and still function quite well, if a fire was lit under the butts of the remaining 50%. The "do nothing" Congress, is the biggest roadblock. They are all afraid of having to stick to a budget.
  4. Snapshot

    Interesting BAN!!!

    Atheist Nazi's.
  5. Snapshot

    Taxes and Trump

    The establishment goons in D.C, don't like Trump, because he wants to trim the fat out of big government. Trimming the fat would help pay for many positive things.
  6. Snapshot

    Taxes and Trump

    I noticed the increase the 2nd week of February.
  7. Snapshot

    What a bunch of hypocrites.

    The Hollywood cesspool is another echo chamber that makes billions off of movies, with the very guns that they would like to see banned. The Corporate, and political arena, has become such a quagmire of buffoonery, and bullshit, it makes my brain hurt thinking about the collective stupidity of the blue Kool-aid drinkers.
  8. Snapshot

    Taxes and Trump

    According to Nancy Pelosi, Trump is just giving us "Crumbs", from the tax plan. Ironic, how my paychecks were smaller under the Democrat administration. A lot of crumbs add up Nancy.
  9. Snapshot

    Trips to the Valley

    Just slap a few Trump stickers on the back of that Vegan mobile.
  10. Snapshot

    How bout them Devils!

    .... I bet the ASU women's badminton team is doing well!
  11. Snapshot

    How bout them Devils!

    There's womens basketball???? About as exciting as Lawn bowling
  12. Snapshot

    How bout them Devils!

    So does a lot of inmates Sean Miller can afford better lawyers.
  13. Snapshot

    How bout them Devils!

    Yep. ESPN is the CNN of the sports world.
  14. Snapshot

    How bout them Devils!

    Miller has denied the allegations. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. The Cats need to take down Stanford.
  15. Snapshot

    2nd Amendment.....what is it?

    The 2nd amendment, is something that the Democrat's want to abolish.
  16. As long as your trail cam is not INFRINGING on my privacy, you can have as many as you like. I don't GAF about that.It is public land. True enough, but that doesn't mean that certain people have to like it.
  17. As long as your trail cam is not INFRINGING on my privacy, you can have as many as you like. I don't GAF about that.2018, government spying on everyone in numerous ways and you're worried about my cam on an azgfd tank in the woods. Sad You are twisting the issue. I don't like the NSA, or big brother spying on me. I don't like traffic cameras spying on me either.
  18. As long as your trail cam is not INFRINGING on my privacy, you can have as many as you like. I don't GAF about that.
  19. "Snapshot" doesn't like cameras?Never used one, never will.Didn't expect to have to make the "just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others cant" discussion with you.2 cents.Aren't you always bitching about government? Now you want more government? Interesting.How anyone managed to hunt big game before trail cameras came along, is one of life's big mysteries.Do you have any grasp on what we're actually talking about?Government infringement. And suddenly you're all for it.... Says the guy that works for the Federal government.? I just don't like trail cams. I have a right to that opinion, even if others don't agree. If you use them legally, that's your business, and not mine. I just have a problem with my picture being taken in the woods by a camera. IMO..Hunting is the last bastion of solitude... Or at least it used to be.
  20. "Snapshot" doesn't like cameras?Never used one, never will.Didn't expect to have to make the "just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others cant" discussion with you.2 cents.Aren't you always bitching about government? Now you want more government? Interesting.How anyone managed to hunt big game before trail cameras came along, is one of life's big mysteries. Do you have any grasp on what we're actually talking about? Government infringement.
  21. Trump has been talking to Feinstein? That says it all right there. I guess Trump doesn't want a second term.
  22. "Snapshot" doesn't like cameras?Never used one, never will.Didn't expect to have to make the "just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others cant" discussion with you.2 cents. Aren't you always bitching about government? Now you want more government? Interesting. How anyone managed to hunt big game before trail cameras came along, is one of life's big mysteries.
  23. Snapshot

    Trophy hunter and longshooter?

    That's an insult too the monkey.
  24. Snapshot

    Maybe it is time

    Yeah..because raising the age to 21 will keep anything like this from happening again.
  25. "Snapshot" doesn't like cameras?Never used one, never will. Didn't expect to have to make the "just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others cant" discussion with you. 2 cents.