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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    running a S/N without probable cause is a clear violation of the SCOTUS decison in AZ V. Hicks. AZ V Hicks found that running serial numbers found that have no bearing on the original crime/search are considered a separate search. Therefore, there must be probable cause to do so. If I'm stopped for speeding, runnin the SN of my firearms is completely separate from the original stop and therefore a separate search. Lots of grey area involved in this. This info is from another site.
  2. Snapshot

    Round 2

    That seems to be the trend these days. We are considered. "Racist", if we criticize Obama, or anyone else. It's O.K for everyone to bash the whiteman, but God forbid if we say anything about people of color. Well.....I am off to work. Gotta protect my tools......listen to spanish, and mexican radio all day. God..... I love working in the United States of Mexico.
  3. Snapshot

    Debate #3

    Obama lives in a bubble
  4. Snapshot

    Round 2

    According to Obama, everything is Bush's fault. Where have we heard that before. Each President, with the exception of maybe Reagan, blames the President before him.And they all have the predecessors mess to clean up, I will get back to you with some failure facts on Bush. Democrats always run amuck with spending I wouldn't want to be a President.
  5. Snapshot

    Round 2

    THe little brown horde of illegals at a jobsite. They would all scatter like quail if border patrol ever showed up.. Some of them have obtained quite a tool collection for themselves,,,,,,at the expense of honest hardworking men. The company is to blame for hiring people of questionable citizenship. Thats why I will be leaving there soon. I don't like illegals, and I hate thieves, AS far as Obama, the man is a scumbag, and a fraud, I could care less how brown he is. A trained monkey could be a better President. Obama himself, has escalated racism to a new level.
  6. Snapshot

    Round 2

  7. Snapshot

    Round 2

    Did you hear the latest? Iran claims that Obama supports their Nuclear rights.
  8. Snapshot

    Pack animals??

    Do you have to use lead ropes, or do they just follow you?
  9. Snapshot

    Round 2

  10. Snapshot

    Round 2

  11. Snapshot

    Round 2

    I don't even feel like watching round 3. Bad day at work again. Another tool stolen by one of the little brown horde. Somebody is gonna get a whoopin...... when I catch them. Time to setup a trail cam.
  12. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday, Phil

    Hope you have a great day!
  13. Snapshot

    Has this ever happened to one of your dogs?

    Sorry about the loss of your friend. I have lost a half dozen dogs over the years, but always after an illness. Never suddenly. I guess all we can hope for. is a quick and painless passing for our pets. They are our friends, and companions. All good dogs go to heaven.
  14. Snapshot


    Saw all the U of A players at La Paloma today. They stay there the night before each homegame. GO CATS!
  15. Snapshot

    Happy birthday Pine Donkey

    Happy Birthday Pine Donkey. Hope your day was good to you. Good cake, Cold beer? You need to tell us how you arrived at the name "Pine Donkey"?
  16. Snapshot

    Happy birthday Pine Donkey

    Sorry TJ. I didn't see the one you put in campfire.
  17. Thats funny. My dog would fart, and then leave the room,
  18. Snapshot


    So what's your point? UofA sucks thats it!!! All that matters at the end of a game, is the scoreboard. Assu got manhandled also.
  19. Snapshot

    funny for us not peta

  20. Snapshot


    So what's your point?
  21. Snapshot

    Had a big day last Thursday

    Congratulations !. You have a very beautiful bride. I wish you both the very best!
  22. Snapshot

    Paul Ryan -code name Bowhunter

    Nice. We need a guy like Ryan in the Whitehouse
  23. Snapshot

    Round 2

    Obama is probably behind it somehow. Actually I am quite surprised that some "good ole boy" has not tried to take out Obama.
  24. Snapshot

    Round 2

    Obama has run out of positive campaign options, All he can do now is attack Romney's character, as If Obama had any character of his own.
  25. Snapshot

    Round 2

    But here is the good news for anyone that actually believes in Polls http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/18/romney-opens-up-6-point-lead-over-obama-as-campaigns-hunker-down-in-swing/