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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    When I can swing the money. I am going to find a good little quad trailer
  2. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    Thanks! It buckled my tailgate also. I think that saved me from serious injury.
  3. Snapshot

    New York Bow Season...So Far

    Nice. Awesome buck.Looks like a nice fall in NY.
  4. Snapshot

    New Contest

    Bad blisters ruin your day in a hurry. Especially when you have a long hike out. Every step creates a new dimension in pain
  5. Snapshot

    Learned my Lesson

    Nice buck. I also learned the hard way about having my rifle too far away.
  6. Snapshot

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    I was always the camp cook for my Dad and I. I always come back to camp after dark. I would be slogging my way up the side of a steep canyon and my Dad would be calling me on the radio asking when I'm going to be back to cook dinner. God Bless his soul. One thing that annoys me more than anything, is other hunters camping to close to me. There are hundreds of square miles of area in a unit, but there are times when someone feels they have to camp fifty yards away from you? Whats up with that. One year there was a group of guys partying all night with loud music until the wee hours. My Dad got up early,and went ripping through their camp with his ATV,,revving the motor and being as loud as he could, and yelling. Here I thought we might have a war on our hands, but they got the point.
  7. Snapshot

    Rattlesnake Bite

    I used to watch that show "Venom ER". It is a real eye opener to see the nasty aftermath of a bad snake bite. It was almost a $1000 a vial for antivenom, and real bad cases took as many as a 8 vials or more. I get real freaky around Rattlesnakes. Too many close calls. Had one strike, and miss my hand by an inch. It's head actually brushed the side of my hand during the strike. Always look underneath what you are picking up off the ground.
  8. Snapshot

    Floor Pedestal Mulie

    Outstanding workmanship. I hope someday I can use your services.
  9. Snapshot

    az prop 120

    I am not so sure I am for Prop 120 anymore.? After reading about the money it would take Arizona to manage these lands, in a cash strapped state, it seems it could be a pitfall. It's hard enough to keep various department funds from being swept into the general budget, without adding greater expenses? Between a rock and a hard place
  10. Snapshot

    AzGFD taking a stand for hunters

    One of the best things, "Not to do", is publicize any Jaguar sightings. If Arizona took control of lands under prop 120, how would it relate to this situtation? Any thoughts?
  11. Snapshot

    Opening day personal best

    Nice buck! I can sympathize with the blisters.
  12. Snapshot

    az prop 120

    I am surprised more people here are not worrried about Romney/Ryan selling off public land. I have brought this up before. http://www.nwf.org/N...blic-Lands.aspx quote from GOP platform website....sounds like selling off of our public lands to me: In this context, Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government’s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership. http://www.gop.com/2...atform_America/ THe land issue is one of things I am concerned about with the Romney/Ryan ticket. However, another 4 years of Obama would be much worse,, in the grand scheme of things.
  13. Snapshot

    az prop 120

  14. Snapshot

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    Explain why people are being self righteous? Are we self righteous because we want to stand up for our rights, and don't like LEO's invading our personal space and freedoms. Or are you a LEO, and simply find certain comments offensive.? Self righteousness keeps us from becoming "Sheeple"
  15. agree and rather than wasting time playing the blame game, do something constructive and contact your representatives, the appropriate committee chairs, etc.... and tell THEM you are disappointed and want something done about it. I'm pretty sure none of them will read your passing blame game snippits on this forum. ALready been doing it for along time. Writing letters , emails, contacts, etc. If congress would get their heads out of their rear ends, and start doing an acceptable job, we wouldn't have to play the blame game! Would we? As long as somebody at any level wastes our tax dollars, they are going to get blamed, As well they should.
  16. Snapshot

    Be Safe

    Yes indeed. Stay safe and enjoy that hunt. I wish I could be out there, but have to wait. Out of commission for a few days until I can see the foot specialist, and figure out what is wrong. Can hardly make it through the day with pain. So I couldn't hike on a hunt right know. anyway.
  17. Snapshot

    Trail cam pics

    Macho C?
  18. Bring sunscreen I remember the old days, and frost on the desert floor. That global warming sure is a myth.
  19. Snapshot

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    I have seen it many times, where LEO's, and the judicial system use a person's ignorance of the law to get away with things they normally wouldn't be able to. They can keep thier dang hands off my guns.
  20. We can thank Obama and the Democrats. Spend..Spend...Spend,,Take,,,Take,,Take. But then again...a majority of house republicans voted for it
  21. Snapshot

    SPOT - (Not the dog)

    Yes. Signal sent via sattelite
  22. Snapshot

    SPOT - (Not the dog)

    I have been considering one of these for some time. Just haven't bought one. AS Amanda said, get the rescue insurance, Getting airlifted by helicopter is expensive. I think it was about $30K, when my Dad got airlifted by Cochise county. Health insurance may not cover it.
  23. Snapshot

    Rattlesnake Bite

    For the warm season, I have a pair of Cabela's snake boots that go most of the way up the shin. They are comfortable, and work good from being impaled on cactus as well.
  24. Snapshot

    Round 2

    I should say that Bush was not a total failure, but some very questionable things happened on his watch. http://www.bushtoll.com/